
I hate people as much as I hate anti-facters Facts are everything! Knowledge is power!


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  • Lmao you correct my grammar? Sorry to offend your grammar issue but due to that this entire message has been not taken seriously. You are like a child who is mad that I don't care as much as you. I'm sorry if my opinion hurts your fragile constitution but I lost interest in that atrocity of a statement as soon as you went…
  • Actually I main killer and I don't think survivors need a buff or killers need a nerf. I think its fine to play the way you want to but don't complain when a survivor out smarts you and loops you when a killer can camp and tunnel. Camping and tunneling are not against the rules technically but targeting is and when you do…
  • No if you read the patch notes it gave nothing to the survivors! In fact it only changed the names of certain perks and gave accurate percentages rather than saying moderate or slight it gives accurate information! I not only looked up the patch notes but I copy and pasted them to many people. Not a single survivor got a…
  • They didn't buff any of the survivors this time so I don't know why you think that you can plainly see it in the patch notes. As far as I can tell they exchanged Deathslingers ads system for something else some people are finding it hard to use him. I can't say he got a huge buff but a few of his things got a slight buff.…
  • I can agree that devs don't really have an idea what they are doing. It kinda feels like they are just doing random things to see what sticks.
  • It's not called tunneling what I was speaking of its called targeting I guess. I didn't know the name of it. Someone else informed me.
  • I want to see a werewolf! I think it would be cool if they made a bulky dog like creature that can leap over the walls to get survivors! Or even crawl over the walls! I want it to (like the pig) have no terror radius while like this! I want it to howl! I would gladly give up pig for a wolfy!
  • Well they aren't completely wrong.. I feel for them.
  • I think he needs some love but I have seen some really good Deathslingers. But I have heard of the ads being bad on him right now. With any luck they will fix it up soon.
  • Ok I can roll with that, it was awhile ago but I reported someone for sending inappropriate messages and the one that responded told me that this was the only way it could be considered bannable. I was unaware it was called targeting. Thank you for clearing that up!
  • How is being toxic in the game any different than being toxic out of the game? I know what the difference ! One you can block and walk away from and the other you get a 5min time out for! Being toxic is being toxic! No matter in a game or in a direct message!
  • Tunneling is actually against the rules and both are considered toxic. Both are considered underhanded so why is ok for the killer to be toxic and underhanded but not ok for survivors to be toxic? I would never encourage someone to send a nasty message to someone after loosing a match. If some killer or survivors were…
  • I deleted the comment reacting to it because he deleted his. I agree with this I don't think he is bad I don't think he got nerfed. He for sure needs a rework because he has some obvious problems. But I can agree to your assessment. I think the guy who made this post was whining and saying it was bad because he couldn't…
  • He isn't right about Deathslinger being bad when he refuses to do anything new. I will admit that some of his pov is crappy at times but not enough to justify saying it's crappy and that only got nerfed! He also said that survivors got a bunch of buffs but then deleted it when I proved him wrong. No devs are often wrong…
  • It's crazy how you say this. I would never be mean to someone I know is in a bad way. I'm not sure you can actually ever know if someone was not doing good. And saying to someone that they should just be nice to everyone is the same as telling everyone to edit behavior toward people who are taking advantage or are mentally…
  • I have been keeping up and no it hasn't in fact most threads have accepted them in fact this is right now the ONLY thread that refutes anything. I have been checking and no one responded to any of the other ones but you do you dude.
  • It was a copy paste so... my bad?
  • Right its irrelevant because "you" say so. I would roll my eyes but it doesn't matter you can think what you want but I guess me and the devs as well as so many others are wrong. Keep telling yourself that it will make you right
  • Personally the Clown and spirit are my hardest to play against I suck so bad when I go against them. But I'm not really a survivor I'm more a killer and I love playing pig manly cuz she is not scary and sometimes I get funny survivors. And as a killer I hardcore suck as a Huntress I'm ok with Deathslinger but not as good…
  • I can agree to this and I enjoy seeing someone who knows something about killers.
  • That's not a buff that's how she came! I can see them newfangled her. But I can honestly see it getting better as people get tired of playing her. I never included in my list all the things that were there letcme show you what survivors got like everything not (suggesting that a survivor in itself is a buff means that…
  • I play as the pig and for the first time in years played as the Trapper. Got 4k with my pig 3 out of 5 matches and a 3k with my 1 match of Trapper. So you tell me dude lol
  • I'm not necessarily sure that's not what was intended I believe that alot of those playing Deathslinger were not using the perks that would benefit him so they changed him so that you would have to. I think that the devs hate useless perks and will ultimately remove them if they are not forced to be used. So my notion is…
  • F your right it can't be changed. I thought there was but I was wrong. However unless these things below have changed and do far no mention of a bug I still think its him that sucks either way if he can't use it then try something else the best way for the devs to notice something is wrong is not to use it. Sorry it took…
  • I have already played and aside from a few things it seems ok got mostly 4ks but a few got me good I accept the challenges. I like challenges! It's a shame more killers aren't like that. They just cry when they can't get kills instead of find another way. I will admit tho Trapper was the least unbalanced character I have…
  • ADS sensitivity can be changed in settings. The pov is a possible bug so why say it's Deathslinger that sucks when it's obviously the devs that need to fix it. Oh I might of responded to you when I thought I was responding to someone else I apologize if I did that.
  • The ADS can be changed in settings pov sounds like a bug maybe. But the reason the one guy was saying he was bad was because he didn't want to try a different build. Pov could also mean that there is something wrong with camera settings. I keep getting messages from the one guy so I might of responded with the wrong…
  • Those things can be changed and altered with add ons! They are forcing you to choose between add ons to make the character more balanced! NOT NERFED! He is 100% wrong the fact is that he doesn't want to use add ons or perks to help those things he wants to use add ons and perks that make it easier to find survivors or give…
  • Yes I do realize this but it's not the reason I posted that! If you think that perks and add ons don't matter then why use them? The fact is that this guy is saying Deathslinger is bad because he choose not to use other add ons or other perks. In reality he is simply mad that he can't breeze through things like he used to…
  • It was not just brought up yes he had alot of additional Buffs and I think 1 or 2 nerfs maybe but some are more of an exchange than a nerf and others are just Reworked perks and add ons. I brought up perks because if you can't get kills with the killers main perks then switch them out with other killers perks or different…
  • Lmao say your bad at Deathslinger without saying your bad at Deathslinger! Maybe you should use different perks or add on or wait I know find a better way to play the character! Oh wait you don't know how! And I main pig but I know several Deathslinger that get me every single time. Because they don't play like the typical…
  • If you weren't tunneling or camping then I don't see the need to worry. Maybe you feel bad that they think you were doing those things? But either way you shouldn't care what others will think of you. I say close your messages so only friends can message you block those that have wronged you and report if it gets gross or…
  • Right! I see it all the time! Oddly enough tho I'm a killer main but I play survivor occasionally. I want the game to be fun for everyone but the moment that a killer has to try a little harder they give up and start crying. Lol I'm just like bring it on! I got this make my pig slower and blind fold her I will still 4k…
  • If you tunnel I have no sympathy for you.. simply put those types of strategies are considered underhanded and can cause frustration and bring us down. It can cause us to loose interest in the game and take away the little fun we have. What they are doing is basically what you did in the match. You put them in a bad place…
  • Lmao you don't use that so he must be a bad character! Lmao I'm dying! You are bad at Deathslinger because you can't or won't use other perks or add ons! Not Deathslinger but you! Lmao
  • You are saying that because you can't play your way its crap? Lol omg I have never seen someone think bad about a character when it's so obvious that they can't use those perks and add ons very well (most likely due to using an easy route) that they see this as the characters flaws and not their own! You don't know how to…
  • The Deathslinger The Deathslinger must now wait for the Enter Aim animation to complete before being able to fire (0.4 seconds) The Deathslinger must now wait for the Exit Aim animation to complete before being able to attack (0.6 seconds) Increased movement speed when aiming down sights to 85% (was 75%) The cooldown when…
  • How is irrelevant? Unless deathslinger has always been terrible that makes no sense! Also I don't think its Deathslinger that's bad I think its you that's bad. Maybe get better at that character or use different add ons or perks? Maybe play a different character? Idk whatever makes you feel better about being bad at the…
  • General Base trap carrying capacity and starting traps increased to 2 (was 1) Trap aura color changed from red to white to be consistent with other killer object auras Trapper Base trap carrying capacity and starting traps increased to 2 (was 1) The number of traps spawned on a given map is now always 6 (was random 4-6)…
  • General Base trap carrying capacity and starting traps increased to 2 (was 1) Trap aura color changed from red to white to be consistent with other killer object auras Trapper Base trap carrying capacity and starting traps increased to 2 (was 1) The number of traps spawned on a given map is now always 6 (was random 4-6)…
  • General Base trap carrying capacity and starting traps increased to 2 (was 1) Trap aura color changed from red to white to be consistent with other killer object auras Trapper Base trap carrying capacity and starting traps increased to 2 (was 1) The number of traps spawned on a given map is now always 6 (was random 4-6)…
  • It is unbalanced the development team has even made statements about it in previous vids as well as in statements about bug fixes. The fact that they want to balance it means that they intend to improve on it though recently they have made few efforts to improve the balance. If they were to keep the game the same for "the…
  • It sucks when people d/c as a survivor or a killer it sucks but the developers will never punish for that.
  • All of these killers require a time investment to be what is effectively a basic two hit killer. At trappers core, he is weak. It takes more time to set a trap, than it takes to disarm it. That in the most basic form, is unbalanced. This is only one of the ways its unbalanced.
  • Dbd is completely unbalanced! i agree the hook system is a pain to work with and needs a rework, i also think its funny how some people only come here to drag people through the mud instead of giving real advice or maybe brainstorming ways to make the game better. In all honesty this game won't last if people think of this…
  • I Have seen this and I think it sucks that its allowed i have also seen a YouTuber purposely tunnel and camp specific people and egg people on in chats for views. He keeps his rank low for the purpose of doing this to low or noobish players. All for the sake of a stream. I think accountability is in order. Also i don't…
  • I would allow people to block each other to prevent getting matched up ever again with them. We have blocking in the game but it only stops them from saying things to you. I know that as a killer when I switch to survivor and one those survivors recognizes me (my name on ps4) they be salty and try to get me caught by the…
  • I would say that if they had evidence that the tunnelling is happening then yes but not camping I just think that camping shows how bad a killer is at the game and maybe get a blood point penalty or something like a big one! Camping and tunneling doesn't make the game fun it just makes it frustrating and seriously if you…