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  • As a competitive player who was a Twins main for quite some time and a person who heard a lot from competitive Hag players they all fall in the category of "all or nothing", they either get a clean 4k if survivors make mistakes or 0 hooks if survivors know how to counter them. Hag: The main problem I see with Hag is that…
  • I know many people are expecting Legacy 2.0, which in my opinion would be the best reward, but it's just not viable for behaviour to do such a thing since the game have WAY too much characters compared to 2016 where Legacy was introduced, so the amount of work they would have to go through to design free cosmetics for…
  • I've been a killer main for as long as I can remember and I can just say that practice makes perfect. Sure sometimes BMing can be frustrating at times, but honestly whenever survivors are trying to make a fool of me (by t-bagging, clicking etc.) I just take it as an incentive to play even better and leave them with their…
  • Oni Feng. Claudette Pig. Pig, Wraith and Demo
  • Ever considered leaving the generator once it reaches 70%? Or finding ruin on the first place?
  • Yeah, I also think it's really unfair that you have to go through the whole game and all your efforts to get a kill are thrown away by a clutch endgame DS.
  • I never thought I'd live long enough to see someone complain about Mindbreaker LOL. Really hope this is an ironic post
  • I couldn't agree more with the OPs post. I absolutely despise keys and I always run Franklin's when I see one, if they have no mercy for the killer by using a key I won't have mercy for them by using Franklin's
  • I see a lot of people talking about Sloppy Butcher, but don't forget that he has an add on called "Blind Warrior - White" that applies the effects of sloppy on surprise attacks, essentially giving you the same benefits and freeing a perk slot. I personally like to run Nurse's + STBFL + Pop + BBQ alongside with a Windstorm…
  • I won't deny that I can be toxic sometimes, but the ONLY two situations where I am "toxic" is when survivors escape with a key or when I get a 4k against a key team. The reason for it is because I really despise keys and I think they are super unhealthy for the game. Since I'm a killer that never uses NOED or Moris and try…
  • I think this might be a regional thing indeed, I'm from Brazil and I play on the South American server and this behaviour is pretty common there, specially when I get matched against players from Chile, Argentina or Bolivia where they usually call me a "monkey" for being brazilian.
  • Burger King Myers - A troll/challenge build for The Shape that consists in using the Vanity Mirror + Judith's Tombstone add ons to massively reduce your speed and turn you into a very slow killer with a short lunge. This is normally done as a challenge or as a troll build. Adept/Adepting - A term used to refer to a…
  • I play on the South American server, so it's not a very common practice around here. I guess it only happened once during my entire 465 hours of play and back then I didn't know what booping the snoot was, but if it happens again I'd be more then glad to let people do it with me and let them escape.
  • NOED is fine as it is, the killer is going to be running only 3 perks for the entirety of the match. If NOED was removed cleansing dull totens would lose it's purpose. I personally run small game in every one of my matches because doing totens gives loads of points and I LOVE mocking the killer for using NOED after we…
  • BT: Don't go for the unhooked survivor; Count to 15 before hitting him; Activate your stealth if you are a stealth killer DS: Once a survivor gets unhooked start counting to 60 (70 for good measure) to know when his DS will have expired DH: JUST WAIT FOR EVERY SURVIVOR TO USE DEAD HARD! Sprint Burst: Don't swing if they…
  • You have a point.
  • There isn't actually a reliable way for the developers to completely prevent people from tunneling or camping, however they do make it so people who do that regularly will never rank up and won't ruin the matches of higher ranked survivors. Some tweaks done to killers like the new Bubba rework and perks like BT and DS…
  • I do understand your point, however I do believe it is important for you to know how to play without relying on head pops. If you want to get someone out of the game just focus them and avoid DS, at least you are getting points for hooking, chasing and hitting them and will most likely get a double pip. Again, if all you…
  • I have to disagree with that, the piping system works in such a way to encourage you not to camp, tunnel or hard slug. You must hook all survivors to get extra points, you must hook one survivor multiple times, you lose points if you stay too close to a hooked survivor etc. Just killing all 4 survivors doesn't actually…