There was that time Otz after basically winning the match, dc for the meme. Which did make for a funny ending to the video. There was also the time Scott dc after getting to the exit gate as survivor for the meme. Threw down a firecracker and than dc to pull a magic trick, when he could of escape. In both of these cases,…
Surge as a perk has the same weakness as low mobility killers. On a map like the game, it can work great due to the small size of it and how close gens are often put together. On a map like red forest, it suffers greatly due to how often gens are spread out far and wide. For surge another issue with it, is you can down a…
I notice lately on both survivor and killer, alot of survivors loving to give up early or dc. Like a david try to give up on hook, only they couldn't due to someone saving them, so they dc. That or a game I had as killer, where only one survivor wanted to play the game, since the rest of his team mates gave up on first…
This is the same game where certain people will take issue with someone saying gg and treat it like you just insult them and their family. Where people will sand bag or try to sand bag you for no reason. That or heck will call you trash in post game, even if you escaped or killed them all. That or call you sweaty for…
Soul guard, we're gonna live forever, unbreakable. There is so many perks to counter slugging. Soul guard being one of the newer ones. We're gonna live forever being buff to grant a 100% bonus healing speed to picking up slugs. If you are having issues with your whole team being slugged. You might want to invest in one of…
Well Peter Parker aka spiderman, is someone who many people from all different backgrounds and walk of life relate to. Men, women, black and white. Ect ect. Who do people relate to a character so much, who is not their gender or even looks like them? Good character, who when through very relatable things like the lost of…
You bring up what is possibly the greatest point related to this topic. What is tunneling. For if people can't agree on what tunneling is, how can you put in something for survivors to fight against tunneling, if no one can agree on what it means in the first place. Heck in this very thread, we already have people debating…
All corrupt really does is put survivors and killers on the same level at the start of the game. Killer has to go around and find their objective. Survivors who often spawn on top of gens, now have to do the same thing as the killer. Go around the map and find their objective, rather than doing it right away. That and…
Someone say ghostface? All of these videos are very helpful, to teach you how to play ghostface. Which there is two styles of ghostface, when it comes to using his power. Now people like Dreede, will use it for a more sneak in close and get a easy m1 style of play. While others like Ceptzzz will be the more stalking type…
Yeah for alot of ds threads just turn into lots of shouting and not alot of well reasonable debate. With normally someone just coming in and just saying all killers are bad due to x, anyone who plays killer is bad due to x, rather than make any point and are just more interested in demonizing killers rather than talking…
When I get left to second hook, in my case. It not due to swf, it due to a large map. Claud self caring in the corner. Nae doing nothing but crouching around the map. Making me question if I got rank 20 players again. Which is often the case. For even with mmr turn off, match making can still be screwy at times.
That a good question to bring up. What about stealth killers, who are meant to deny information? Should it work on them, when their kit is design to sneak up and surprise survivors by catching them unaware or is it fine as is vs stealth killers. Should it not work vs stealth killers using their power or remain as it is and…
Yeah bt in the case of save the best for last, if the person is not the obsession, can lead to benefiting the killer. If it a normal killer and not someone like wraith, a sleeping survivor vs Freddy, ghostface, who has their power ready to deny it. That and even if the killer doesn't have save the best for last. The hit…
Yeah, the new auras have made everything a bit harder to see. From what i notice of object squads, they normally put up a midwich offering, to ensure they get send to the map. For the map is rather rare, if one does relay on pure rng to get it.
Have not seen it myself yet and i don't run object. Yet have heard a few tales of how killers can barely notice someone using object and didn't even notice they were using the perk until end game. While Survivors can easily notice the killer aura. Will have to look more into this but if this is the case, the one possible…
Yeah the only time i can think of that anyone runs both iron maiden and bbq. Is huntress players or one doctor player. That and by the time a killer normally gets to the place where someone jump out of a locker, they are a long gone or b by the time they get there, the expose effect has wore off, for most killers lack any…
Yeah if you rush the gens and do just that. Odds are one of two things will happen. You will depip or get a safely pip. Due to lack of being chased by the killer. Along with only a handful of points.
Myers would become almost if not everyone favorite killer if we got shirtless Myers.
You only listed bbq, which is not a combo, unless you forgot to add in pop there. Than yes that would be a combo. Which bbq only shows where you are for a few seconds, which is far from the whole game. That and you have not listed once how bbq is boring or how it boring when slapped onto Billy. That and even if it indeed…
That is another good point, i don't think people would want to play with a team mate suffering from lag or a killer that has lag issues. That and since a single person leaving effects nothing and they already have to wait again, before they get into another match, sounds like that is punishment enough for the person who…
You know you bring up a good point. Like i know what i think when i hear the word tunneling. Going after one person when it makes no sense at all, to the point it backfires on you. Yet to someone else, they might have rather different meaning of the word tunneling. So people might end up talking over one another, due to…
I have try searching for this quote, you wouldn't by chance have it on hand, a screenshot or link to it?
Count me in. It would be nice to be able to try things on your own or train with a killer a bit, before going into a real match. That or see how certain perks work together. Like how fast could i heal myself, with spine chill, botany knowledge, self care and resilience?
Yeah wasn't pop in it's original form only good for speedy killers, who could get around the map quickly like Billy or say current Freddy? While being poor for your standard 115% movement speed killer that lacks any ability to get around the map quickly? Changing it back just seems like it would harm the basic standard…
Well most would say pop and the like are slow down perks but what about anti healing perks? Since i seem some say they are also slow down perks, since they do slow down the healing of the survivors, which of course relays on them healing up. Since there is always the chance they ignore healing in favor of just rushing out…
If they are playing on the pc, they can check the profile of the user and see if they are friends.
If they added a survivor for free, to everyone that already owns the ghostface dlc, that would be amazing. I think it will be just a skin, so i'm setting my own standard low. So if it does turn out to be something big, like an add on rework for ghostface or a new survivor added to his dlc, that would be amazing.
Heck i had this happen the other day. Got pair up with a rank 10 spirit, who was clearly new to the game and i was able to loop for days. Lots of people got injured but fell of them when down. Who had haunted grounds and noed, i believe they got 3 to 4 hooks that whole game from what i recalled. Only one of these hooks was…
Only thing to do? Maybe in context of keeping yourself alive vs the killer in a chase. In general, there is alot more to do than just that. You should be taking note of the position you are currently in and the resources you have to use, knowing which gens to focus on, to avoid a three gen. That and if you have no idea who…
Since the whole idea is boring, which is a rather subjective thing in the first place. Someone in this thread finds ghostface boring to go against but i find him fun to go against. Making the idea of "boring" sound like a poor reasoning to use. Now lacking counter play or something like that, sounds way more reasonable.…
It's simple. Everyone has started watching One_Stalky_boi and learn how fun playing Myers is.
I don't know about your games but in mine, i seen a fair few survivors yelling at their team mates for not doing x, y or z. That or the injured team mate with no way to heal, chooses to escape over giving the killer a 4k. I seen alot of survivors have issue with it, have not seen any killer i have personally when against,…
Yeah a face camping bubba or Wraith that is just afk all game is understandable, since you didn't really play the game but rather a hold m1 gen or for the person on the hook vs the bubba, a mash space bar and give your team as much time as possible and possibly derank, due to not being able to get any hook saves, chases or…
Yeah i been running kindred alot lately. Which helps to give some in slight as to what the killer is doing around the hook. A majority of the time, what happens is the killer hooks the person, [if they don't dc after getting down] than they just let themselves die on their first hook. The killer didn't bring a mori and the…
Heck i seen people dc due to being the first one down or being the first one hooked. It's like ok, the killer is walking away from the hook and you just die on hook, why? Which i see it alot as solo survivor. Someone will dc near the start of the match or kill themselves on hook. Screwing over everyone else, survivor and…
Yeah if it not a dc, it's someone who kills themselves on first hook. Which seems to happen vs any killer and not just Phead. Heck sometimes it just the map. Saw someone once kill themselves on first hook and stuck around for post game chat, just to say bad game. Like they screw over the whole team but lack any self…
Being left to die on hook? Sounds like a normal game of solo Survivor to me.
Well whenever a ds thread pops up. You will see someone going and calling all killers, crybabies, whiners, ect ect. Throwing anyone who has ever played a killer before into the same group. For rather than speaking in a civil tone and explaining things reasonable, to possibly get people to change their mind. It's simply…
I recall James Rhode taking up the iron man title for a time, which was back when i believe they gave Tony his drinking problem and marvel was going with the idea to make their characters more relatable by giving them flaws and personal issues to deal. Which in that case was building up the characters and expanding on…
Yeah the first thing my mind when to, when reading the opening post was the demi video. Where he plays up the gag skins = skill for a meme.
Yeah it starts to become like a true horror movie.
Yeah Myers and Ghostface both tend to create that reaction. Making survivors freak out or jump scaring them as they grab them off a gen. Which with the current knowing what killer someone is going against going around. I bet the scare jumps are even more epic or fun. Thinking they are going against a Oni or Trapper,…
Yeah, for sometimes one person ends up screwing over the whole team at the start of the match. Like i saw someone once go bad game in post game chat. They were the person who killed themselves on their first hook vs a Myers who was just playing the game normally. So they screw over their whole team, stick around for post…
I recall this from Stan Lee in the past couple of years. Not sure if it the same one you are thinking of. Yet it is about this topic of this thread. So might still be worth linking to, in any case.
Yeah, you see it from time to time in games. Someone will kill themselves on first hook, dc when they get downed. Than the others go down in five seconds and the last remaining survivor, has to get all the saves, to let the game last longer than 5 minutes.
Np glad to help.
Looks like your character model was blocking your view of ghostface. Which is covered in this video i link to. Since you seem to only been able to reveal him, after the ghostface took a slight step backwards.
In the case of battlefield 5, they try to sell it as a historical game. While they were creating fiction or rather lies and trying to sell it as reality. Which people pointed that out and ea just said don't like it, don't buy it. Leading to their sales tankly massively next to other big titles like call of duty. That and…
I had that happen the other day vs a bubba and again during a huntress. Had to make all the saves, to keep the game from ending in like five minutes.
Yeah, you know it's going to be a "fun" solo survivor game, when someone dcs after getting down or kill themselves on first hook.