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  • I'm playing on Steam, with crossplay on. Playing as Kate and off the top of my head can't remember which other survivors were in the lobby. Have had 5/6 games that were all fine but just got stuck on a loading loop as I was loading into a match - getting into the lobby was fine.
  • For when I want to learn things about the game (perk builds, playstyle techniques etc) my go-tos are Otzdarva, CMWinter (an insanely good Pig main) and Naymeti For general memes/fun then Monto, Noob3, Demi, Ayrun & Zubat And then SpookNJukes for calling out the community's toxic behaviour lmao
  • I just tried to go into Raccoon City PD on a KYF game to explore it and it wasn't an option to choose in the match menu :( ETA: I'm on Steam
  • Keep an eye on the Shrine of Secrets on a weekly basis! Use your shards to get some teachable killer perks from killers that you don't own :)
  • Honestly this will sound harsh but the only way to get better at the game is to play against people who are better than you. I do understand it's mega frustrating to start with because it feels like you're getting absolutely stomped, but over time you will start to notice patterns and signs giving away what the other team…
  • I mean... There is a practice mode, it's custom game mode. Granted you gotta have friends to play with but it's a good way of learning new stuff.
  • Ugh the immediate unhook kills me! I run Kindred too and if I'm hanging there on first hook and I can see all 3 survs leave a gen I end up screaming at my screen like NO STAY THERE AND FINISH IT I CAN CHILL HERE FOR A MINUTE 😂
  • Honestly? When I'm playing with friends I am actually WORSE than in solo queue. When I play with friends we're just chilling together, having a laugh and generally being idiots. The other day we did a conga around one of the Macmillan maps. If we all get slugged we try and make a human centipede on the floor rather than…
  • I got this yesterday by pure chance! Me & my friend were playing together with two randoms against what I can only assume was a Baby Nurse. We found hatch by pure chance, found a key in a chest by pure chance but had to work SO HARD to find and convince the other two random Survs to follow us 😂
  • Survivor: 8 (I am terrible and do not deserve to be higher than green ranks) Killer: 17 I tried to keep fairly balanced playtime between both to start with but then ended up making survivor friends who I now chill with a few times a week so I've accidentally become a Survivor main :(
  • This is absolutely my thinking when it comes to Freddy. I didn't mind him at first, when I first started playing the game I never had a problem escaping but as soon as you're out of those brown ranks good LORD. Genuinely feel like disconnecting whenever I spawn in and see those frickin timers 😂
  • I always try and sprint as a Killer and sit there shouting at my screen "WHY AM I NOT GOING ANY FASTER" for a good 30 seconds before I realise.....
  • I picked rock/metal but I'm also extremely partial to a good lot of trashy Europop. Little Big for example are one of my favourite bands.
  • Not necessarily a nickname but any time I get a Badham map I have to start singing the Pink Panther theme "Badham badham, badham, badham badham badham badham badhaaaaaaam, badham"
  • I thought this was a Sluzzy post. I was mistaken.
  • I genuinely just have fun when I play it - don't take it too seriously, if I win then I win, if I don't then oh well. I queue solo and play with friends in more or less equal amounts and they're both entertaining in different ways. I also like playing as Killer occasionally even when I get matched against hardcore red…
  • I've generally only had good experiences with streamers so far but I am pretty new. Had a nice Michael who went easy on me and gave me hatch so I dropped by his stream after the game for a follow and a lurk. Was playing Huntress once as a Rank 17 and got matched against an entire purple rank lobby. Stuck it out and managed…
  • Lore & design-wise my favourite is definitely Plague. Just think she's super interesting and a little bit different to the rest of the killers.
  • Honestly I would take your group over this one I had! 😂 It's all part of the fun though, practice makes perfect. Good job for not being a spoilsport and disconnecting :)
  • I love these threads because it's basically people moaning about not being as good at the game as they think they are 😂 I've been a Rank 16 killer against red/purple SWF groups before (thankyou broken matchmaking!). Constant pallet stuns, flashlights, teabagging, you name it. Toxic as all hell and no way on earth I'm going…
  • I feel called out 😂
  • Honestly yes I am. I'm still a complete noob, have owned the came for just over 2 weeks and have less than 100 hours so a lot of it I'm still learning but that's part of the fun for me ☺️ even when I get completely demolished by a red rank killer (when I'm a green rank surv) I spectate the match to see what other people…
  • I had this too yesterday evening on PC
  • I must have only gone against new Freddy killers then because every single match I've had against him as Surv I've escaped 😅
  • I have the same problem but the opposite way around. I'm only Rank 15 (both Killer & Survivor) and am constantly getting red/purple survs when I play killer, and red/purple killers when I play surv 😂
  • Ah good to know I didn't realise! Thanks for the info Just the other two that are glitching then :)