same, up to now on the survivor side, I haven't noticed a difference.. like I still get both good and bad killers and good and bad survivors my experience has been almost identical. can't really comment about the killer side yet but maybe people because they know SBMM exists subconsciously people are blaming their bad…
I was just about to comment this actually, I’m surprised more people haven’t said the twins.. maybe it’s because Vic can be a little bit goofy and funny but Charlotte herself is pretty terrifying
good call actually yeah 😂
This has been my observation as well, though I wouldn’t say “hated” as such I have seen he’s memed a lot and generally is seen as the worst survivor.. I can only imagine the reason is a mix between how ugly his facial animation was and his (mostly) useless perks. apart from pharmacy which I quite like
I’m not calling you entitled as it’s your opinion and everyone has the right to one. however, I disagree, as someone who plays both sides equally I don’t see dead hard as such a strong perk I think it needs a re work. In fact as killer if I see someone has it I generally bait them into using it the second time I’m in a…
When I was new to this game a couple of years ago, I joined a match as David and we played and in the post game I noticed I was rank 19 and the rest was all like rank 5-2 the first message in the post game chat was “lol how does a level 19 David get in a game with rank 3’s” and I thought “here we go they are going to be…
i'd like to see the Scooby gang make an appearance one day as survivors. And no i do not see Scoobydoo as a horror property haha ;)
you don't see many bunny legions but my god when you do it's a good day
I think it's fair.. sure it annoys me at times but then it's my fault for not doing totems during the game lol😂
I wouldn't be dead against it.. though i'm not 100% convinced it's such a strong perk that it needs to be a totem. But that's just my opinion, i'd be open to the idea.