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  • Idk, I'm just curious. I really want to know why people need to be "represented" by something in-game. Why being gay and playing gay character is so important for you. As a straight white male I don't give ######### if I'm playing a black woman or asian trans dude.
  • Why do you all even care. This game is broken on all possible levels, and the biggest thread on this forum is about LGBT characters? Just why? I'm just so curious, why is that so important for you to have a trans survivor or killer in a game about murdering people?
  • How the hell is BBQ "cheating"? Are you listening to yourself? What do you even mean by "patrolling gens and using headphones"? Do you even know how this perk works? It's not like it gives you wallhacks for a whole match, it literally gives you an idea where a survivor might be from a heck ton of meters away. You can…
  • BBQ also helps when the last survivor is deep into immersion and just crouches behind a tree for 30 minutes, taking the game hostage.
  • Yeah it's WAY better. At least all the UI components fit to themselves. That's how you do UI.
  • Item/power icon is way too big. Hook counter and gen counter is not properly sized/aligned, it just hurts. I still don't like the fact that obsession icon is so close to player nicknames. It has to be changed completely, the obsession icon just doesn't fit the new "style". I really don't like the font used for player…
  • Yeah, it makes sense. I don't know how their netcode is structured or made, but I worked on some multiplayer networking stuff in the past. Pallet vacuums are a side effect of desync. There could be ######### ton of reasons why desync exists, so it's hard to exactly pinpoint where the problem really is, especially without…
  • Sometimes there's literally no animation (survivor model just disappears) when jumping into a hatch. (Probably seen only from the killer's perspective, but I'm not sure about that) You (sometimes?) depip and get banned when the game is cancelled (someone left, or killer disconnected before the game started). Happened to me…
  • Yep, as I said. This is a common problem in multiplayer game development, but holy #########, it's been 4 years since the game came out, and this is not rocket science to figure out.
  • The worst thing about hitboxes is that it's probably not hitboxes per se, but a massive animation/movement desync between killers and survivors. So from a killer's perspective everything looks pretty normal and killer mains are confused why people are complaining so much. But from a survivor perspective... oh boy.…
  • This game is completely unplayable as survivor right now, so adding a new killer would be a nail in the coffin for the devs.
  • Like - Wraith changes, and I noticed a bit better antialiasing technique used (idk if I'm tripping but that was my observation) Mixed - I like the map changes visually, but gameplay-wise they're not really great, yet. Hate - UI, animations, underwhelming clown buff.
  • Yep, did the same. I definitely prefer playing without any HUD right now.
  • I literally made this account just to say a few words about the new UI / animations. I don't really comprehend how could you make something so atrocious and anti-UX and say "we can't go back" afterwards. As a software enginner and UI/UX designer this is just painful for me. The UI is scattered all over the place, which is…
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