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  • Wait so is windows gonna get changed soon? or was the description change a bug
  • Why does Botany Knowledge still give the 20% decrease wasn’t that that for the old Medkits and Boon:Circle of Healing no longer works with Medkits so maybe the the downside to Botany Knowledge is a little overkill
  • There is a sound cue
  • Wait do they have a visual cue? If so this perk is worse than I originally thought I also heard that there is a sound cue as well I barely go up against this perk or use it
  • The perk is situational with 1 or 2 kicks its just not good 1 kick would just be a good QOL change that will make the perk feel less clunky
  • I honestly think NWO than machine learning is stronger even with just a 1 kick activation especially if NWO is combined with noed terminus etc
  • It is strong but you get the effects by basically losing especially if the benefits 5 times in a match (which you might not) and even if survivors repair all 5 gens you still might get value 5 times
  • I could never test it everyone it was mostly running stbfl so I’m just gonna run a Alex’s toolbox it’s not worth a perk slot imo maybe for the hook aura but the killers were mostly Sadako and a few Weskers
  • Yes a 3 gen SM that not even a comp SWF can’t even beat let alone soloq team must be a skill issue indeed lol and apparently that 10% must still be really good cause just had 3 today with those perks plus surge and pain res and nobody could seem to break the 3 gen she kept guarding
  • I personally rather go against a 3 gen night knight obviously I rather go against neither, but I think Skull merchant worse knight can only patrol a maximum of 2 gens with himself and a guard while SM can petrol 4 with her drones
  • There’s still some pretty good slow downs like surge Pain res is still good dead lock eruption is still good it just doesn’t punish soloq for being soloq or she can go with the chase build because he does have haste and dissolution in her basekit especially with DH nerfed the gen kick perks are bad on their own OC and COB…
  • They did also Nerf COH which also contributed to the problem because killer kicks of gen hit survivor goes to Boon and heal survivor goes back call of brine gives notification killer goes back hit survivor kicks gen again survivor goes to Boon and heal and the process repeats until one side messes up if they NERFED one…
  • But if everyone doing gens no one came to reassure the person on hook and if they are to go reassure them and the killer is not camping why not just unhook them at that point?
  • 1st I have never anything about rushing unhooks 2nd the delay still doesn’t make sense I have said my peace about that in 1 of this post 3rd your acting like every survivor is in a 4 man swf if you use it in soloq that time can be wasted by the the other 2
  • Some killers can take advantage of that as well like huntress hag etc
  • especially when we get the theoretical’s into it like a 4 man top MMR SWF who have this perk versus a 4 man soloq team with only 1 survivor having it
  • I feel like this a boon:Dark theory phenomenon, I remember in the PTB for the Ringu chapter some people complaining about the boon saying it was overpowered and the forged in fog when, when people was fogwise and potential energy was going to be OP and literally those perks are rarely used
  • This perk does not need a killer range requirement if you as a survivor is using this perk when the killer is nowhere near and leaving the survivor for whatever reason on hook seems dumb unless there is a maybe a gen near them like 90% then maybe I can see a argument
  • I mean monstrous shrine is the reassurance for killers and since DS got nerf it has never been easier to tunnel a survivor out with off the record just simply hit them off hook and that completely get rid of it and when you get add ons into the mix like pin heads original pain that literally gets rid of the perk And y’all…
  • So basically a anti-camp perk works by exposing yourself to the killer by hook which gives the them reason to camp seems kinda counterproductive if you ask me
  • If the killer is not camping why not just unhook if anything doesn’t that benefit the killer because if you chase another survivor after basement then for let’s say next 75s the extra 15s to go unhook you only have 2 people doing gens instead of 3 because survivors chose not to unhook and if you down the the other survivor…
  • But if you aren’t camping how is this perk hurting you?
  • That is a horrible idea. In my opinion assuming the killer doesn’t camp at 5 gens end game is really, when this perk starts to shine plus DS and off the record are already deactivated and also take advantage of the 5th perk altruism because endgame altruism can lead to a 3k maybe even a 4K if the survivor screw up somehow
  • Yeah but a smart survivor is not gonna try to force value and a smart killer would capitalize on a dumb survivor going immediately to the Hook to reassure a survivor so either way I still don’t get the point of a 10 second delay and depending on which killer you are you can probably down the survivor with the perk if they…
  • Oh no I wasn’t saying 1 survivor pop it 3 times on 1st stage I do think it should be hook stages and not instance so basically 1 survivor with this perk can use it 2 times once on 1st hook stage and another on 2nd hook stage
  • Let’s just agree to disagree we both agree that the range should be buffed we can’t agree on how long the perk should stay active we both can up with defense for both our ideas about this perk I do respect your opinion I just don’t agree with it
  • Let’s just agree to disagree we both agree that the range should be buff but have different opinions on the time it stays active i can come with another defense about why it should be buff to 45 and you can come up with defense on why it should stay 30 seconds I do respect your opinion I just don’t agree with it
  • But if I have the 12m range right away and able to activate it right away how can it be abused if they camp I use the perk and they get punished for it if they leave the hook I unhook where in that scenario is reassurance abusable compared to your suggestion if you can answer that
  • I only brought it up because you said at high level play (which I assume mmr)and I rarely face a 4 man comp swf anyways i can see them using in a tournament if they literally a comp swf because killers tend to camp in them anyways
  • Yes it will punish bubbas for face camping because it gives the survivors extra time to do the gens yes that survivor will die but the other 3 will have a much better chance of survival and if you have chosen to still camp with reassurance that just a bad play on your part as killer whether it 30s-45s even if they just had…
  • And another thing the only way to 3-4 man out is if you as a killer chose to proxy / face camp at 5/4 gens and if you got one 1 hook at 5 gens more then likely you were possibly gonna get 0-1 kill anyways if you still choosing to camp at this point and they just straight up leave their teammate
  • But how tho how will it guarantee a 3-4 man out the same can be said about boon:COH UB DH Adrenaline prove thy self deliverance
  • so you can’t answer the question of how reassurance can be abused I’m assuming so went to straight out mocking my question
  • Ok let us say a 4 man top mmr swf loaded into a match with 4 reassurance that lasted 45s (12m) compared to 30s (6m) what would happen
  • Deadlock buys you 2 minutes 30X4=120 and noed unless noed spawns on top of survivors you won’t know about it until someone gets hit with it and if the somehow have a hook a hook or 2 NWO can possibly guarantee another slug and possible sacrifice
  • Again if you’re not camping the killer won’t notice this perk if they camp at 5/4 gens this perk will hit them hard and that if all 4 survivors bring this perk will 3 because you can’t reassurance yourself remember old ptb reassurance
  • Why not make it 12m out right and how can you abuse reassurance
  • Again we are not taking perks like deadlock into consideration and then if they have noed etc and a extra 15s won’t do anything to a killer that doesn’t camp remember reassurance from ptb and the only reason it got nerfed was was possible game held hostage for one survivor
  • Again if the killer is not camping at like 5/4 gens they won’t even notice this perk plus not all 4 survivors are gonna run this perk unless in a swf the extra 15s is mainly for solo who brings this perk especially if the other 2 are doing nothing . remember the the ptb the perk can be activated multiple times from 1…
  • You also have take in to account perks like deadlock that can slow the game down passively and noed which basically encourages killer to tunnel and camps someone out and no way out that stalls for even more time people say do gens when a killer is camping but you can’t do gens and totems giving reassurance a extra 15s and…
  • For people saying that it’s OP (which I still think it isn’t IMO) look at it from this direction you can have one stealth/chase perk that’s possibly one less prove thy self one less adrenaline, one less circle of healing that can benefit the whole team if just one person brings it, one less built to last with a commodious…
  • Haven’t even gotten those yet but nice to know
  • They point off that post was if you’re up against something that you feel has no counter play that match just leaves a boring bad taste in your mouth like for example old DH MOM COH it feels unfair and bad to go against like old DS and unbreakable for killer eruption COB SH:Pain Res because if the killer has a 3-gen with…
  • So then by that logic boon:COH (100%) wasn’t busted because it was supposed to make you heal faster MOM that wasn’t op it was supposed to give you a free health state DH it was supposed to make you avoid damage and give a dash for distance that was the point of the perk So why were killers complaining about all this perks…
  • The devs can’t just forget about soloq it’s what makes majority of their player base and remember when the game first came out this game was supposed to be a stealth/hide and seek game so the “core game mechanics” are outdated that’s why they are giving QOL improvements and buffs for soloq
  • the devs can’t just ignore soloq it’s what makes the majority of their game that’s why they are trying to buff soloq to be close to swf because the “core game mechanics” are outdated because remember this was supposed to be a stealth/hide and seek game so soloq needs some QOL improvements and buffs before they make perks…
  • Well what about old 1st live Boon:COH when it was 100% it was supposed to heal you up pretty fast and act like a med kit it did what it was supposed to do and it got nerfed twice to 50% why was that. because killers complained,no because everyone knew this perk overtuned Old MOM 1st live release it was supposed to make you…
  • I read almost every post here and basically it sums up in 2 different opinions 1) This perk is fine and has counter play just have a 3-4 man and call when you’re about to go down or survivors have this and that perks 2)This perk is shouldn’t exist or needs a rework/nerf why i hate this perk when I see this perk on let’s…
  • Well that’s like saying people shouldn’t have whined about circle of healing because it was meant to heal survivors when it was at 100% but everyone knew that it was it was a problem
  • TBH, I completely forgot about nurse, especially with starstruck. It’s probably indirectly Nerf her to, but nurse is a whole different problem for another day, because obviously the devs in my opinion are pushing that subject away for another day or until we forget.