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  • Probably you never met very optimal survivors. Every streamer that I watched, had at least one very stressful match. It's not about winning, losing or 4k, but more to fairness when playing killer. With some killer you have to very focus and play perfectly just to prevent being a toy to very optimal survivors. Even if you…
  • Because devs balanced the game on lower rank, especially not so optimal and coordinated survivors. As soon as survivors play optimal and coordinate each other, this game will automatically get imbalance. Every killer should on the same level as nurse, billy, spirit at map / gens control and also should be able down…
  • Easy mode what? It's not survivor's fault if gens done too quick and could loop some killer for a long time. It's basically just a very bad balance in the game. You want someone to be blamed? Then blame the devs and swf with comms. Changing mori will just make a new imbalance for solo survivors that already struggle and…
  • Oh okay, so instead of discussing or debating my statement, you decided to insult me, just because my "bad" writing? Fair enough man, I don't see any benefits for discussing something with someone who couldn't respect other people either. Keep that ego mate, you're indeed perfect and the best in the world.
  • Oh okay, instead of discussing the thing or debate my opinion, you decided to insult me because of my "bad" writing? Fair enough man, I see no reason to debate or discuss with you since you're type of guy who like to mock other just because they not as perfect as you at writing long sentence. Keep that ego of yours.
  • Camping is the same as setting a trap. Killer who do that have to gamble, whether they will get rewarded or robbed by doing that. If some survivor dumb enough to enter the trap (don't forget that hooked guy could give a signal), then it's their own fault and also a reward for the killer. Why should then the killer get…
  • Since there's still no way to punish swf (especially snipers), that time out should be there or even increased. If you keep getting high ping killer, then maybe there is not a lot killer in your area.
  • Looking that so much toxic behaviors coming from both side, it isn't questionable why people leave this game. (especially new one) You play to have fun, not to be stressed out, offended, etc.
  • If you compare old and current dbd, you'll be realizing that devs already put some active (point hand movement) and passive (exposed status, hex, etc.) communication. Real communication in a asymmetrical game (especially the one that not meant to have any communication) is never a good solution since people will then…
  • @Peanits Agree on that, but you could also increase lobby's time out when they keep in and out a lobby when not matched up together. It will still hit and miss (also affect some solo that keep getting high ping killer), but at least they'll have to try harder to avoid the penalty as swf team and the killer would…
  • @Peanits How about action speed penalty only for swf members that last until all their swf mate are sacrificed? Since the problem with swf team is that they're usually very coordinated and doing everything so fast.
  • Just play on rank reset. It's the only way to quite easily get that achievements (since devs make it harder to double pip as killer (way harder on some killer)) . People already done that strategy it since long time.
  • What? Did you just propose changes that break the game even more?
  • I'm pretty sure that you as survivor suck at looping by blaming chase music too low that causing you to get hit. And I also pretty sure you're survivor main and never play killer at all. It's obvious.
  • Last time I know (< 2.5.0) that OoO has distance limit (probably ~16m), but now it will show killer aura even at extremely close range which makes it BS. Not sure whether devs buff it or it's bugged.
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