I honestly want him to move faster stab people like crazy and take out the one chance stab
This is basically the perfect legoin post right here.
Funny enough I had many a times where they got away from me. That not really a problem it depends on who your playing against
And that's fine I just feel like new legoin is slow and dull a m1 killer and no one likes that.
Looping him and yes I know of the vault power, jucks, pretty much the normal stuff
What you talking about it was easy to counter him
Be me legoin main (or was before the rework that ruined them Hates teabaggers Will tunnel yes but hey gotta go the weakest link
I'm 17 killer and it takes so long
Actually they need to give them back their normal powers they worked well
So you get stun when you hit a survivor with your power?
I know but I'm far from new I played it on my Xbox and pc I been around since huntress and I know the game well. It's just that the game is pissing me off with issue that shouldn't exist like last game when everything felt slow and they already had a gen near done. Honestly I love the game better then Friday and last year…
But still another problem I have with the game that is making me not play it is matching. I'm a rank 17 who plays the game super casually and I have to deal with looping butt dancing or whatever it's called gen rushing or whatever 9 or 8s
Why that just seems dumb
That good
Dude he not op at all he sadly ######### now because of people like
Harder then it sounds mate when I keep getting ranked with ######### rank 9 and crap when I'm a 17 at best
I actually never noticed it before but wouldn't that make a little sense of some kind
I loved old legoin and I miss there old power
Yeah and that would be fair
I honestly never had a problem like that. I never got a speed boost
And how is that fun?
And that's fair but if you think on that it deplets your power bar because of a miss that should have hit it ruins everything