Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Resilience is Fired-Up for survivors, a perk that will undoubtedly provides benefits when needed. Survivors rely on perks such as this to have an edge during chases, activating when a 9% difference is important. Remaining injured to take advantage of these benefits goes both ways as any surprise visit from the killer can…
  • I'm not sure where this sentiment of it "griefing" people when its a valid, yet annoying, method of play. As a person who uses it, simply having a solo lobby with even one perk like Tenacity, UB or WGLF completely counters it. The strongest asset is it obscuring the aura but Bond, Empathy and Aftercare also ruin this. If…
  • Why is it always a want for "Competitive"? What about a game mode that's expressly made for total casual player, like a timed match where survivors cant die and the match is spent farming points by seeing how many hooks/repairs can be achieved. It feels like what we currently have to play IS the competitive mode for better…
  • As cool as it would be to wish all console players a merry GGWP, that would be a whisper to the bellowing howls of salted rage bm. Not worth it.
  • The only time I ever got an immediate response to a report was when I included a link to a pic in the report comments, so maybe a single piece of evidence does go a long ways.
  • And now matches will never start because its a 1/4 chance a survivor will hate your killer and leave lobby. I prefer just keeping both hidden because its a schrodingers box where the players are both good and bad simultaneously.
  • The one that hurts the game the most is the way SBMM made the game all about winning. This mindset is why people tunnel out players immediately and do gens as fast as possible, because they NEED to win. Having it be a points based system wasn't perfect but you had to earn it by playing as much in the match as you could,…
  • You haven't explained yourself at all, so I'm going to assume you have a bone to pick with Tunnelers.
  • They probably forgot about that and gave each of the chapters their own offering. Though is Dvarka a planet made by the entity? I'm not caught up with the lore.
  • Isn't this already achievable right now in the live servers? If anything the new Kick regression will make 99'ing a generator harder as they can't just hide and then tap it when the killer leaves.
  • Explain how this will make tunneling a player even easier, cause I don't see it. All this will do is make players think "Oh I only have two hooks on the same guy, maybe I'll chase someone else". And if they don't, they were going to tunnel regardless.
  • Wouldn't a tunneler just keep tunneling the same survivor? They aren't switching targets so they wouldn't need to track who's been hooked. The only method I could see this helping them at all is if they're tunneling two survivors, which isn't really tunneling so much as it is targetting.
  • It could be you're getting survivors that just escaped a lot. Since it isn't counting the match's events and just an escape, survivors could be on a hot streak of escapes, leading them to your MMR bracket.
  • I think its the fact you hard countered their build with one perk. As someone who's played Doctor against a 4man Calm Spirit team, I get it.
    in Funny Moment Comment by Komi January 12
  • It's especially odd how his Main Menu theme is a hip hop track only for the chase theme to be EEEEEEEEEEE WEEEEEEEEEOOOOOO. If its supposed to be going off his lore, then wouldn't it make sense that his music would work off survivors screaming in-game? It is very strange, Legion only gets it because of the mixtapes but not…
    in Why BVHR.... Comment by Komi January 12
  • It's the same for both sides, neither has an advantage towards obtaining perks as P1 gives the respective character perks to every survivor/killer. All P100 does is give you a pretty icon to show the time you've wasted spent enjoying this game.
  • It would be nice if they were all active and allowed you to play matches like regular. The system of making you do one at a time is why they're an issue because now you're going into matches specifically for one goal. On that note, the Glyph challenges should be something all players have access to, not just the specific…
  • We might get another with the next chapters release, as we also hadnt seen a new Boon perk until now with Alan Wake. Me personally, I see this as them taking what they learned with the last batch of Scourge Perks and are holding off on adding new ones. It would suck if another one got abandoned in favor of Pain Rez
  • If you want an in-game solution, you could always bring Whispers as it prevents that 'tactic' from working. It's one less perk slot for the match but if it's aggravating you, then might as well bring it.
    in 3 gen question Comment by Komi January 9
  • It would be cool if they showed us a picture of the current map and its layout/floors. The addons could be used to reveal totem locations, generator spawns, etc.
  • It only works if the regression is paired with a hit to the current progress. Fo example: A generator affected by Ruin, or one of the targeted Gens by Opression, it will not be counted. However, a Gen affected by a Kick, Jolt or Pain Resonance will be counted as its paired with an initial hit.
  • Generators can now be hit (Kicking or Perk) a total of eight times. Kicking is now 5% hit to the gen progress, and also requires a survivor to repair 5% of total progress to stop its regression.
  • It's more of a windy day then it is a hurricane. All this did for me is buff my chase-oriented playstyle for free.
  • I can't see this as anything more than a buff, as even in extreme circumstances (Oppression/Surge/Pain Res./Eruption build) it would require all those perks hitting the same generator to reach the limit (4 from Pain, two from Eruption, one from Jolt and Oppression), which is about 5 Hooks. If that's somehow not enough to…
  • Assuming a Killer even manages to kick a gen eight times, thats 40% regression on one generator without perks. While you're right about this diminishing the use of Gen Perks, it's going to make it easier to contest generators without relying on perks.
  • A chapter/paragraph that adds content from Manhunt would be amazing as it already has an obvious survivor to choose. While James Cash isn't so much helpless as he is deadly, him avoiding being spotted by his opponents is already his thing. That said, the dream part of this would be having the Director, Lionel Starkweather,…
  • Its no one's fault, its everybodys fault. A killer could see a survivor click a flashlight and deem that deserving of a tunnel. Or just tunneling because they believe every survivor deserves it. A lot hate it, but thats the name of the game, each side will do anything to ruin their chances of "winning". So ask yourself, do…
  • You know how Demo-mains preach that STBFL will make you worse with him due to avoiding shreds? Its the same, those two perks prioritize using Blights power. Sure it could be a flex for some, but it is a very good way of weening off perks as your main method of 4k'ing.
  • The snowskulls need to stay in some way, theyre just a really fun source of bloodpoints. And convincing entire teams to have a snowball fight has been more satisfying than any 4k I've had.
  • Adding to the above, this is also impacted by Chests as well. Experiment with cut coins to see if spawns improve with two being removed for the match.
  • Had the same brilliant idea, but with Dark devo. and Game Afoot instead of Surge/Noed. Zooming around the match and then watching survivors run into Hag-shaped walls is super fun!
    in Speed Hag Comment by Komi December 2023
  • It makes me wonder why they arent planning on making more general perks, hopefully its to instead focus on the ones that already exist but not much has happened. If anything the general perks should be on par, if not stronger, than paid DLC perks. Everyone has access to them, so they should be impactful without having to…
  • Pretty fun, had killers bring unusual builds so thats neat. And a many snowballs were thrown, I find it easier to form a snowball fight with everyone as killer than when I play survivor. Mostly the same honestly, makes me wish they keep the skulls and snowman in some form, I really like what they add to matches
  • Glad I wasn't the only one who woke up realizing how boring Nemmy actually is. The zombies are such an abysmal element that only rarely does anything, even rarely on purpose. And the whip/infection should've inflicted an injure from the beginning, unlike Wesker where they only get infected if you charged in the open.…
  • The best way to farm stacks is by taking a hit for an injured survivor being chased, and bodyblocking a survivor being carried. For the latter you can bring Breakdown if you want to add some Oomph, but you generally don't need perks due to MoM's unique effect. In my personal experiences, you want to obtain it as early as…
  • It says a lot about players when they not only abused this the first time, but immediately pounced on it again. Every survivor needs to report them, because playing "fair" shouldn't been seen as an anomoly or a disadvantage. It Sucks man.
  • Pig is actually the killer we should be complaining about, Skully is basically a free win compared to that beast of a killer!
  • 100% Agreed, you don't even get one for prestiged characters so it's not even really a feature unless it's really the "Good Guy Player card feature"
  • Oh yeah who could possibly love having on demand Undetectable, injuries without needing to be there, or pairing add-ons to gain faster action speed. If players hate that someone is enjoying these, then that's unfortunate but not proof of a sadist.
  • Can we not persecute a player over a single screenshot? I've seen 4man DCs happen over something simple like the wrong map offering winning over another, it's not hard to believe domino effect happening after 1dc.
  • That's weird, I play Skully and don't do any of that. 😉 But no, that's the nature of players being pigeon-holed into the "meta" playstyle for her. I personally like her for adding risks to staying in the same area, but man is it a case where playing nasty works (see Pyramid Heads torment/never caging)
  • This thread has confirmed that the devs made a huge mistake in even adding toolboxes and perks that modify repair speeds. On launch it was the exact same, killers running ebony moris to instakill survivors because they instarepaired gens. I hate to say but nothing has changed at all, it is the still the biggest issue in…
  • Nah, I'm immediately booking it to the exit gate, I spend all match being a team player, they can figure it out. 🚶 Also I've seen many die trying to add that 1% because the killer chased them to a gate, so really it's up in the air how worthwhile 99ing is.
  • His main issue in the PTB was just Main Event being easily abused, as it is now it is actually worse than before the "buff". At this point I would rather have Main Event let you throw daggers while retaining base speed, or anything really. I mostly feel bad for the few Trickster mains who got shafted, but to the point they…
  • When it says "60% kill rate" does that mean each individual survivor has a 60% likelihood of dying? Of course the actual match itself determines the results, but a 10% slant towards Killer is an interesting number to be satisfied with.
  • The mention of haste stacking makes me wonder if a hardcap would be better, like "Ok, we get it, you like going fast, but only x% total". But I digress, imo BL is fine because it's the chase version or PWYF, which both suffer from time consumption. It's haste is less desirable than PWYF, as you can't enter a chase with 3…
  • You know that's something that could happen as a buff. Only reason not to would be if you're "saving" it but it'd be nice just to always guarantee it's use.
  • Yeah I agree, it feels like overkill when the perk is already leashed by only activating near generators. It giving you more locations to take advantage of it when endgame begins made it a solid perk thats useful at all stages of the match. I hope they backpedal on this nerf because there'd be no reason to run a perk that…