This pretty much tells me you don't play killer, or don't play at ranks above yellow, as you have literally no idea about anything you just said. 99ing is a no risk strategy for the survivor, you're literally better off with a 99 gate because the end game timer isn't running.
What do you propose killers do but sit at hook after all gena are done? What else is there for a killer to do. This is why people need to play both roles, to not make statements like this. I understand the function of 99ing gates, I do it when I play surv and it's pertinent to do so, but so it is pertinent for the killer…
But it does, it puts the killer in a lose lose situation. The reason to 99 a door is if one or more survivors is hooked. To open the gates the killer has to leave the hook, which guarantees a save and an escape, so the highest benefit play for the killer is to stay on the hooked survivor. Best case result is a hook trade,…
So it's not meant to advantage anyone, but it's fine that it advantages survivors?
Maybe they just learned about jungle gyms and are sad chaining them won't be braindead easy anymore.
These gen speed changes really only affect players who team on gens, mostly swf. 2 people doing a gen are 2s slower, if all 5 gens are done by 2 players working together that's 10s slower overall.
Of course they're gonna deny it, they'd wanna tell the types of people who review bomb that it didn't work and was always intended. But such behaviour puts a fire under their seats, because they don't want a bad public perception of their game.
Endless bitching and review bombing got SWF into the game in the first place, might as well try.
I'm sorry that you can't comprehend how giving people the ability to share more information than every perk available in the game, without any downsides and without using any perk slots, breaks a game that's based on players having imperfect information. All the devs need to do is put always on VOIP into 3-4 man SWF…
There's a difference between "tough" and "unbeatable". If a 4man SWF stack is in your lobby and they decide to get a 4 man escape you cannot stop that, it's just a fact.
Show me the official stats that say Ruin was used 80% of the time. You can't, because BHVR wouldn't even bother making a graph, not to even speak of some sort of API to let the players parse the data independently.
Of course. Every survivor starts on a basement hook, no chance to self unhook. That's the game I want.
But survs are chill with being handed free escapes? Cause it's what the role is rn.
Well that sounds like advice people give unironically. Because apparently no one abuses the defensive perks offensively. Any way, it's just kinda bull that it gives both people in that situation 3 health states as a reward for going for an unsafe unhook.
Try again, I spoke about equivalent skill. There's simply a mechanical disparity between the two roles. The only ones whom I'm calling out for lacking skill is survivors, and this is from my experience as killer and survivor and from the statements of others who play both roles.
Well because you started from a faulty position. There was no killer nerf that drastically made them weaker, because they were already weak. Killer was never really a power role, unless you played old Nurse really well or with her busted addons, or if you played Spirit very well or with her busted addons. The only saving…
Killer has been in the dumpster since the launch of the game. Slightly buffed around a year and a half ago, and better off due to all the dumb bullcrap survs had getting removed, and now slowly getting nerfed back down.
Scariest killer in the game.
Because it's literally the only way you can waste 6 pallets in under a minute. 6 pallets should last you at minimum double that, depending on what tilesets they are. If it's like 2 safes and 4 unsafes it's about 2 minutes, and he probably had windows around as well.
Pffft, I'm a trash surv and I could make 6 pallets last longer against a trapless trapper. Did he pallet camp? I bet he pallet camped.
Oh yeah I know he's not the project head. But that he still worked on it, like there's no way you get onto a project like that without realising it's a massive scam.
Clearly due to killers being too strong. Honestly, remove killer. Every time survivors load into a match 2 are chosen by the entity, the survivors then finish 5 gens and the 2 chosen are killed while the other two live. No need for a killer, perfect 2 kills 2 escapes.
Oh I actually agree DH is fine. I think the dash is a little forgiving, but it's a perk that doesn't need to be looked at really. I'm just saying it's an extremely popular perk, and a player recently released a data set of their 106 games, perks such as DS and BT saw a 56% and 50% play rate between ranks 13 and 1, with…
Oh yeah lemme swing for the unhooker. The unhooked dude with BT on him bodyblocks Well then.
Wait he did star citizen?
If he made 6 pallets only last him a minute you found a big damn tater there.
Well it's why Ruin saw a nerf.
I can't trust the dev team's stats. Not because I don't think they're dishonest, but because they're unverifiable. They should create an API that can be used to track things such as kill rates and perk usage.
Everything after the red line. I mean, Devs already inflate kill rates with DC games so sure why not.
Well there's several factors in play here: 1) streamers play this game for insane amounts of hours, they're gonna simply be better than the average red ranker, they're gonna be better than survs that actually should be in red rank. They'll only be matched by survivors of equal time investment, so other streamers and just…
Nah, honestly just remove the killer queue and put in bots instead. Killers are already gonna be leaving the game if they keep with the trajectory of the recent changes and what they said about slowdown perks.
As for Killers being toxic. Well, point me to a Killer who gained a following for being "toxic". Cause I can point to several survivor content creators who were some of the biggest names in the community that got there through content of them being "toxic".
No, because if you play gen defense you cannot go for a chase, so you ain't killing anyone, and you just slowly bleed out and lose the game if they have 3 or 4 people, or they slowly bleed out and lose the game if less.
No, I want the game to be balanced around good players, regardless of role. And right now if you compare good survivors to good killers, the latter comes up much shorter.
Honestly I could say the same for survivors, so how about we ignore the people making wild claims about what the balance should be and instead focus on people who are reasonable?
"Survivors are bad so we should never balance around players who are actually good." Or maybe fix matchmaking and balance around good players. I hate how your fallback every time is "but survivor players aren't good".
I hate these kinds of threads. I'm sure half the people here would look at 2016 DBD and say it's fine. Literally the only saving grace in this gane is that because of how braindead easy survivor is, most people play it brain off so Killers have a chance.
Because in their head it's true. How many times have you seen a killer instantly walk away from hook, then someone in post game chat calls them a camper/tunneler because they walked back when they heard the immediate unhook.
Yeah but then you have a tiny radius that gets you no benefit from the rest of the perks until your static blast is up again. I'd rather just run it with M&A, static blast on cooldown and get the drop on people due to low TR.
Oh I don't think it should combo with pop. It should just be better.
Yes, but it seems overall counter-synergy to the rest of the build.
It's about the intent. They're behaviors meant to rile the killer up, whether they do or don't is down to the player behind the screen but the intent is there.
It only starts being worthwhile if you can simultaneously chase two survivors off of 2 semi-completed gens, at that point you're getting half the rate of regression that the two remaining survivors can pump out. Unfortunately there is not a single killer that can simultaneously threaten two survivors as long as they're not…
A killer hooking someone for a kill will not beat a survivor to the hatch unless they hook right next to it.
I get it, but eh, seems really gimmicky and punishes you for using your secondary power.
2 perks, one a Hex, for worse info than BBQ, Discordance, Nurse's or Whispers. No thanks. Also locks out an actually good perk, Pop, until Ruin is cleansed.
And I see a lot of red rankers with DH/DS/BT/Adren/Unbreakable, I also see a decent amount of Self Care but less than those other 4 perks. But the issue is, that's what I see. I dunno if the official statistics back me up, and I have no way of verifying it.
When you know you've no response but still wanna get the last word in. :)
If he can curve around loops then he's a goddamn good Billy and should be rewarded for his skill.
Nope, it in fact has counter synergy. Pop and Overcharge require you to kick a gen to activate them, while Ruin is active you cannot kick the gens.