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  • Since when was it dying? I know it has stuff that needs tweaking but there’s still a lot of people (myself included) that enjoy this game.
  • Try some reverse psychology. Put your name as something like “Please Don’t Mori Me’ or “Mori = DC” and see if it works. ;)
  • Just had a match where somebody DC’d as it started (assuming they didn’t like the map) and then somebody else killed themself on their first hook.
  • This is why I hate being hooked as I swear I always get the most brain dead teammates. It’s really not that difficult to get towards a hooked survivor without being spotted on the way. If I do happen to get caught and I know the person is about to go into struggle, I’ll purposely get hit and use my sprint boost to get them…
    in {Closed} Comment by Lucas96 October 2020
  • My Jane currently doesn’t have Iron Will and she’s definitely a masochist. 🤣
  • Spine Chill is definitely mine for survivor. I still look around, because if I can physically see the killer coming towards me, I know which way to run. But, like you said, there’s so many generators that are in rooms with no way to know when the killer is coming in your direction. I have the worst luck and whenever I take…
  • Imagine being this opinionated after a month of playing. I’m a rank 1 survivor and killer and I’ve played with and against XBOX and PC survivors / killers. I’ve never once felt inadequate around either of them. I could make a thread every time I see a PC player disconnect from my match, but unlike you, I understand that…
  • Overrated: DS, Unbreakable, Dead Hard, Sloppy Butcher, Ruin and Infectious Fright. Underrated: Detective’s Hunch, Quick & Quiet, Poised, Alert, Second Wind, Aftercare, Surveillance and Dragon’s Grip.
  • Honestly, it’s great for every killer. Well, maybe not Doctor, but for everybody else lol. I have it a lot, where I know somebody is still near the generator, but I can’t waste time trying to find them. So I’ll leave and keep checking the generators aura, as soon as it changes, I’ll head back. It should be strong on Spirit…
  • On my Pig I use PGTW, Surveillance, BBQ and Nurses. I prefer Surveillance to TT, but I wouldn’t choose it over BBQ. If possible, run both of them. As BBQ is great for locating survivors and Surveillance is great for tracking which gens are being worked on. It’s also something not many survivors are wary of as you rarely…
  • I struggle slowly when I’m bored on the hook. As it’s more fun than just lying there motionless and I struggle fast when nobody is coming to get me. It’s my way of saying HURRY THE ######### UP!
  • Janes booty. It’s OP.
  • You use Hangman’s Trick? Damn, you’re such a tryhard. ;) I don’t mind it when I’m first starting to level up as it makes me branch out and try other perks. This is how I realised how much I loved Surveillance. But, when you get to P3 level 50 and you’re just being handed every useless perk in the game, it becomes tiresome.…
  • I’m actually using that build on Felix. Just minus the Resilience, as I’m currently using Spine Chill with it. I didn’t mention those perk combinations as I find Self-Care + Botany Knowledge to be the perks that I get the most use out of, as Desperate Measures has more conditions to be met for me to get the healing boost.
  • Whenever there’s Sloppy Butcher and I’m using Self-Care with Botany Knowledge, the healing bar always seems to move faster than if I was to let one person heal me. I’m not sure if it’s because they aren’t hitting great skill checks and I am, but I definitely notice a difference. It’s only faster if I let two survivors do…
  • I personally notice a big difference when I run Botany Knowledge with Self-Care and it’s the only combo I’ll use. I will never use Self-Care by itself. Even when the killer has Sloppy Butcher, healing myself feels faster than letting another survivor do it. I love it.
  • Self-Care + Botany is better than any other healing perks / items for me. It’s useful for you and your team.
  • I’d love some more original killers like a Scarecrow, Siren and something that’s related to the snow / ice. It could be cool having a killer that could freeze generators / pallets. Maybe Krampus / a Yeti?
  • Uncharted 4 and The Last of Us Part 2 are two of the best games I’ve ever played. So I couldn’t disagree more.
  • I could never and will never give up my PlayStation solely because of The Last of Us and Uncharted. For me, they are the best gaming franchises of all time and I can’t see them ever being topped by any other platform exclusives.
  • I love when it happens to me as it normally happens after a long chase and it shows that I got under the killers skin. The best thing to do is to hook and walk away. I never hit people on the hook as most people want you to do that to show they bothered you.
  • This is why I’ll never take off Spine Chill. There’s no way I’m being the first down. I can’t rely on randoms. My current build is Iron Will, Spine Chill, Resilience and Wake Up. It’s great for both in game and endgame. I love opening that exit gate super fast when I’m the last survivor standing. I don’t bother looking for…
  • I once had a match where I was left to die on my first hook by my teammates early in the trial and the killer messaged me afterwards to say “gg” so I just replied with “was it really?” 😂
  • It isn’t bad manners but I don’t say it unless somebody messages me first. I’m on PS4 and can’t be bothered to message people. 🤭
  • Imagine complaining about Nurse in 2020. 🥴
  • One thing I always found funny about this game is how much people complain about certain things the ‘other side’ does - but they themselves are part of the reason people play the way they do. Examples being, killers complaining about DS, BT and being teabagged, but then these killers will go out of their way to camp and…
  • I don’t particularly hate any killer as I actually like the different gameplay you encounter with each. The only killer I sometimes roll my eyes at would be Plague, but that’s only because I often run healing builds and she denies it completely lol.
  • I didn’t think I’d enjoy him as I’m on console but his turning is surprisingly easy to handle. It’s just so fun being able to chase survivors.
  • I’ve been seeing a lot more DC’s since I enabled crossplay and I’m on PS4. I don’t think the issue is with a specific platform, but with the fact we’re being paired with so many other players so we’re seeing it more often. Plus, the game has been a lot buggier recently, so I think people are more frustrated whilst playing.…
  • I really enjoy playing him, but I feel like he attracts DC’s, so I don’t play him as much as I’d like to. :(
  • Cheers mate!
  • I suppose it depends on what you’re looking for. My personal favourite and the one I have the most fun playing as is Michael Myers. But, the one who’s the most consistent and powerful would be Freddy Krueger.
  • Oh really? Well I’m already maxed out on my favourite survivor, so that doesn’t bother me too much.