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  • Gotta go with problem. Not so much in the character, but the developers' continued overwhelmingly mediocre design of killers. For the past year, we have gotten nothing but B, MAYBE low A killers but nothing more. I guess BHVR is still trying to uphold the ancient prophecy and order of the three only viable and consistent…
  • "me with over 4000h" yet here you are complaining about noed. if it weren't for your insolent "there is no unhooking/bones, there is only m1 on gen" this wouldn't happen. Something else, just leave. I guarantee you that the killer you were facing at green ranks didn't care you escaped. So many people cry about NOED when it…
  • Survivor: Felix: I like his perks and his cosmetics, plus I got extremely good perks within my first five levels with him. Cheryl: I like SH but somehow my level 5 Felix had better perks than my level 42 Cheryl. My Felix is now eons ahead but I just like Cheryl because it's Cheryl. Killer: Demo: This choice tells you I…
  • As a relatively newer pig main I can confirm. I don't forsee pig getting any changes (sadly) because first half of Almuerzo plays her. "Uh, according to the statistics, Pig actually has one of the highest kill rates!" What? This doesn't even make sense. I used to play Spirit and 3-4k most games. Playing Pig has put me…
  • Because OP literally went AFK for 40 minutes. That's 30 generators that could be completed. They are taking the game hostage by not progressing the objective purposefully. Even then, the killer cannot chase two survivors at the same time so there is one person with pressure and another without. There is NO REASON for…
  • I play killer on PS5. That alleviates the frames by a lot. I play killer 80% of the time and only play survivor when its with my friends. There's only a few types of survivors. Clicky Clicky: these are actually quite rare, at least for me. Usually play Nea, Feng, or Claudette and think they are God because they looped you…
  • New Pig main here. I bait survivors that want to boop the snoot because haha funny meem amirite guise into an ambush attack. It's a free but only works once so I take advantage of it. In one day I got 3 head pops in different games with only Video Tape and exhaust trap addons. No timer, no gears. It always makes my…
  • Yet again I present to you another GROUND-BREAKING revelation. Thank me later.
  • surbibor is to stronk!!:Distortion. Love watching at a distance when some killers with BBQ don't see me so they convince themselves that I am somewhere nearby and start patrolling the area like a prison guard. I like to run autodidact as well because at full stacks 1 skillcheck can fully heal. kilur op: I like to run…
  • dwight
    in Dwight Comment by Meg_Main February 2021
  • allow me to present to you, a revelation
  • David. I started playing around the time Clown was first released and on the PS Store Lullaby for the Dark was free for some reason so I took advantage of it and bought the pack. I got him to level 30 or so and he was thus the first survivor I leveled. Not my favorite survivor though, that would go to Cheryl although it is…
  • Civilization VI. Thanks Mathieu. But really, I've been mostly playing battlefront 2 trying to level up most of the heroes I'm interested in leveling up.
  • Don't know if anyone here is familiar with Warframe, or specifically the developers, but they are turning into DE. What I mean by this is either the devs do something NOBODY asked for really well, or something people did ask for really poorly. I just think the devs make so many half-assed changes and have so many problems…
  • I usually vary my build slightly based on what killer I'm playing but it's sometimes similar. Spirit: Corrupt, BBQ, Stridor, Whispers. give me ######### idc Triangle Brain: Corrupt, BBQ, I'm All Ears, STBFL Deathslinger: Corrupt, BBQ, Gearhead (i dont have a lot of perks on him), and STBFL Nurse: guess. and whispers,…
  • It's because the devs basically never play their own game, and on the slight offchance that they do, they are all like rank 20s so they are going to go against default trappers and baby huntresses. They have no idea how to balance because they don't play where the perks are relevant. The highest rank dev I have seen was…
  • I am seemingly the only person who doesn't like the idea of having the black and white survivor portraits. I actually like the full color portraits much more because I find the achievement portraits to be straight up ugly.
  • BBQ: You hook a survivor and they scream, revealing their auras to you for the entirety of the game. Ruin: Whenever a survivor gets off a generator, the generator explodes killing everyone including the killer in a 10 meter radius. Pop: Whenever you kick a generator with pop active you punt it to the opposite corner of the…
  • tfw when i pay 15 dollars for cybil bennett skin but can't even change the head.
  • Was playing badBreathslinger this David wanted to be altruistic pro man towards Laurie while she was on death hook. I guess he didn't realize. He took a hit and thus was injured. Bromie thought it would be a good idea to wait at the gate against a badBreathslinger so I took advantage and hit a Faze Timothy quickscope on…
  • I play Battlefront 2 alot with friends. When they aren't on sometimes I play killer. I touched solo q a few times and its even more monstrous than the room of the average Bubba player.
  • 1k(ish) hours console player. Seeing as DBD is really a one-of a kind thing in it's genre especially with the cancellation of Friday servers and Friday getting no more updates, DBD has a lengthy future. They seem to be getting a steady amount of licenses and consistent chapter releases. I used to find Friday superior but…
  • I think conceptually and on paper this sounds very well but I don't think that being downed should double the timer. People with DS will just get off the hook and get in front of the killer who is chasing their friend to make the killer get in chase with them too. I think it should also get the pop treatment of a straight…
  • The reason being is that all killers have the same weapon hit boxes. Spirit's sword has to have the same hitbox as Clown's knife else people will only play the killers with the more broken range. Just expect Freddy's hand glove thing to hit as far as Trapper's machete.
  • The duality of man Survivor players want DS to last for the next 8 games and for it to instantly murder the killer resulting in the game ending and you gaining 600k BP and instant rank 1. Then there are killer players who wish DS was a real QTE where if you miss you stab yourself and commit seppuku. DS is like Bubba.…
  • Breakable walls. Maybe I just need to git gud. I find them really annoying and impractical because you only notice them while in a chase and they usually cause god loops. Take time at the beginning of the game to break them and your gens are gone. Don't break them and you get looped for eons. They ruin a lot of…
  • It's because they aren't. Devs are so stingy imo. For the christmas event they gave us like 500 iridescent shards for 5 days and probably thought they were the most benevolent beings to ever grace the players. 250k BP is barely enough to level up 7-10 levels in an already decently leveled (25-30+) killer if you are not…