- this one of those "Why do you care about other people's opinions" posts? If yeah play however you want my guy.
This right here.
Yikes this comment section.
Awe who hurt you?
All these killer nerfs and nothing really worth nerfing them for.... Freddy's nerf is unwarranted.
Instant Kills
I mean....does my Username not indicate I'm not fun at parties?
Actually they about to make a whole new TV series reboot in 2021. So it's Popularity/Marketing is def gonna get higher if the series stays fateful to what made the original series great.
I like how you think but SuRViVoRs would think TOO OP. Nah they would badly nerf him and then survivors would cry and plus he isn't fit for this game. I mean I wouldn't call him a Jason Rip-Off just a Tribute.
@MandyTalk did I say something wrong?
Slugging is most def part of the game lol.
Um what's wrong with Haddonfield?
Survivors=Multiple ways to Rush their Gens both Add-Ons/Tools/Perks Killers=Perks only (plague is good at Anti-Gen but can still be stopped.)
That's debatable tho....
See NOW thats better all 4 hooked once+Ebony Mori=Balance
Survivors have the easiest gens.....or key for Killer mains have to play cat and mouse+hide n' seek for surviors.
Big facts Vetra :( Now we gotta work extra hard for a second hook+save.....
Mori wasn't too was perfectly fine. :(
Or....or hear me out.....1,000,000 BP???
I agree with this post! #FreeTheMori
Def might wanna report that to the support team because that's dangerous for it to be free when its a licensed killer.
aaaah I see first time seeing that, thank you for the responses and apology for derailing the thread slightly. +1 for both.
1+ I wish Michael had either the OG Theme or the 2018 Allyson gets chased by the Shape.
/Thread What system is this on???
Hit validation to me doesn't work lol......also does the "Jail" icon means they are temp or perm banned?
Survivor Mains: "What? that's so UNFAIR against the TOXIC Killers!" Also Survivors Mains: "Haha Mori's nerf go buuuurz." But seriously....this would block the achievements/trophies that could be earned and possible remove it from the game which for me is unfair because me and my friend+2 randoms did it when a tryhard…
I wish but its beyond hacked at this point.
uuuum cool lol.
The Huntress
I don't even play legion so I didn't know that.
I'm a year above him in the game so he wouldn't know DS+UB just yet.
I guess he went for youtube clickbaits.
Because they wanted to try to do their own version of anti-gen rushing? most are hexes which can be deactivated if found.
I dont see the double egde sword gen slowdown perks barely do anything...and powers like those are either on cooldown or a limited uses.
to piggy back.....there is no such thing as camping thats just killers doing their objective.
Where do you guys find these kill rates???
Michael is always S tier smh
Pretty much this in a nutshell. They can leave it near boxes or areas they perfectly remember to retrieve them.
Didn't truly read whatever biased/ignorant cesspool of false remarks you made. Firstly whoever you are (don't care about ya btw) so....lets make some corrections from your falseness vs reality Never played "Coy" or "Innocent" i dont give a flying given ######### about that ######### LOL lets get that straight, being dishonest=me…
Um so you agreeing its still a issue?
That's legit depending on if the Survivor knows how to play or not. You know how many people unhooked infront of killers?.....or when I play as Michael himself and see Survivors unhooking infront of me while I'm meters away?......
One takes time and has a nerf.... Moris aren't sabotaging. You naming multiple fallacies that doesn't instantly hinder the survivors from beginning to end. Michael has to Stalk and build up his tombstone but loses it once they are drained it's not as fast or close to Gens speed. Moris are varied and have specific…
You obviously proven you didn't once read my comments or the post. >Post/Comments state that doing the objectives/escaping isn't toxic. >clearly didn't read my detailed explanation about how purposely using Perks and Add-Ons to gained the ultimate advantage over a killer in a group (SFW+Chat) knowing damn well you can get…