Pretty much sums up your post. You’re being over-dramatic and trying to victimize yourself by adding your own words of self-insult trying to make it seem like I’m the one that insulted you.
You know theres a bs miscalculation of PING when you're in a lobby sometimes. Happened to me last night where the bar was 110-120 PING and in game played like they were at least 300. I kept getting lagged back to the areas I just ran from, behind windows I just vaulted, etc. The lobby bar indicator isn’t always beneficial…
I know they're not. I've conversed with some pretty mature and understanding Killers on here. Let me edit my post so I don't offend the people that don't act like this.
Best way to punish a "cAmPiNg iS a lEgIt StRaTeGy" killer is to take the L and stall as much time as possible on the hook (struggle as long as you can) so your teammates can repair gens. Don't give that Killer more kills than what they deserve.
I swear "Homophobic" is used out of context 9 times out of 10.
I see one with the Trapper all the time. When he hooks a survivor and starts to walk away, I'll see his aura but its a survivor trapped in a beartrap rotated sideways. It looks so funny 😂
Why do console players have to be peasants? You people are a disgusting community.
Please stop over exaggerating. There are frame drops here and there but it really isn't that bad.
Its truly sad that such a good game is a cesspool of childish adults that live for negativity and making others feel like they're beneath them. Edit: forgot a word
Thank you.
3 gens left. It definitely wasn't an accident, they did it twice simultaneously while the Killer was standing on the right side of me.
No borrowed time involved but yeah I think it's a really iffy situation.
Yes, it happens alot. Idk if they plan on fixing this or if thats how its supposed to be.
Thank you :chuffed:
Same. Honestly, I believe the problem is that everybody loves to play Survivor on console. I tested loading up a lobby as Killer and got a game in 30 seconds.
It would be nice to have a penalty system for Killers that dodge back to back. It took me 25 mins to find a lobby SOLO just now and still getting dodged. Its really inconvenient.
Nickenzie, I didn't even realize this was you because of your avatar. I'm so used to seeing Amandy Pandy as your avatar. :chuffed:
I 100% stand by this. We need other game modes, which is what I asked for the Q&A and they completely skipped pass my question and went to the next. I guess they don't have plans for it unfortunately.
I understand what you mean, I should rephrase it to "As a Killer"/"As a Survivor".
Adding an option for Killers to opt out of SWF would make it so hard to get a game imo. The matchmaking is already pretty bad, this would just obliterate it.
Why does it matter that much to you? Lol.
This is so true.
Pretty much.
Constructive criticism and an ultimatum are two different things. Nice try though
When someone gives the Devs an ultimatum of THEIR game....
You're my favorite person.
Thats if you successfully sabo the hook. Don't act like there isn't a numerous amount of hooks spread across each map, pretty sure you have enough hours in the game to know. Once that Killer catches you, you're getting camped and when you get off, tunneled. Hell, I've even been slugged and camped on the ground before.…
And then getting tunneled/camped? xD Good one.
Sounds like a plan! Enjoy yourself fox <3
Yes, we've gotta love our low tiers just as much as the high's. They're all the loves of my life <3 What about the new Survivor. Ever play with em?
Nicee, niceee. I'd love to see some gameplay if you ever feel up to streaming or sharing videos :)
;/ Aww, well maybe the next Killer will be better for you.
Oh we HAVE to do this <3
Fcc!! 💜 How the hell are ya? And by all means I would loveee to.
Now I'm curious and must have them. That is so cool.
I'm kinda confused on the Gender... Are they both? And eh, I'm pretty good. Just been working like crazy. Nice to see you're doing alright.
Awwww ;/
So should I get her? (The New Killer) and yes! Omg I'm hungry now 💜 Edit: How are you btw?
I agree. This menu music made the game seem more intimidating, especially the Killer themed one.
If you tell the community any details, time-schedules, anything they go crazy and expect everything to happen when the devs predicted. I think its a good idea to keep everything vague and simple. You see how people acted with The Spirit release, even though people ASSUMED when she was coming out. I just wanted to a simple…
And that’s your personal opinion.
This post wasn’t directed to you.
Nobody is scared of FredBear. Everyone is scared of Bonnie. You’re welcome for the nightmare you’re gonna have tonight.
Is it just me, or when Adam is attempting to wiggle out while I carry him to hook he sounds like he’s clearing his throat over and over and over and over.. that is my #1. I hate hearing David’s scream, it makes me feel like a horrible person when I hook him. He’s sounds like hes in complete and utter agony.
You don’t seem biased though, thats the difference between you and the rest of these people on forums.
Oh okay, so he’s just another biased Killer Main. Got it.
Bbq stacks? Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t you lose BBQ stacks after every trial? I’m sure you don’t start a trial with the same BBQ stacks as last game... ######### lol
You can’t delete neither. You can remove something you post in a thread by clicking “edit” and deleting whatever you typed but your post will always be there, it’ll just be empty.