I think looping actually got an overall buff they opened up a lot of fast vaults and some pretty safe loops got put closer together
They’re high schoolers
Just play another game. I hear civilization is fun
So the proposal is just huntress but can go fast for a short time at least legions current power is somewhat original
Considering all the legions are underage that’s messed up
Yeah it’s not fun what honestly sucks is that dedicated servers ended up being the gate way for them because I think in the long run every competitive game should have dedicated servers
dude i swear to god every time i see you reply to me the first thought I have is oh god here comes somebody who's never played killer. Legion runs fast and gets a hit but cannot down he is by far the 2nd worst killer in the game try playing legion in red ranks its infuriating.
legion is so simple to play that theres no reason to play like this. also it kinda seems like you're begging for a legion nerf which is definitely unneeded
thats what im saying i'm a rank 3 pig and ignoring how sometimes a good team screws me just her head trap mechanic literally robs you of points that go to ranking up so it takes much longer as pig to level up
this definitly isnt only a killer problem it sucks going against a laggy team of survivors who teleport to pallets
so because it makes the game bad in 1 instance it should be removed and make the game bland and unmemorable good logic!
No the Rng is an important part of the game which makes it replayable
im a pig main and still I wanna get my hands on whatever this man is smoking
even as a killer main it looks like not only are you a low rank survivor but you dont have an altruistic bone in your body
Wish I could read any of these replies lol
Kinda sad that there’s little distinction
yeah it does actually add a lot to the game it’s a great way to control game speed. And yes the rng can be annoying but it definitely balances out to two boxes per trap. Honestly I’m sick of people complaining about how fast traps come off a lot of times I find what I think of as the 1st box is really the third there’s…
Ah I see you mean smoll face if you run pwyf and nemesis you speed around the map
What’s to complain about that’s 4 more people to boop your snoot
I think 5 seconds is fast but I agree that it should be much faster than gens where it’s like 1/4 the progression speed
Lol the the game is not too fast because of killers the game is too fast because of survivors
The person at the gate can’t body block at the hook tho so you should be able to at least trade
all your examples look like ass on console also of course you cant tell the difference you don't play pc every day. There is no arguing that games run like as on console most are capped at 30 fps and drop frames all the time
A. they still are capped at 60 fps so they run like ass B.Youre literally only referencing games made in house by Microsoft so of course they run decently well Mario odyssey and Zelda look great on the switch but you don't see anyone praising the graphics on any other game.
every game runs like ass on console
congratulations that's the point its mostly a meme item
In youre explanation you just stated a change you lose the effectiveness of 1 team member making plays like body blocking that much harder
I actually think fixated as it is is probably my favorite perk but I’d love to see it work while injured
He’s revealed differently than you think you just gotta put him dead center of your camera I actually think due to dedicated servers gf has the short end of the stick I mean you literally can be revealed from behind walls
I think it’d be better if the gates just started regression when nobody was interacting with them
You want to make bubba face camping easier
Lots of weeb energy here but yes Ghostface is fun for mind games I just wish the stalk worked
It’s because you walk away right before the animation ends currently I don’t know if it’s a glitch or intended
Already uncredible lol deathslingers max range is 18m which is not “basically 30”
I’m a masochist so pig, then legion, then clown
First week and they’re faced with a bubba facecamper
Yeah but he takes a 4 second stun so you can go to the next loop and the next time it literally will do nothing
Idk why people always put pig in c or d tier she’s at least B and there are some mean ways to play her to drag her up to A tier
Just start preflipping pallets
Try maintaining or gaining rank as pig if you get a head pop it usually hurts you more than it helps
Stop humoring the man not only is this poor bait but it just reeks of salt
theres such thing as over committing to a bit
Enough bait youve already caught all the fish
I literally only 4k or 0k with legion but the stupid thing is that he kinda breaks the ranking system because you barely derank
on who thats pretty much 1 down on all killers but bubba and billy
only a completly useless inexperienced team would ever let you fill up stalk on burger king myers
They do need to change things but I hope its not like nurse where half of the add ons are just memes and only hurt the killer
I dont really know how this would work but Id like to see an exhaustion perk that creates an afterimage of the survivor maybe its like press the secondary action key to create an afterimage of a survivor that copies past actions like 2 or 3 seconds behind. I think it would be a good way to reward survivors that are really…
this just insta heal they removed it for a reason
Its not game wise but ive been seeing rumblings of a billy addon rework in the next mid patch