Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • This is a fine change, I suppose, it disencourages camping (good for all sides, in terms of fun), it helps solo q, as solo q teammates often have the mentality of "I'm sure someone else will get it", so I get to stare at 3 teammates doing gens while i die, only for them to save me when im hitting stage 2, which is…
  • I don't use social media (other than snap, but that's just a messaging platform, not exactly social media imo) so I wouldn't know the general internet state rn or other game's state, but historically this community has always been particularly bad imo. Just sick of people coming from biased sides, not realising, the SBMM…
  • Horror shouldn't be conjured by making an intolerant and frustrated community, that's how you make a horrible game, not a horror one.
  • There's definitely more than a couple of these people here from a glance, but I'm glad to hear it, first post here (atleast since I logged back into this account in years, currently fearing what horrible take past me decided to run my mouth on), I was sick of reddit and everywhere else tbh. EDIT: Yup just looked back at my…
  • Ironically, in my just under 900 hours, I've only ever reached like rank 12 in survivor, whatever that would translate too today (Gold IV or Silver I, I think) and find myself rarely playing survivor, except when I'm bored, doing solo q chest roulette runs (Ace in the hole, appraisal, plunderers and the new perk…
  • That is optimistic, but I am weary as others have mentioned about trolls and the like, some people just like stirring the pot, I also particularly think that passion doesn't need to be expressed by people in the way it often is, with endless whataboutism, people saying "Are you dense?" if you say something they don't think…
  • I have many times wondered exactly how many people are in it for reals and how many actually believe in the things they say, go to any reddit post with the flair "discussion" if you dare, you'll find most of the people there who are saying the stupidest ideas and complaining the most just have a default reddit name (two…
  • The sad part is, they had a PTB (the one with the finisher mori where the game auto ended with 4 downs, the same PTB as the one with basekit unbreakable) that completely addressed these issues AGES ago, but just the way it was implemented didn't sit right with some people (complaints about motion sickness with fov changes…
  • Exactly, when I saw the hotfix twitter announcement, the endurance bug fix specifically, I saw atleast 2 people say "If it was surivors getting endurance when they weren't supposed to, instead of the other way around, it'd be fixed immediately". Which first of all, you're complaining that BHVR fixed a bug within 8 days of…
  • I mean it doesn't really have a side IMO, each post has people from both extremes if it's a hot issue, both sides make horrendous balance suggestions based on the animosity they hold for the other side. Maybe killers are more vocal here, I wouldn't know, I was talking more generally about forums, reddit, even end game…
  • Unfortunately that means you also… don't have a power for 30 seconds? which is terrible, unengaging for the knight and the hunted surv, I did my adept knight post changes and I mostly used assassin to keep gens off (and rarely carnifex to shred through pallets into a chase), simply because I could get free hits, though I…
  • I was dissapointed with the alien, this would've been really cool, the alien canonically is a smart conniving creature that outsmarts its prey before ripping them apart, but now even some hurdur bozo like the clown is a more conniving and skilful killer than this extra-terrestrial supposed smart killer. I do imagine that…
    in New killer Comment by Monarch July 24
  • It should be added back, but I don't think it should work against hag, and it should possibly be added as a counter to the higher tier killers, rather than generally weak killers like wraith. I'm happy for wraith's to stay tho, given lightburning a wraith who has achieved sentience and the ability to press his strafe keys…
  • On the 7th day, god gave us his final gift: Custom icons.
  • ^ this, people are stuck in to being entitled to use DS by literally any means necessary, it's as if it's there precious first born or some #########, they are determined to have it and keep no matter what and if I have to be a garbage teammate to use ds then it's the games fault for not allowing me to abuse the long timer…
  • Keys ruin fun all the ######### time and are equally not fair, so no, I'll happily let the entity suck your soul, #########, if you're on the ground you can't key. so I'll let you bleed out. Under the asumption this is not a troll, play killer for like 500 hours at high purple or red ranks. The whole idea of a key is also…
    in Hatch Comment by Monarch February 2021
  • what you're saying is you want me to camp? You want me to sit there and make sure every survivor goes in for at least a trade and then personally guarantee, that a niche perk only used in certain scenarios is unable to be used. Also the end game is the end GAME it's not the time where if you die it's all right because it's…
  • because this type of data is called Big Data(definition: Big data is a term that describes the large volume of data – both structured and unstructured – that inundates a business on a day-to-day basis. But it's not the amount of data that's important. It's what organizations do with the data that matters.) and while it may…
  • Poor map design (imo and probably others too) doesn't justify the ability to become near invisble in the right clothing, tbh, it doesn't work most of the time, in chase, but out of chase as soon as you get to a wokred on gen you have to squint at your screen and say "is that a claudette the ground or a corn stalk?" Also…
  • In all fairness, I don't think holding control in an open corn field should be "hiding", so I respectfully disagree.
  • I'm sorry that thing they mentioned a year ago? It's been on the ahem "long list of ######### BHVR said they were working on like 6 eons ago and are yet to be released" some items include: Early game mechanic, moris and keys (long before the mori change), blights POV (like half a year ago), Iri head and I'm sure you can…
  • They don't deserve that escape, they ######### died and now used such skill as holding m1 to instantly revive themselves and render themselves invunerable for a minute.
  • "You were good son, real good, maybe even the best..."
  • Welp, it's unfortunate the, uh, ######### legion of survs and killers didn't see this post. but as a wise man once said: "Peace was never an option..."
  • I don't understand what the massive deal is with the concept of "If you progress the game, you're not being tunneled" is. Also, I don't think I can explain within a reasonable word count how much a DS actually does, how 1 second of difference splits a 0k form a 3k. What do you want the effect to be, if you hit DS, you win…
  • Welp, unfortunately, it seems you are just an innocent protester in noman's land cuz I think survs are about to start a revolt.
  • Ok, you don't like this, so instead of making your experience more enjoyable and liek any other game company change it and make it a more fun experience, we're going to keep all of the things you dislike in the game because of ~STATISTICS~. This is why people don't like almo, he says all this ######### about, THE STATS, so…
  • You literally said they nerfed DS but whatabout this, how is that not whataboutism. Also a comparison does not mean I'm bring keys into this argument I'm saying what you're doing is this that killers were doing in the mori nerf and just in general. Also bruh, just in general.
  • So basically you don't want the perk to change at all, 59 sec DS still a thing, actual anti tunnel still a thing, being invincible for a minute while progressing the game, worse, but still a thing.
  • "When I first heard of the news yesterday and read a picture of the perk description, I immediately thought it was a prank because it was clearly written by a killer main." Let me objectively correct this statement for you: "When I first saw this post today and read it, I immediately thought it was a prank because it was…
  • I'll see you next time they ######### up MMR and then start posting twitter memes, you will be missed until then. God Bless✌️
  • This is the key mori argument all over again,if all you want is something to be changed cuz something else was, then why don't you fight for what you want instead of complaining about this change. Is there any reason other than you don't want DS to be changed cuz you didn't see a problem with it, or are you literally…
  • "*I only seeing as DS is getting a hefty nerf*" I need you to explain to me what you mean, in what sense would it no longer counter tunneling ESPECIALLY hook face camping as you said ...and yet hook camping is somehow... fine? this is because DS still works here, if it were a cage, no DS, yes to tunneling. Hook camping is…
  • I'm debating coming back to the game just to see how many OOO heathens I can cleanse, my steam comments are thirsty for more salty survs, either that or I avoid it like the black death until changed.
  • why do you think this? I think it still has a good few years without any anomalous events
  • Where tf am I supposed to talk about it? you want me to run and EG chat poll? Also I respect BHVR while I disagree with some of their choices, I just genuinely wanted peoples thoughts because I've never really heard anyone talk about it.
  • I think one of the reasons that this game isn't dead is the achievable content, the grind (while painful and monotonous) is actually very rewarding, I remember having fun with my newely prestiged trapper and I just felt this sense of not having everything and instead I had a challenge. I could never do all archives lol,…
  • It's fair to exclude steam charts data imo quarantine just gave way to so much more gaming time.
  • I am blessed by your wisdom and this brings up a valid point of how negative the community is, I started playing right after the hex ruin nerf and it's kind of strange how something so ancient feeling to me was actually still in the game not a month before I started playing. I think that you are very right. We should thank…
  • -- Yes, but how many things (like stranger things) are gonna actually bring a playerbase uproar and aren't gonna be a "ohhh theres that one character from that standalone movie I watched like 2 months ago" sure, they'll bring in new players but only people who both watched it and are interested in dbd's style. -- Good…
  • Skyrocket? No. Raise? Yes. I think if anything additional content like this will only retain a playerbase, we need the game to be bringing in people and then keeping them. It's like if you go to a pizza place to get some cheese pizza and then find out you really want/like pepperoni tomorrow but the place doesn't have…
  • I don't think the competitor argument is true, I think it would most definetly hurt the playerbase but it's not going to vaporise at konami actually releasing a good HMP game. as for the New player argument, yeah I see that, 100%
  • Just because one person has 22k hours doesn't reflect on the community. Cuz' I bet right now there are bunches and thousonds of people with less than 20 hours who just never got into it and in the same vein people with thousands hours who haven't touched the game in ages either. There's a bottleneck between people who get…
  • Very nice, I think this is mostly true, but I just have these feelings: -how many iconic horror franchises can BHVR get, for example -- try and name one (non RE) franchise from the iconic horror early days (SH and NMOES for example) that's NOT in dbd. I exclude RE bc it has RE:verse as it's next HMP game and leaks by…
  • No but I like to think of myself as an optimist pretending to be a pessimist, so there's always beggar's belief. unfortunately, you have done a Ben Shapiro on me and won an argument with facts and logic. Here's hoping that it's a short week. Also 100th post pog
  • What? past actions to not predict RNG? Is it probable? sure. but it's not any less probable than another 0 for 2021. I'm sorryt but the math nerd inside me got very angry at this misuse of probability
  • I know they won't do this, but in the lobby if you could switch killers that were within a reasonable range in lobby, like if I had a 100 MMR wraith I could play my 90 MMR Trapper or 110 MMR Billy so basically if your killers are within a reasonable range (to the MMR values scale) you could switch. Maybe introduce this a…
  • Because - generally - you feel cheated and upset cuz you got fun ruined for no reason. But, if you were particularly good and the killers being salty -- you get satisfaction because 99% of survs aren't human and live for human suffering and then they revel in it. --joke btw it's literally just human nature to feel good…
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