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  • I will note that within the last couple months it seems purple and red ranks have a much worse chance of being good players in public games. I used to almost always start get good teams once I got to purple ranks.
  • This is not the typical outcome. First of all I only play survivor now, and doing gens is boring. If anything I think they should reduce the speed and make cleansing all totems required or add another objective; something to break the monotony. Just have it be about the same overall time. This is red ranks against a rank…
  • This may have somehow been related to the most recent Windows 10 update. I noticed that the anticheat was taking a much longer time that usual to load. Regardless, I installed the queued Windows updates, and now can connect fine, so if anyone else is checking this, try that. Nothing else on my computer was giving me…
  • It's really not a big deal, it only held me up for like 2 minutes. I'm sure someone could make a tool to for a crash, but how else would you force one? It's not like you can just go to menu and use the force crash button. I'm bringing this up because most of the complains I've seen about the bans are focused on crashes.…
  • I don't know how to edit my post... But anyway, still lost pips etc. There must be some way they can have a submitted crash report clear the penalties. It would also encourage more people to submit them.
  • I think these are fair. Perhaps I'm lucky, but haven't experienced many crashes since the last engine update, and I've been playing since the beginning. Seems like enough to make frequent culprits DC much less. They obviously have to balance everything. People also constantly complain about queue times. If they are too…
  • I think they should add a perk that requires all totems to be cleansed before the exit gates are able to be powered. You don't know about it until all the gens are done. Even if someone doesn't run it, it'll cause more survivors to seek out totems because the killer might have it. Therefore all games would be increased…
  • Lolz best comment, I'm dying.
  • I've been playing this since long before ruin, and it's basically ruined the game for me. I only started playing again because I heard it was going away. Basically kills every game if you aren't active and derank. I don't have a problem with noed though tbo. Cleanse more totems of you're worried about that... Or don't get…
  • Another note slightly off topic, I've found that if three survivors join, it takes forever to find the 4th. I guess that must mean a shortage of solo players? Often after minutes of waiting some or all of the survivors leave, and then it quickly fills up. Probably with SWF teams. I wonder what the percentage of SWF to solo…
  • It would be helpful if more posts note the rank, times, platform, and general physical location. OP I'm also East Coast US and on PC I'm seeing about a 10 minute wait as well. I usually play after 9pm ET with a rank 15 or so killer. I don't really play killer any more because of it, but have to for challenges. I pretty…
  • I used to main killer, but play only survivor now as it takes too long to get killer games, but here's my experience. I think some tunneling is not intended. I never camp, so once I hook, if no survivors are nearby I go back to paroling gens. If there is an unhook, unless I'm in a new chase, I'm obviously going back as I'm…
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