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  • I can't go anywhere DBD related and not hear people screaming "The sky is falling!". I keep trying to understand their frustrations because how could an entire mob of people be wrong? I played a few matches yesterday and a ton today (Survivor & Killer mind you). Um, what is everyone smoking? People seem to be upset that…
  • Wow, just in a short period a lot of terrible things in the game are being changed for the better. Mori's & Undying were just terrible and I rejoiced when I heard their changes. I'm doing the same for DS & the proposed OoO change. Very nicely done BHVR. There are plenty of other things to shore up in the game and you folks…
  • "you get a stack when you blind the killer whilst the survivor is on their shoulder." Exactly. That's the whole reason I made the post to begin with. I'm stating that it's not working properly. We're Gonna Live Forever states: "Blind the Killer to rescue a carried Survivor." So if I use a flashlight on a Killer and get a…
  • Dude, you didn't read the original post at all. How am I miss timing the flashlight if I'm getting successful We're Gonna Live Forever stacks? We're Gonna Live Forever gives you a stack for flashlight saves. If I'm getting the stack that means I successfully blinded the Killer and the dying survivor should be dropped by…
  • Thank God they finally nerfed Mori's. Watching the Killers offering not spin around because it was secret always ruined a match before it even started. All survivors would play super stealthy bush wookie, and the killer just camps/tunnels the first hooked survivor bcuz you know... that's the whole reason they brought the…
  • The problems with the Twins revolve around their power. The best way to use Charlotte is to park her somewhere & camp. Every match I face versus the Twins involves hook camping, basement camping, blocking doorways to gens, blocking exit gate levers, and camping the exit gate. The Killer is literally a 'How to' guide for…
  • The Twins are a hook camping/slugging machine. Give it a couple months. Survivors will grumble every time they see The Twins and DC/Kill themselves on hook at the start of the match. It's going to be miserable to play The Twins. I also feel as time goes on their will be little to no counter play to be had versus Victor.…
  • He lets Charlotte camp the Survivor on the hook while still providing map pressure. If Survivors are injured he is a slug machine.
  • I've been having the worst hit reg today. Killers will complete their full hit animation, another split second will go by, and THEN the hit registers. This is happening when the Killer clearly hit me with an attack and when the hit is questionable. I'm playing Survivor only today so I'm not sure how it feels playing as…
  • Events for games are usually about giving to the community. This event seems to be about getting more money from our wallets & trying to take up every last minute of our free time watching twitch content creators dangling trinkets over our heads. This is a non-event. It's all about what BHVR can get from the community, not…
  • I love Midwich as Survivor & Killer.
  • I tried creating a BHVR account today so that I could setup cross progression. When I got to the email verification step of the process, BHVR's website just stopped functioning properly. The code I was sent didn't work. Requesting a new code didn't work. After logging out and trying to log back in, BHVR's site told me my…
  • I've pretty much been watching DBD creator content daily since I started playing several months ago. The code system which is being used for the DwightCrow is disgusting. I'm personally boycotting watching any DBD creator content until this event is over with. Shame on you BHVR.
  • The DwightCrow code giveaway is a TERRIBLE idea. I just had a streamer list 5 codes (minus the last two characters of each code) and then they posted the last two characters of each code all at once. I punched it in within less then a second and was... to late? How are console people going to do this if I can't do it on PC…
  • Just because you want him changed doesn't mean he requires changes. I 100% disagree with you. As many people in this thread have stated, their opinion is the proposed changes wont help him be more palatable to the Survivor community and will probably leave PH a low tier rubbish Killer. Most opinions in here also seem to…
  • I know this isn't exactly the topic being discussed in this thread but I wanted to state my 2 cents about PH before PTB drops and we test it. My issue with the proposed changes has more to do with why is PH next on the chopping block for changes? There are a dozen or more truly abusive things that the community has been…
  • I've got less then 100hr total as Killer & am rank 12 green. I did an MMR experiment yesterday. I took the Pig, a Killer I literally have never used before, and I started playing her. I played 12 matches in a row and purposely got as little emblem/blood points for each match. Out of 12 matches I got zero hooks and only…
  • For me as Killer the match making is extremely extremely poor. I've played less then 100hrs as Killer so far and ever since the new MMR system was implemented all I get is SWF Red Rank teams... every... single... match. I just keep playing the same Killer over and over in hopes the system will register I'm in the wrong MMR…