Wait your joking right ? they did not do that. I need to check that right now
Its even funnier when you look at steam charts if you play on that platform to see that there was 85 k players playing 25 min ago and yet it takes 10 min to find que
This is the menu theme not the chase theme. thats why its wierd. Why not let us vibe while we wait in 10 min que times for this game :D
The devs said that we might get it in the future. They couldnt do it right now as they are reworking the old maps
Welp in 20 min then ahah
I legit dont understand why they added those sound clips. I hate them and they dont fit the game at all
But all the other licensed killer have thier music. I dont think they need licenes for music since they create it. I only know that pyramid heads musoc was created from one on konamis side and not dbd
Kinda hard to play more if games takes longer to find. My other friend got to rank 17 when the rank reset happened the week before this so iam unsure about what you mean with you cant derank below 15
It works. I just got it, just farm for it or something
There is another house in the same map that has this issue that i reported on. Lets hope all of them gets fixed
But why and how is it okay ? Just tell us instead that they have many tickets and it can take a longer time. They even closed my follow up request just now. But they still hasnt closed my first ticket from 2 months ago.
My guy. Eye sight is bs. Even the tallest killers like the oni has the same camera view as the legion. Hight only matters for the survivors not for the killers. Oni, Deathslinger and demi should all be able to see over the corn but they cant. so that argument does not excist
Nah. Its a chain chomp
I thought about the new doctor map and Music the same way as you just said. My first though of the map was just: Is this outlast ?
What ? Outlast is a hell of a lot more gory than dead by Daylight and you can still play it in germany
Have not done that but dosnt that mean that i have to make another steam account ? I dont know how it really works and it wouldnt be my account right ?
I Wrote it in off topic because they dont have a support subject about this specific. Or should i be in technical issues ?
I have tried everything. Even uninstalling :/ The funny part is that i can still player killer fine like i said
Updated it. Check again
Updated it. Check again
Updated it. Check again
I dont know… Thats the thing, it crashes every single time in the lobby on the countdown on either 3 or 2. I can sometimes get in to the loading screen but it will always crash 25% in.
No there was a ton more but that was the only error that i found. But it seems to work now so i hope its all good. Ty
Ty i dont really know what this means but this is what i found LogConsoleResponse: Display: Failed to find resolution value strings in scalability ini. Falling back to default.
I cant find appdata for some reason and i never find it
Ever heard of god windows on almost all of the maps ? i dont think so buddy
I mean it dosnt even work half of the time so i would love that
XD My guy... There are alot more worse killer perks than survivors
Carried a Claudette to the hook and just got blinded and they all ran away… Fun
Nah just more suvivor bias
Good to hear that iam not alone about getting headaches about this theme
I get headaches when i listen to it. Its lazy in my opinion and exctreamly boring. I dont get how fan made ones are more creative than the actuall music team.
My guy. How are you gonna play when all the killers have left the game since we know that the devs hates us. Survivors only has to do gens, chased and getting saves. We have 2 hook a surv 3 times while still not getting the chase for to long otherwise we get genrushed while survivors has god windows that is impossilbe to…
And how is camping fun in the slightest ?
I hope you know that if you moonwalked could you sometimes mess with the auto aim or whatever that automaticly makes you swing even if you keep holding. I think its this issue. Its so damn annoying to play vs.
I mean this almo guy just seems to be like a toxic def just like what he told us legion mains. I dont get how people like this can be in charge of changing. Why dont they just play the game themselves and make privated servers since ¨WE¨ the playerbase dosnt account for feedback anymore
rank ?
Because map are to big for low tier killers to controll and not everyone likes high tier killers and because gens are being done way to fast
You dont realise that all they nerf is killers right. No killer has said that they want to 4k. All we want is gens to not go by so fast and sometime in this new decade buff low tier killers so we can all have fun and dont need to rely on bad map designs that are bigger than America
Yeah try to play survivor at red ranks and you will have to wait atleast for 15 min
Well. Riots usually fixes the problems that they have pretty fast and is good at everything else except balance wise
Plz can you give this to me. I need to watch that
And it sucks at doing so. Plz tell the balance makers to listen to killers before we have all leave. The bias is insane
Yeah you can't buff it because of another perk… Dear god fix the main issues with gen times instead ffs
Not really because as scott has said. His timeline is over. His story is done, thats what he wanted to do before giving out his ip's to like illuminix and steel wool
I mean springtrap do talk but these voicelines that you are taking are from fredbear and nightmare. The only lines that springtrap has actually voiced are from the secret scen in fnaf sl and scraptrap with ucn classic. I always come back
and why are you typing this in creations ?
What is wrong with the stranger things dlc ? And you really dont like fnaf do you
He has never said that. The story is over, that is the reason why he started giving it to other third party devs. He wanted to complete the storyline first and foremost thats why steelwool got to make the vr game and illuminix to create the mobile game.