Unvaultble window at yamaokai family residence
Since you cant post videos here. Here is the bug (2) Plz fix this before the the next patch comes. Why does stuff like this keep breaking ? : deadbydaylight (reddit.com)
Does the glyphs really work ?
I have tried and have been running around the map for about 10 game now and i cant find any of them. Are they bugged ?
Idk if this has been answered before but why did Bhvr change trickters music theme
Why was the part at 0:53 removed from the live version ? Was it some kind of problem with another song becuase this part of the song was a banger and it just sounds to off now that its been removed for an unknown reason and i would love to see this back into the game. Dead By Daylight Chapter 19 All-Kill The Trickster Menu…
You might think the new chapter is weak and isnt that good but no one can deny this fact.
No one can deny what an amazing work the voice actor of the trickster did. I actually didnt think we could get something like this in dbd with talking lines etc. The amount of personaly in this character through the voice actors work is something that every killer and survivor should have and i dont know if it was just dbd…
Honest opinion on blight
He is very fun but very lackluster and here are some of the issues/drawbacks that i have with him that i think should be changed. Make it so that when you uses rush so that it isnt always a lunge. I do not want to lunge every single time i use my power so why am i forced to ? Why is there no way in stopping your movement…
Chapter 17 release date ?
Do we know when chapter 17 will release ?
Are people really enyoing playing killer at higher ranks ?
It just feels so damn frustrating playing killers at higher ranks atm Gen rushing, some loops being way to strong, bodyblocking, insta blind with flash lights SWF and much more. I would love to know why the devs makes such slow and small changes every patch instead of fixing the issues. It's almost just 3 perks that get…
No new chase music for billy and bubba ?
Have they said anything about a new chase theme for both of these guys ? Iam more suprised that bubba didnt get one since a new theme comes with reworks now but this is not happening to them or are they just not finished and will be ready when the patch goes live ?
Rank 20 Quetimes ?
Why does my friend need to wait around 10 minutes each time he tries to play killer ? The lobby isnt even full by then. Personally do i find a game in less than 1 min but 7 min for him. Idk if he is in the wronger server if thats even possible but 7 min for each game is kinda insane
Steam- Legion Cant vault through window + Can't put in vid bug
I played on micheal Myers map and i can't jump through a window in the blue house with a solo gen in it. I would post the vid but i can't since it seems like something is wrong with the browser when you try to put in files and i have had to restart my pc 2 times because it just wont work Works everytime and its on the…
Iam getting ignored/ostracised by the support team on this game and iam getting sick of it.
The first pic was taken today and is from 2 months ago when i started having this issue. The second pick is from today when they just closed my request. I dont know what i will do if this issue if my issue dosnt get fixed since i wont be able to complete the rift now. Its the same person that opened my first one. And the…
I want to know why these gamebreaking tiles can spawn. Can we get a live steam on this again ?
This has been happening more and more and killers can't walk past these tiles but survivors can which makes some of them an infinite like the one in the middle on mount ormond. I have gotten these as well on the mobile version.
This is my last attempt to get help from the devs/support team so i can play survivor again...
I have asked via twitter… No respons I have asked via the support forums... No respons I have contacted them and they didnt even read my first message but got my logs and its been 2 weeks without a respons even if i have asked if they have come any further to help me. So its basically a No respons there aswell and i have…
10 days have past and the dead by daylight support team still hasnt responded to my ticket/problem
I can't play survivor at all but i can play killer and i want to play with my friends. The problem is someone at the support team oppened my case and wanted some info and i gave it to him but he has just disappear and iam getting real frustrated because of this...
Game keeps crashing
I have not been able to play a singel game today because the game always crashes in the loading screen or lobby. I have no clue as to why and i have even restarted my pc and reinstalled the game and it still dosn't work.
Why do i need to search throuh my files every single time there is an update ? Btw billy is weird
Every single patch after its downloaded to i need to go in to steam and verify the files always to find that 5 files are always broken after each patch and needs to be fixed or recrated. Billy has some wierd glitch atm were is body is just spazing out when he is like 10 meters away from you. Looks like an ocutupus XD
Why is instablinds back aswell as discordance broken
Gotten instablind 2 times today by a solo flashlight. Yippe super fun. Killer is so dead now when discordance dosnt even work. Had 1 downed and 2 were working on a gen. I got them of the gen and then does it trigger somewere else on the map when 2 is infront of me and one 1 downed so the perk is a lie now
3 second stun wasnt fun for survivors so they put it onto killers instead
I love how people complained about being stunned for 3 sec as survivor when a guy did the fnaf fan made chapter. I think the devs liked the idea but took it onto the doctor instead. You know just trigger us even more
Guys. Legion didnt get any love in this patch and will most likly be dead once again
So ehm the new map… Yeah its great for legion https://gyazo.com/2de1c536a9aeaa254a29135f2429e298
Ruin nerf. Thoughts about it and a tiny thing to maybe make it work and i tiny question about points
Ok reading this makes zero sense devs. How is a perk that dosnt work like noed gonna last until the last 2 or single gen. Its impossible Since ruin already gets popped in atleast the first 30 sec in the game if the survivors knows the spawn locations on the maps You say that the new player are having problems with it.…
Ok iam getting really annoyed by grabs Bhvr...
Ok iam just gonna get straight to the point. Why still have grabs in the game ? Like really i am not even kidding since they haven't worked in a really long time now and i thought that it was just the connection but the exact same thing is happening on the servers as well. And it gets even worse when you create the rift to…
Generation time ?
Will the generators completion time ever increase ? It just goes way to fast and if ruin spawns close by to the survivors will they already have completed one when you find them. Just played a game were the first 2 gens got completed within 2 min. Its not fun to play with or against. Its just frustrating
What do people feel about the Demogorgon
I personally feel like he is underwhelming to play. His lunge feels pretty short for having such a long lunge on his right click. His portals are also very underwhelming for me. I dont understand why you can see him come from a portal and not let him have a terror radius like it dosnt matter since they get so far away…
Welp so what am i supposed to do now ?
Not even the entity could kill Nea. Plz get me out of this game. I don't want to depip :(
Hag buff/Teleport fix
Plz Devs just remove the slowdown on her teleport. Its so unfun to have full move speed teleport and then go to zero. You can't even lunge when you teleport which is frustrating as hell. I don't understand why this is a thing you shouldn't be punished for teleporting. Either : 1 Just remove the slowdown and let her walk…
How many times will it take for you to fix the window bug ?
I swear they have tried time and time again but survivors will either 1 still jump through the windows that the entity have blocked or 2 That the entity wont spawn at all. Just got looped 6 times at the bad ham preschool map and the entity did nothing to help me. This is getting a little to far now.
How me and my friend would try to make every killer as balanced as possible.
Hi. I talked with my friend the other day and we discussed possible changes that could work for every killer to make the game more balanced. Some may like it, some may hate it but personally do i think that this is pretty good changes that could be done. Would love to hear feedback or what you guys think about it. Ok so…
Some questions to devs or anyone working on dead by daylight.
1 Maybe you have said it but i havn't heard if it is still intended to bring ghost face out of his power when the survivor is on hook or downed. 2 Why havn't you yet made some form of change to the reporting system. I feel like i never know if my report goes through or not since there is not any message saying thank you…
If Nurse dosnt get nerfed after the freddy rework then i dont know what to say.
You have done a lot of work on the Freddy rework so now should you have more time to do other stuff like nerf and buff other killers so. If i don't see a nurse nerf in the patch after the mid chapter update will i swear to god.
How do you use Whispers ?
I like the concept but like how does it work ? You don't know where the survivors are you just know that they are inside of that location. It dosn't say if they are left or right and the perk is almost always active.
When is the next time dlc will be on sale again ?
Just the title.
What happened to the chase music that got leaked ?
Basically the title. Ghost face had a really good chase theme but it seems like they removed it for whatever reason.
You didnt tell us what would be changed with ghostface
Will you guys tell us what is being buffed with ghost face since you said in the livestream that he would be getting tweaks (wich i hope is buffs and not nerfs) but you said that they would not make it to pbe but before he got relased so we will not be able to test what have been changed but will you tell us in some dev…
Are killers unfun for you aswell ?
The only killer that isnt boring for me right now is Legion (wich may suprise some people) But why are there no changes towards killers ? i dont understand. Behavior only makes mid chapter updates and chapter updates when new dlc comes so why are there so few changes. Do the devs acually want some killer to be trash and…
Thanks BHVR for this.
You actually ignored the fact that you can loop the legion in ff and its super fun to do it you should try it. Hate to play vs it tho and is pretty unfair.
Pallets not dropping ?
I really want to know if this is intended or not. Why can't you drop pallets when the killer is standing beside it or in it when you are getting chased ? i really dont understand so i would just want to know if it is a bug or if its just intended and i hate it.