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  • i am using whatever map offerings i have to avoid that particular map. it's crazy dark and i've had survivors literally in front of me and i could not see sh*t. i came to the forums to make a thread about the map, you were faster and i'm glad. hope they manage to adjust the brightness ( not all graphic cards can adjust…
  • everyone here other than you finds the map darker than the other ones/darker than it should be. maybe you need to get your eyes checked out and maybe also a vibe check for being a smart ass with that comment of yours ?
  • i wonder who is the real trash, talking like one, not spending time to actually read my post and the ones who spent some time to give some decent arguments, but instead just typed the first thing that came to their mind..
  • im not simply focusing on the doing gens thing. im focused on "how" the gens are done. as i already said, i am not telling anyone to not do gens. it's just the toolbox + add ons + perks for gen rushing is making difficult to enjoy the game from the killer side. and when killers try to slow gen rushing by playing top…
  • thank you both :) did not know that actually
  • interesting idea, i like it. it would really add relatively more time to the match
  • actually it happens when i am chasing them and not hiting. i am not even in front of the pallet, i am at the side of it ( close to a structure for ex : a wall or smth ) and i get stunned and "teleported"/moved in front of the pallet when i get stunned
  • i guess you were closer to the window than the pallet and that's why the game vaulted you over the bus window and not dropped the pallet
  • i'm talking about the killer's side. like i said, if i am close to the pallet, like at the border of the wall close to the pallet or in general close to the pallet, i get like sucked at the pallet when the survivor drops it
  • i try my best not to play nurse. i do. but almost all other killers do not have map pressure and i either get genrushed or taunted by toxic survivors who just enjoy me playing a "weak" killer. i do not want to play spirit. i have to if i want at least to enjoy this game a little. i usually play huntress/myers/trapper/some…
  • in these 3 weeks i have played, i have only seen solos 10 % of the time at most. 3 ppl swf are all the time, the 4 man swf horror is like 20%. 2 ppl swf is manageable. imo if 2-3 gens are done in the first minutes of the game, then it is almost over for the killer. unless you playing nurse or spirit. imo toolboxes should…
  • if i could do it that way i would have done it. i actually put a few minutes into writing it so that before people comment nonsense, they actually read what i am trying to express to people
  • the map pressure depends highly on what killer you are playing. you cant apply pressure with huntress for ex. the only way to do that is to get iridescent and one shot them. but ppl would dc. you cant get pressure with wraith. what would the invisible dude do ? spook you off a gen ? what pressure would you apply with…
  • you just need to get better at the game and then wont feel the need to have adrenaline nerfed. gens are not always all done and if they are, survivors running adrenaline deserve th
  • You know killers are faster than survivors right ? They catch up to and eventually down survivors so looping for a while till u get caught isn't bad. If no one looped or at least tried to loop, the game would end pretty fast.
  • Sry for replying on an old comment of yours. My queue times are 8-10mins for killer lobbies. Finding survivor lobbies are almost instant
  • I'm using chrome(on mobile) and have the same issue. Super laggy(when typing), kinda laggy(browsing) the forum
  • I do not have any more arguments/suggestions than the ones i gave but tunneling is a cheap/easy way for the killer to score/"win" the game. Hence the toxicity from survivors. Its like saying i'll break ronaldo's legs forcing him out of the game because i have to take care of one less player on the offence of the opposing…
  • The whole gen rush thing is ridiculous. What are survivors supposed to do if not gens ? Some cleanse dull totems, some dont. If you dont want to get gen rushed, use ruin plus haunted grounds for ex. go chase and hit as many survivors as you can, dont focus on one only until u hook him if you fear you'll get gen…
  • That's why there are 5 gens. so that even if you chase away one guy, you still have to take care of the other survivors. Just git gud and stop complaining
  • Exactly what you said. I don't think most of the players can play for many hours and i guess most appreciate how long a match takes. Adding a second objective would increase that time and make it longer/harder and as such maybe not as much fun for everyone. To me dbd is a relatively quick game and it's not designed to do…
  • That is a terrible idea. The whole point of survivors having a different pov than the killer is to be able to look the surrounding area as to avoid being immediately detected by killer. Your suggestion is a bit ridiculous to me. It would affect too much negatively the gameplay and not just a bit as you think.
  • 4 perkless survivors against 14 killers ? Are u for real ?
  • exactly man. hard camping and tiering up super fast. it's impossible to play against. have played 12 times agains GF now and not a single one of them a survivor escaped. not a single one. no i'm not lvl 20. and all of the games they have camped.
  • Yes please increase the volume again. It's way too low and the sound quality has decreased
  • "stops the last genrator from being completed for at least 3 to 9 minutes" bro are you lvl 20 and cant progress any further or are you just high ? maybe playing killer isnt your thing. try survivor for a change. i for ex am lvl 7 survivor but lvl 18 killer. killer just isnt my thing. and still lvl 7 doesnt mean anything, i…