I agree, it would just be a shame to not be able to fully utilize your kit because someone died. Maybe off the slim chance someone mends and you hit them again you could get it but otherwise you wont be using that function of your kit again in the trial.
So if a survivor dies or leaves the trial does that 5 hit rule change? Like do you chain 3 hits and the 4th one downs, or is it still 5 hits? I feel like that's gonna make this change vastly weaker once you kill someone if that's the case.
Otzdarva proved you actually can, and a dev confirmed they wont be changing it.
I actually just read that. There's literally no reason to do that other then to cover up the mess that is current matchmaking. How dissapointing
LITERALLY this design choice was another patch up bandaid fix because matchmaking's horrendous. It's become a norm now; fixing things without resolving the core issue. It's becoming a pattern man, I mean just look at legion. HUGE YIKES
If things like this keep happening it's gonna get even worse i'm afraid.
It's funny because the less killers there are. the more this game is gonna degrade. This is gonna be a slow brutal death if this keeps up, and no one wants to see that.
Literally and it's so frustrating. I have way more fun playing survivor then killer nowadays. And it sucks that it doesn't matter what's fun for killer . I mean just look at Nurse
And that sounds nice and all, but survivors still spawn right by totems. TOTEMS literally do not last long enough to hit late game. It literally doesn't matter how good it is late game because it's just gonna get instantly cleansed. That's the reality of this game right now and it's not being addressed.
You know it's coming. The GF has no counterplay posts, it's a vicious cycle it truly is
He was talking about Legion not Hag
She's a lot better then people think she is. If you wanna learn more about her watch Fungoose on twitch, He has something like 100+ wins straight with plague.
Basically when he's detected and brought out of stealth from a survivor an orange blip appears revealing their location to you. This was first introduced on Legion when he applied deep wounds.
Why do you ask us for our opinion and ignore us anyway? An overwhelming 88% of the forum community liked these changes but you nerf him anyway? What's the logic? I just dont understand why you can't let a killer be decent.
I'm thinking they do the smart thing and address his most glaring issues. Bad for business to have a killer dead on arrival. I'm hanging on to hope; I really like his base stuff and when his power did work properly it was pretty fun. Here's hoping
The mori seems a bit much, otherwise I like it.
Well constructed polite and undoubtedly the truth. I really hope they take the time to read this, great feedback.
I said this might be one of the worst I didn't say it was, and i'm not exaggerating. The pig Nerf was unwarranted random and makes no sense. Legions power literally doesn't do anything imagine actually thinking that's an exaggeration. This is completely not OK. They buffed exit gate opening speed for gods sake, and then…
Can Legion actually cross large maps with one Frenzy? It seems you want him to chain his Feral Frenzy hits map wide but can he even get across some of the larger maps like Swamp or The Temple to get to the survivors to spread his damage.
I'd make it to where stacking DW actually meant something. So if you hit one survivor they'd have the effect applied, hit a 2nd they'd have DW applied with a portion of the bar gone, hit a third survivor and half or more gone. Hit a 4th in the same frenzy and it down's the survivor hit. It'd actually give you a reason to…
I kinda feel like they should increase his lunge range in Frenzy to compensate. I can for sure see some unfortunate outcomes with this new one hit mechanic.
I like most of these changes . I really need to see his reworked addons, things like pin were pretty useless and I hope they're more well designed this time around. As someone who loves legion I really hope this is a lot healthier for the game.