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  • It's wasted only if either- A, it isn't used to save a life(yours or a friend's), or B, you still get hit through it. Or if you're playing against a huntress or nurse, and don't stun, because those lock you into animations that will get you killed if you miss it. Also, feel free to use pallets whenever. When the game ends,…
  • In the event your item and add-ons are depleted, then you lose the item. Doesn't matter if you escape or not, a medkit won't magically come back. However, this can be gamed if you use ALMOST all of the charges and escape.
  • Alright, I can explain why. In the event that the ruin totem is right there, or there is a possibility of a noed, it's actually the better idea to cleanse the totem before the save, as long as the person on hook can survive that long. Because once someone is unhooked, the killer will come, same with opening a chest. Doing…
  • Best moment? Running an ace, with tier three plunderers and AITH, and I found a flashlight. I gave it to the survivor next to me, who was working on a gen. Later that game, I was downed, and left, because I was the obsession- Killer thought I had DS, I didn't. I was picked up. And then, I get downed again, and he starts to…
  • I thought about a killer who can possess or disguise as objects, somewhat how bamboozle works, and manage to control the map that way. Imagine for a second, the gen that you're working on just starts moving and whacks you
  • Alright, my two cents- If you're worried about people constantly running back to the gen, and you're playing huntress, keep them guessing. It's why I've been running Whispers, which is really helpful to find survivors, and it's often helped me recognize which gen they've been on, and helped me win the game before.
  • Ah, understandable, but I thought you'd be able to grab them if they were opening, and make it so in the event they do end up opening, you just grab em as they try to go through. I believe blood wipe is around three seconds, so maybe 4 would be better.
  • I like We're Gonna Live Forever, but I love finding a gen, realizing it has ruin, and turning 180, and seeing that glowing totem right there.
  • I do agree with some of these. However, maybe instead of a flat 5 seconds, it should be a flat three. Second, There has to be less than 3-number of survivors left to open the hatch. Third, how about each key actually does something besides opening? So you wouldn't have to run an add-on, and after you use the time with the…
  • I agree with almost all of the advice, except... Only heal if you really need to. Especially against stealth killers, because they can get the jump on you for an easy down. However, against killers with Sloppy Butcher, Legion, or any instant-down Killers healing is less worth it than doing generators. I can understand why…
  • Ey, I've got me a solid Bond, DH, WGLF, and unbreakable.
  • Dumbest thing I ever saw goes to something I saw in a game, with a friend, on comms. As we're finishing up the last gen, the killer starts to get close, my friend looping while me and the other two are on gens. One of the two disconnects, and bam. The hatch spawns right there. The one who didn't D/C had a key, and they…
  • In order for a key to be effectively used, a team must have already been able to do extremely well against the killer. If you lose all five gens, and then they escape through the hatch, then you've done something wrong. Not only have they found a key, found the hatch, and gotten all the gens. If two escape, then that's…
  • If killers are tunneling you, then do what I do. Just stay in the basement the entire game. Or just run DH and WGLF. It makes every hit or safe hook rescue you take give more bloodpoints, up to 4. Or just run some different perks, experiment, maybe try Plunderers. Or just play killer.
  • One other thing. You can grab survivors while they're unhooking. If you really want to make them suffer, you can just camp the final survivor, and make it so nobody can save them.
  • The real question is if this works with perks like Alert, Breakdown, Dark Sense, or Kindred.
  • Just to add my (Salty) two cents. Played with a friend, killer had ruin and NOED. He found two of the totems, and cleansed them both. I found the ruin and another dull. NOED still popped. So out of the two remaining survivors, Neither decided to get a singular totem.