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  • Happened to me but probably won’t get fixed like most things in this game.
  • Good on you and sadly I have semi-quit this game because I’m sick of it. But for you all who are hanging in there good luck to you strong individuals. I just can’t stand how stupid this game is actually played. From horror to frustration. It’s disappointing, but my hearts go out to you chill killer mains.
  • It’s okay dude. We have it rough. Just remember us Killers run the show and we are important, but if you ain’t feeling good, do something else that will make you feel good cuz Dbd is a mess when it comes to that. Take care.
  • On a serious note. No matter how you view this, this game can only succeed now if it fails. The game needs to die. Only then can the devs realize the nonsensical decisions they’ve made. I know some people working on Dead by Daylight actually care about DBD that being the art team. It’s sad yes. But guys I’m kind of losing…
  • My idea for killer and it’s cool. “It’s time for blood to spill.” Hex: Gorefest: Every 40/35/30 seconds your next basic attack will apply Deep Wound if they are healthy or if they would be downed by there hit they can’t recover while in the dying state. This is a fear driven perk. If a team is not careful around the killer…
  • Honestly think they need to balance this game severely. People ofc say that this game isn’t competitive or that we shouldn’t focus on top level play which we should mind you because those people are the ones who keep playing the game and bring in others. Also DBD is a competitive game and that’s how it’s designed. Any game…
  • Im going insane too. The potential the game had but it was all ruined because BeHaviour does not know how to make a functioning game. They made a crappy golf game and other messes before. With mental health in the way playing this game is such a pain I can’t anymore. Let’s just crap in this game they deserve it.
  • Blame the devs for designing this game poorly.
  • I couldn’t agree with you more took me about 12 bloodwebs for surge 1 on Myers :(
  • I just hate looking for a perk and all of the sudden I have to use BP to buy the same perk over and over with barely any change. I’d be happy if they left as long as they keep the tier 3 version as the base perk.
  • I personally think their should be a lower Cooldown probably 30 seconds. Don’t just make it just Basic Attacks and allow getting downed by anything like how infectious fright works. Increase Regression to 10%. I’d also like it if you can apply this regression on already regressing generators. Btw I know this may seem…
  • I love playing Plague on PS4. Simply put get really good at tracking survivors movement while spraying your vile purge on survivors in chase it’s difficult but you’ll get the hang of it. Then try learning to aim a little higher from afar to get knock downs with Corrupt. More technically speaking you need to aim higher than…
  • Killer: Deathbound is so fun. Always keeping survivors together for serious pain or secretly getting the drop on a survivor that doesn’t play with my rules is fun. Survivor: Adrenaline is just so good and it’s saved me and helped me countless times.
  • It may but it was just a concept. If they do eventually do something like this it’d be interesting but if they don’t I won’t mind.
  • Very Much Agree
  • Ok it worked well in that scenario pretty well. I still believe it needs buff or change.
  • Ok that’s fair but it’s still a really weak perk. I think they could change it.
  • I’m not saying remove in a way that it disappears rather change the way it fundamentally works because missed attack recovery just isn’t favorable compared to better perks with better effects.
  • I’m not complaining about the perk I’m just saying that this perk is poorly designed and should be changed or removed. Or buffed idc I’m just tryna start a discussion stop treating me like a low life I’ve been playing this game since 2017.
  • Yeah But would buffing it make it more favorable than other perks. Idk but thanks for giving a comment that doesn’t bring down my low self esteem.
  • Also Deathslinger could use unrelenting but then again it won’t get you far. They should just change how this perk works.
  • Lol the amount of comments telling me I’m complaining and that it’s weak. I understand it’s weak and it actually seriously needs buffs but how about change the perk entirely. It was only a thought and an idea because I feel like missing basic attacks recovery as a perk is pretty bad. I’m not a survivor main lol I play…
  • I’m sorry I type fast and I wish I was more straight forward about my post but I’m trying to say that the killer who are not toxic shouldn’t be given toxic outlook by survivors. Not all survivors are bad I apologize but I’m just tired of the disrespect. Apologies.
  • Yeah it’s honestly dumb. In this game if you die to the killer it may happen because they are the “killer” not the chaser. It just feels like the Killer is getting killed more than the actual survivors. Killers don’t feel powerful.
  • I can answer a lot of your questions first, seeing the anamatronics move is fine for Freddy because he moved in the 3rd game and Mangle you don’t want to look at and BB doesn’t move technically. It’s just how mechanics work and in general they move to your office to kill you. Second, I chose the main villain who is “Purple…
  • Amazing. You really should write more. A little about me but I’m gonna start writing my novel series. It has nothing to due with dbd. But other than that I’m really excited for your future writing. Good luck.
  • Cool concept. It’d be really difficult to create however if this ever makes it to the game I think it’s be cool. I love the power and the Perks. Good Job!
  • Btw this won’t happen for awhile so please be patient.
    in Which one Comment by ReaperTech May 2020
  • Sorry everyone but my phone changed Fogs to Gigs. ??? I’m just as confused as you. Sorry about that.
    in Which one Comment by ReaperTech May 2020
  • Good Question it’d be kind of like ghost face. The whole premise of Ghost Faces power however is to look at him. With Mothman it’s to rather not look at him you only want to briefly look at him otherwise terror will build. In a chase you only want to briefly see him. If survivors look at Mothman he can take advantage of…
  • I’ll explain what I’m trying to gain from the killer. The Wendigo’s design is to counter some loops by leaping and climbing over walls. If you Leap onto a wall you can climb briefly. Sorry forgot to explain that. So technically on Jungle Jim’s you can leap over walls to counter loops. He can also lurk to gain ground…
  • Lol accidentally put Madness instead of Terror. Apologies.
  • I’m sorry I forgot a lot of other things about Mothman. But, after 2 seconds of looking stacks will tremendously increase overtime. For instance, you stare at him for 2 seconds 1 terror, then 1.5 seconds 2 terror and it keeps going lower by to Terror 4 which then stays at 0.5 seconds to gain madness as long as your in it’s…
  • Btw the whole not being able to see the mothman but only it’s red stain is a concept based off people who’ve seen him but haven’t been able to see him again as proof for others but the presence of Mothman is still there. It’s not random, it’s just based off the actual cryptid.
  • I absolutely love this idea and would be excited if it made it into the game. There would need to be some slight nerfing to the shadow realm. But, I still think this is an awesome concept. 👏
  • Phantom Freddy not being able to hit the survivor is great idea. I think instead maybe if he gets close to the survivor they’ll be affected by Hindred for an amount of time. The problem is if he couldn’t do anything else survivors could stand still and nothing would happen. Hindred might be best. I think Animated Machinery…
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