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  • From personal experience the main reason players disconnect (or rage quit) is because they're getting tunnelled or babysat on the hook. If a killer resorts to these cheap tactics and literally drives another player out of the game, they don't deserve to rank up.
  • I fully agree with this. I've said time and time again that this game is entirely bias in the killer's favor. For example, the killer gets to see the survivor line up in the 2nd lobby, items held, prestige levels, etc. This gives them a (huge) unfair advantage as they are able to bail out of the lobby if they don't want to…
  • You address a really good point here, and the fact that you predominantly play as a killer makes it even more poignant. I mainly play as a survivor and have found myself in the exact same scenario you've outlined above. The game can take a painfully boring twist when you find yourself stuck between 3 generators that the…
  • Wow! If someone being able to heal themselves in a video game offends you this much, you should probably get out more. Go for a walk in the woods and recharge for a bit. Just don't let something this trivial wind you up this much because it's just not healthy.
  • Sadly there are far too many of us that know EXACTLY how you feel, yet it seems like FA is being done to combat it. I can honestly say that never in all my years as a gamer have I ever rage quit an online game, that all changed when I started playing DBD. Now it's an all too frequent occurance, and not just for me, but for…
  • This is a major issue for me on Xbox One too, it happens every time I play. I get booted out to the main menu when I try accessing the rift/tome screen at the end of a trial. I get booted frequently when I try returning to the lobby after a trial. I also get booted when I try to join a party. It's absolutely infuriating…
  • Constructive criticism is far better than sarcasm. But in any case, as I pointed out in my original post the devs have given an unfair advantage to killers by allowing them to see what level we are while their's is hidden until the end of the trial. We all know the matchmaking on this game sucks, so that isn't even an…
  • These are some great suggestions and a really constructive response, it's nice to see someone actually grasped the opening post. I fully agree that there should be penalties in place for killers that camp within a certain radius of the hook. When a killer purposely stands directly in front of a hooked survivor to prevent…
  • I can't agree with this post enough. Tunnelling and camping absolutely ruin this game. I actually play as a friendly killer solely to give other players a chance to earn objective points robbed from them by selfish players that resort to tunnelling and babysitting hooks. It's a cheap tactic that far too many players…