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  • I mean yeah, it's a problem. I'd say the easiest fix is that surge have a CD period before it can "use up" another gen charge, so survivors out of position and get double-downed don't end up hurting the killer with the gen charges (a double down usually is a single hook).
  • Works for me. My initial position is exposed due to the scream, but my aura isn't revealed, so the killer doesn't know which direction I'm relocating to.
  • My idea from awhile back is that every 25% of a gen would require a part to be installed which would have to be found. After the part is installed, that progress is "locked in" and cannot regress under that threshhold. For example, if you repair to 24%, then you'd need to install a part. Once done, the gen can no longer…
  • Surge isn't a trap for beginners. It's a staple in many m1 killer builds - even among veteran and tournament level players. M1 killers don't have the time to stop to kick gens - their chases are incredibly more important than many other killers. Surge was never problematic until the 8 gen change. Also, the devs…
  • Downs don't necessarily mean hooks. There are a ton of ways to deny a killer a hook state when a survivor is downed or picked up.
  • I used to play daily. I'm pretty much just giving up on DBD at this point. I have not played in almost a month, and this patch is the final nail in the coffin. The game is just broken if you want to main underdogs\m1 killers. I mean, a lot of other killers at least have a LOT of various things going for them in their kit…
  • It would be silly to give survivors a win just because they lost. As a killer, I WOULD like an option to offer the match to end if there are 3+ gens left and 2 survivors left.(Both survivors would have to vote yes in agreement). The killer would get BP credit for kills. "The killer has offered you mercy. Do you accept?"
  • Many of us agree with this. ANY action to advance the objective or being actively used offensively against the killer should disable OTR. If you're stopping to flashlight a killer carrying someone, then clearly the killer isn't tunneling you, and the whole anti-tunnel protection is moot. It's silly someone can be right…
  • If you're playing pig and are able to play laid back, chill, and casual and still get consistent wins, you're not playing pig at high mmr. You'll occasionally get improper MMR because it's so out of whack at high MMR, that those people will sometimes get placed in a much lower bracket to avoid long queue times for…
  • While I get where you're coming from, we can't expect people to not play a game like this without their friends. It's a friend-group encouraged game. IF we were to have some sort of opt out option for killers, I would instead suggest a more positive reinforcement such as a BP % incentive for VSing SWFs. Otherwise, almost…
  • Apologies, I definitely should have mentioned this is at high MMR. M1 Killers don't have any issues at all at lower to mid MMRs, and still can do just fine at mid\high'ish. At High MMR, that's where M1 Killers suffer.
  • The problem is that BHVR has nerfed all the other alternative perks into the ground, and the 8 regression limit has brutalized surge\eruption and other kick perks that aren't regression perks (such as kick info perks). Essentially, viable perk options are becoming more and more restricted where there's only a handful of…
  • Anyone running bgplayer is always going to be close enough. There is a reason they run it. Keep in mind it also let's the survivor literally cross half of a lot of the maps in a mere 5 seconds. It's ludicrous speed. Almost plaid.
  • His chase power is definitely a problem. He essentially relies on catching people off guard, but the higher the MMR, the more of a problem catching anyone off guard is. One thing that sucks is when GF spends the extra time to try to sneak up to an area only to peak around a corner and find out the survivor working on the…
  • He's talking about when they get healed and stand up.
  • You underestimate the power of Sam Lake, though. He would have been an absolute cash cow of a skin to buy.
  • You're going to be selling very few copies going epic exclusive for pc. I'd LOVE to play alan wake 2, but no way am I installing the epic launcher on my pc
  • So you agree, they dint always backflip.
  • Every patch, they keep kicking weaker m1 killers in the gut which just pushes more and more people to just go nurse\blight\spirit. It's beyond frustrating. Why are they so obsessed with making weak m1 killers unviable? Less and less options for them which just HEAVILY encourages a tunneling playstyle.
  • Maybe you just misunderstood. For example, on the BNP before the buff, it merely gave free progress. However, if the survivor is chased off and it regresses to zero, then the BNP gives absolutely no value. Once a survivor hops back on the gen, they start from 0%. The killer could entirely counter the entire effect of the…
  • You have to keep in mind, EVERY time they touch that gen, that's a 10 second head start. Killer chases them away? Next time they hop in the gen, that's another 10 seconds shaved off. In theory, a single BNP shaves off an infinite amount of gen repair time if a survivor would be continuously chased off from a gen and the…
  • Any techs that the devs deem unintentional that give an advantage should either be approved as a feature or fixed as a bug.
  • The biggest hurdle BHVR is that the game is very weak against cheaters to the point where cheaters can literally force cheats on other survivors. I had a match a few weeks ago where the dwight was forcing all other survivors to instantly wiggle off. He was bragging about it in chat and said it was his 20th account so far.…
  • I meant the one before the newwe change where it just added free fast progress. I didn't mean the original original version. My bad.
  • Sorry, I meant the BNP before the more recent change. Not the original original version.
  • BNP is stronger than before, though. It's an unrecoverable amount of progress against the killer. That's 40 seconds survivors can instantly complete on a gen that can never be regressed. That's far more powerful than old bnp.
  • Well done. I was happy hitting the underdog ghostie p100, but someone p100ing Freddy, well, that just takes the cake. I tip my hat to you, killah.
  • You can't fake being blinded. It literally notifies the survivors if a blind works.
  • BHVR keeps restricting gameplay on killers more and more every patch making non tunneling playstyles less and less viable. M1 killers especially are now STRONGLY encouraged to tunnel people out of the game asap. Regression perks like cob and oc were practically removed from the game, PR no longer can consistently help and…
  • Interesting! They should really fix that if it's been a known issue every event. Thanks for the heads up.
  • There's literally zero counter play unless you bring what's been accepted as a bad\crutch perk (lightborn). With flashbang, it's a guaranteed save. With a flashlight, it's a guaranteed save unless the survivor who went down didn't bother to avoid walls. With pallets, it's a guaranteed save. I'm not quite sure how this even…
  • If anything, DS just encourages slugging playstyles.
  • then make all unhooked survivors lose player collision for 10 seconds during their basekit BT>
  • I never said it was super bad. I said it was a bug being exploited to gain an advantage, one that the devs stated quite clearly it was not intended and will be fixed. They fixed it. Good on them.
  • Devs only killswitch for game breaking issues. They don't killswitch over non game breaking bugs. Do I report them? No. The devs already said while it's an exploit, they aren't punishing people for abusing it and will eventually fix it. No point in reporting in that case. Remember when survivors could exploit by bugging…
  • I'm thinking BHVR is just abandoning the weaker killers entirely and are going to just start focusing gameplay balance around the higher tier killers. Too many of their recent changes have severely hurt weak killers, and more changes keep coming to make them even worst. At least the twins are getting some love, I suppose.
  • While I get where you're coming from, survivors would weaponize it by just following the killer and reporting to their swf where the killer is at any given moment. It would entirely destroy stealth killers, as well. Imagine being ghost face and being completely unable to do anything about a survivor just following you…
  • I've seen a LOAD of bots outperform their player counterpart that DCed. Indeed. My only issue with them was how they had built in wall hacks to know where the killer was…made mindgaming impossible.
  • An exploit is an exploit. It does not require a bannable offense to be in there. In no way is bans remotely tied to the definition of an exploit. You can make up your own definition all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that an exploit is abusing a bug for an advantage. A lot of exploits BHVR steps in and…
  • The devs disagree. I totally get where you're coming from, but when the devs specifically say that it isn't cool, it's a problem, and that it will be fixed, then it needs to be fixed - and definitely not encouraged to be exploited against other players. There are things that I don't agree with that BHVR claims. For…
  • They literally said it was. I know people hate facts, but come on, if the devs literally say it's a bug that is NOT intentional - enough to be warranted as needing a fix…then you can't argue that they never said that. If you need a definition, In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use elements of a…
  • That's the kicker- DS is very strong if you use it properly. If you're going down, go down near a pallet or window. Killer picks up, DS, and bam, you just got to a pallet or window and have reset the chase, again. That's incredibly useful.
  • 100% agree with this. They should take that time to evade the killer, not get in the killer's face.
  • If something is a bug, then the devs either need to embrace it or fix it. It's quite black and white. People will absolutely exploit bugs to gain advantages, so the devs need to either accept them into gameplay or fix them if they are not considered acceptable gameplay.
  • Good question. The game engine has the ability to detect if you're doing a protection hit. There's also a score event for it. I'd say have ds only activate after 2 seconds of getting unhooked so you don't unintentionally get sla protection hit and losing DS while the other survivor is still next to you immediately after…
  • I find filters cheating, as it bypasses intended gameplay choices of dark areas and such. The problem is, devs have no way to do anything about it since it's built into legitimate hardware. They don't have a choice but to okay it since there no way to actually detect or stop it. You're welcome to visit my YouTube channel.…
  • I play solo queue mostly since I don't have a group to play with. Has never been easier than before to win a survivor. If I'm eliminated, it's either due to hard tunneling or due to being altruistic to try to save someone where I could otherwise escape. In my matches, it's usually at least 3 people out. Granted, I use…
  • IT should deactivate if you bodyblock (because you aren't being tunneled there, you are intentionally putting yourself in the killer's path), and it should deactivate if fully healed since you're obviously not getting tunneled at that point.
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