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  • Solo Queue is 100% to blame, a bigger issue with the current meta is just tunneling
  • What do you mean no one disliked them?? There were plenty of complaints, the thing that sucks is instead of finding a good middle ground the completely reverted fast vaults to a point that theres no reason to hit a fast vault over a medium vault, honestly though if they reverted if and made fast vaults harder to hit that…
  • Yea I suppose so but if that is the goal it still remains to be a very weak perk
  • Well it’s useless because most loops aren’t long enough to get enough use out of it, also I’m pretty sure the red stain doesn’t get removed, on top of that with it just being over shadowed by other perks, the only thing it would need is an indicator so you can play around it, like when a survivor gets hooked they see a…
  • Yea that sounds good too, there’s too many things they could do with trapper but sadly none of them will probably happen, however I will say that I may be something similar to Object so potentially we can still convince them, on top of that trapper requires a different playstyle then most killers so isn’t really good for…
  • That is fair, however I also see that more of a map issue with too many maps forcing trapper to use his power to close off areas due to the lack of grass and areas to hide his traps, but it’s a similar thing to something like Nurse in midwich it’s a shame it’s like that but it would change too much for too many other…
  • Honestly love all these, I think Honing stone basekit would be a little much but getting them into deep wound would be incredible, however the two big changes for me would be Trapper sack basekit and better maps, no killer should be map dependent and it’s a similar thing to dredge except he has a much stronger kit then…
  • That feels too similar to the ranged killers, I like trapper sack as basekit because it allows you to combo other strong addons while changing up his playstyle, giving him a fairly strong power he has access too at all times but a limited number of it and each use of it being partially permanent
  • Sloppy is fine. It’s only really good on already weak killers, what they really gotta do is buff perks that get killed by sloppy.
  • That’s what I said, killers constantly got buffs but they were buffs they needed, the Three gen meta was boring but they fixed that, all the strongest perks now require downs and input from the killers rather then just wondering around hitting gens but from the sounds of it that’s what you would rather have.
  • They have had non stop buffs in the recent maybe two years, for the longest time this game was so sided towards survivors and isn’t as much but I believe it still is, there are very stupid things on killers too such as Instadown addons and almost all of Myers kit at the moment (Rework him all of his purple addons and above…
  • Dude how long have you been playing this game? It’s been so sided towards the survivor since the beginning, although it is getting better there’s still much more reasons to complain as a killer then there is as a survivor.
  • The perks effects would be gone by the time bloodlust activates
  • Deadhard completely changed how killers play, it wasn’t a back and forth it was just sitting there starting at them till they did it (sometimes tilting your head up to bait it I guess) it was a very stupid perk being able to used multiple times in chase and whenever you can, it also almost guaranteed escapes or just bought…
  • Kinda lame the only discussions that get noticed are ones when ppl jus wanna argue or complain ☠️
  • So many survivor things need changing, toolboxes, many of the mediocre haste effects, and the obsession with endurance, which actually endurance has the same issues that the Instadown addons have, and extra hit is huge, especially because endurance also allows you to take an extra hit against Instadown even it if is in…
  • MFT ain’t that strong ☠️ The only problem with made for this is killers without chase powers or Instadown, and there’s only one Legion, and even then you can play around it
  • The difference with Tombstone and those insteadown addons is you activate the Instadowns by using your power normally, the only one not like that that I can think of is Twins and Artists IrI. Also it’s either they’re very strong and buy you the game or they’re way to weak and there is no reason to use them, not only that…
  • I would love a wolf man however instead of that, more or less a copy and paste of Demogorgons powers now that he is no longer available.
  • Yes although console can do a lot of the important techs although they are much more difficult on there, pc will always be better because of ease of use and accuracy
  • For survivor yes, for killer not really, a lot of killer things are easier on pc but still possible on console
  • You shouldn’t encourage a bad thing when he’s already in a fine spot
  • Debuff to Reveal - Although it does sounds fun if what your saying is true then it sounds like it wouldn’t even be all that beneficial towards new survivors (which is better then it only being beneficial towards new survivors but then it would also feel like a useless inclusion, and although it would be better to stalk in…
  • (I this way of answering, thank you) Reveal Penalty - I would love to see a good reveal penalty however more often then not it would probably be implemented in a way where it would bully newer survivors and more experienced survivors will have no issue at all. Also with this your power would be in the hands of the…
  • I wanted to say that yes I agree that tunneling at 5 gens is stupid however there are times when at three gens they are about to lose if everyone or maybe even 3 survivors are alive if other gens have much progress, but I’m not here to depend tunneling so You can’t give survivors an Anti-tunneling basekit because they…
  • Tunneling is fine, both sides do toxic things that neither side like, tunneling is the most effective way to get killers and if killers continue to tunnel even after other survivors take enough hits for a down you think they’re gonna stop from endurance? And not only that but it’s not like every killer tunnels if you give…
  • Sprint burst requires a lot of skill so either people don’t use it or they don’t use it well (and if they use it well good for them) lithe has its restrictions and isn’t just an immediate escape especially in a deadzone. Speaking of deadzones usually you can outplay them before they escape but they still need a way to…
  • It also requires nothing to active it besides getting hit, and when you get hit you can use the speed boost to get to a pallet and juice it for longer using the perk, not only that but 10 seconds endurance is crazy, it gets them in a lose lose situation because either they get that healthy survivor back into the injured…
  • I win more games then I lose but I don’t believe it’s because Ghostface is a good killers (not bad thought just slightly below average) also yes he in an M1 killer with stealth, Although the stalk is a big deal when it works as someone who plays both sides equally there are plenty of time to run before hand to a good loop…
  • With how the game runs I do believe he need a buff (however it shouldn’t be top priority) I was mainly saying this because GF seems to be a favorite of BHVR and it wouldn’t be that crazy to give him this buff however I agree whatever his speed is should be tied to his stalking or his night shroud for many reasons. What I…
  • I do not believe he desperately needs a buff (mainly because of more important issues) but as he appears to be a favorite of Behavior (and I agree I find him to be slightly below average, however in the grand scheme of things that makes him a fairly weak killer) I just wanted to suggest something that could be fun for him…
  • Yea I personally think he desperately needs a buff (only because there are more important things) but Behavior seems to love Ghostface and it would be fun. But to defend why they should do it is just because of how the game works, you are almost always going to get in a chase and he is just an M1 killer if you can’t get…
  • I agree with many of your points but with how the game is played you can get only hidden downs, you are not invisible and survivors will see you even if you lean, and if you stalk from far a way then just pre-run, you say sprint burst is the only thing that can really stop that (as well as a really nice window or pallet…
  • That would be a fun addon but there is no way they would do it sadly with how strong it would be. Also I believe if they were to add the hindered effect it wouldn’t do much and woks just bully newer survivors (Also giving the killer speed instead of slowing the survivor seems a lot more fun for everyone in my eyes) but…
  • If they were to buff him of course I pray to god that they don’t nerf him as well but I do think he needs a buff, I find him to be below average slightly in killer strength and in the grand scheme of things against survivors that is very weak, people like to forgive or give backlash to weaker killers or blight or anything…
  • Yea so many killers need some sort of chase powers, I would love Ghostface to get one mainly though because he’s popular, I find him fun, and he seems to be a favorite of bhvr anyway. But there are plenty of killers that probably need a buff more then him, such as trapper (although not lacking in a chase power he’s lacking…
  • Dawg what I’m a killer main ☠️☠️
  • thank you for this, from these responses I disagree with my original opinion on VC however I stand by in game chat with a chat wheel to help console players
  • Yea that’s fair but for the texting thing if not a voice that if they were to consider mid game typing they could add A chat wheel
  • I chat wheel would definitely be necessary, however toxicity already exists. The voice chat doesn’t need to be stuck on, of course you should be able to mute your entire squad but (a good example is apex if you’ve played that) but I wish when you open setting in a game there was a menu that have you info on your teammates…
  • Who said friends don’t do that too? 💀 The addition of comms will greatly increase solo q especially with how the ranking works, also the difference is someone may find Trapper much more fun the nurse but not every killer is the exact same. Just like you don’t have a choice whether or not you have friends you also don’t…
  • Also solo Q is a play style within survivors if killers need nerfs to help Solo q (Or if the alternative which is buffs) then Killers would also needs buffs if your taking camping or tunneling
  • Solo Q is easy, just add voice chat the difference with solo q and swf is communication
  • Those changes didn’t give Killer advantage, I haven’t seen the game so balanced in a while (But also it not activating at endgame should be enough)
  • Multiple survivors? What about the weaker killers? What about them just splitting up? Maybe you’d rather people only play killers like blight and nurse? The difference with killer and survivor is that every survivor is capable of the exact same gameplay while not every killer may like the gameplay of nurse and blight.
  • There are always going to be moments that are unfun for both sides it’s either, people just gotta suck it up.
  • yes I know it still is a popular perk, but I more mean dead hard levels of popularity pre-nerf
  • Yes, I think it would be so much smarter to instead of giving basekit unslug or anti tunnel they should try and morph and change the meta. There will always be a meta so might as well and have control over it to make it as healthy as possible
  • It’s for changing how the killer plays not getting value each game. Dead hard did that but in an unhealthy way without it even being that good of a perk. We need perks like Unbreakable to be really meta because it stops things like slugging to happen as much
  • It is during endgame or as you are watching multiple survivors go for the unhook, it allows for the killer to get a lot of Pressure on those survivors and maybe even get a kill with the survivor on the hook