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  • We need to reconsider about those ideas and how it would work on nurse & Billy specially at end-game I think the perk is good but if it can highlight gen with highest progress in different colour too would be cool thing
  • They need to fix the boring mechanic "mending" and how it's timer works coz most of killers are abusing it for cheesy kill .. until then will keep DCing in every legion match
  • It's a Business for them.. So it's there to stay probably for 2 years or so
  • Hmmmm NOED = 5 totems to cleanse and the condition is gone Would like if the Extra speed being a different perk as hope does And NOED just for the one hit
  • Solo que is unbearable after the change And a lot of lobby dodges even at high ranks Well done devs
  • You literally sacrifice a perk slot for end-game Why would that be op !? Same for killer end game build Exactly as @Brady said
  • Some people refers "this killer is Balanced" depends on his viability against good SWF teams Tbh a lot of people main Billy because how it's easy to use him for less effort and high reward and all it takes couples of games and ready to go Majority of people using his chainsaw for running between gens, not for killing…
  • And what is being said is like someone getting paid to defend and excuse them Every experienced player can admit those are broken things in the game Every other game developers don't need to answer anything coz they fix broken mechanics asap and meta is always getting nerfed for purpose of fun & creativity You can't…
  • Yet they're still ignoring the most relevant questions like DS, Legion and list goes on... Most of the last stream been discussed here and there .. it was just boring to hear again But still thanks devs
  • A lot of players DC against legion, it tells how we feel about it As devs said .. it's fun and interactive killer haha
  • This is really getting much boring .. buff legion buff legion buff legion New killer is fine.. not op and not weakThe fact that survivors should adapt and change playstyle depending on the killer they're up against, the same here for killers You gotta know what can this killer do and where's the weaknesses and go from…
  • Obviously you don't know what you're talking about Anyways devs won't touch SWF coz if they did, the community will drop by half at least which will cost them really much.. just as they refused to touch DS ..understandable
  • @not_Queen @Patricia I like how devs avoid these kind of discussions and tend to answer the most ridiculous questions in here, the same how they do it in live streams .. the reason probably for business purposes They're like saying "you want to counter lockers aura issue, go buy new dlc to counter it" Who cares about your…
  • Agree with that plus the chainsaw's hitbox is irritating and insta-chainsaw makes it even worse with very common addons .. like If I want an easy game, billy is the way to go & at high rank nothing but billy on console why ? It's obvious ... Skillbilly ? Literally a lot of players using the chainsaw just to move fast and…
  • @HellDescent thank you & good to know Apparently Devs are just thirsty for how to gain money.. current event is an example Rip this game on console 
  • Killer never down that teammate and they make sure everyone else die It's been there before the event I don't want to see unnecessary answers My question was clear so pls 
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