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  • I mean Ash went into the past at one point if that counts. But yeah, seeing survivors from the past would be cool. It'd be really cool if we got an original killer + survivor where the survivor actually survived an encounter with the actual killer before being transported to the trials. We have that with licensed…
  • I feel a good fix for decisive would be this: No skill check, just an auto activation Active from the moment you are unhooked for 1 min If another survivor is hooked during the 1 min, decisive deactivates For 10 secs after unhook, if you are downed, decisive remains active for the full minute regardless of the last part…
  • Also, didn't really think about survivors. Agent Cooper from Twin Peaks could be pretty cool. Even though Twin Peaks isn't a horror series, it does have a lot of strange elements, making it a reasonable target for "the entity". They could also go after game characters, like from Silent Hill or Resident Evil, which could be…
  • I'd say Pinhead would be good, but we already just got a chain killer so that might not happen. Candyman could have a cool ability as well. Honestly I'd rather see something original right now though. A Mummy killer could be cool, and its power could be cursing a survivor which could almost be like madness from Doc. Also…
  • For me it's probably either Doc or Trapper. I don't play killer a lot, but I've tried most of them out and I just feel the most comfortable with those two. I also play a bit of Ghost Face, Plague, and Miers, but I don't really expect to do super well with them unless I get lucky. Doc is just amazing at finding people, and…
  • I enjoy Urban and Iron Will, just because it makes you practically disappear during chases against some killers. Thought about trying For the People and Buckle Up as well, just for picking people up fast and seeing the killer's location. I don't really play killer enough to have many great combos there, but Iron Maiden and…
  • It is annoying that the game devs don't seem to know what they want or do what they want. If they want people not to tunnel or camp, which is something in the game, they should manually take it out. Make perks that deal with those things game mechanics. Same thing goes for DC in my opinion. Why is there even an option to…
  • I'm not really sure what the best fix would be in terms of manual suicide. That should probably still exist, but pressing a button for it could be annoying too, as that could happen on accident.
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