Old (not that old) Freddy Adept, Spirit Adept, Nurse Adept, Deathslinger Adept
Pick a killer than interests you or one you've always wanted to get better with. Go into matches with a learning mindset and focus more on your mechanics than getting kills. You'll feel better about the game as you improve, both with the killer and as a killer, and you'll feel a lot better when games don't go your way. Try…
More procs, more time on gens... How is this a nerf again?
I agree it isn't as much as a "nerf" as is being shouted on the forum today. But the reasoning is a bit off. Currently, you have to chase every chase with a 3 heal medkit to get MoM to proc. I didn't say get value, simply get it to do what it's supposed to do. Changing from 3 protection hits to 2 protection hits means you…
Better MMR system. The easiest change to implement making the baseline MMR off of a fresh account way lower than the median they currently start at. Going off of this, make numerical losses and gains to the hidden MMR stat lower in a survivor's first 30 games. I have just over 2,500 hours, mostly on survivor, and see…
Your useless teammate procs MoM quicker and gets back to actually being useful by doing gens. What is everyone so upset about?
I see the bright side in the MoM change. The people running MoM already chased every chase with a multiple heal med-kit and healing perks just to get use out of it. Rarely would it result in a game-changing play, at the cost of minutes of lost gen progress and map pressure, all for one extra hit and the personal…
How old is old? Nurse being disabled...
She isn't easy to just pick up and roll with. But people do indeed overestimate her floor. When you get stomped day-in day-out by Nurses, you learn her vicariously, meaning you learn her by playing against her or seeing others play her. You learn killers by getting outplayed by them. What works against you as a competent…
Seemingly overnight the whataboutism surrounding Nurse discussions has changed from whatabout Dead Hard to whatabout SWF lol. No one tries to discuss Nurse anymore. It's just a whataboutism about how she needs to be absolutely busted for X reasons and Y being a problem...
Reverted? No. Buffed? Perhaps. The reason the change was made in the first place was because ADS-spam was a lose-lose situation for survivors. Zone yourself out avoiding shots that never fire, or try and call the bluff and get speared. Pyramid Head's Rites of Judgement into M1 was changed for the same reason. It was a…
Tunneling isn't too hard when you tunnel your first hook. A 3v1 in exchange for 2 to 3 gens is a massive swing for Killers.
It's not an eSport. Never will be. But let's not forget the only online matchmaking game modes are Ranked matches. Always have been too.
So how's that an entirely different argument? She's been the best for years... She's the best right now... She'll continue to be the best until something changes.
Yup true, removing zombies takes away his thematic presence in DbD.
I'm glad there's a common understanding in that regard. It just doesn't sit right with me that she'll forever be the best until something changes.
Would you admit that Nurse is the strongest killer in the game? Has been the strongest killer in the game?
I agree. I think Nemesis has a Pig problem. Before Pig's addon rework, she could never get Ambush buffs because her addons skewed her gameplay with extra boxes and RBTs. I see zombies the same way. I'd like to see them removed so Nemesis himself isn't held back by things out of the player's control, but that's a dream. I…
I don't think anyone can change my mind that buffing zombies is the worst way to buff Nemesis. Make his power stronger, not his AI help.
Other killers in a terrible state doesn't discount that Nurse is the only one strong enough to do a streak this successful. And he's been doing this streak for months. Have the MMR issues you speak of been present since MMR's implementation? And it's not an outlier. For an outlier on the killer side, there's a comp…
Not you defending a 215 win streak when no other killer in the game could get close to an active win streak that long. If he's won 215 games in a row on Nurse, he should be capping on MMR, facing the most coordinated of SWFs and the most individually talented players on his server. Despite this, he's won 215 games and he's…
SupaAlf has an active 215 win streak on Nurse right now.
He can't bring himself to admit that Nurse is the best killer in the game. Just whataboutif and shills.
Everyone's experiences in Survivor, especially in solo queue, are different. I'm not saying what you're talking about never happens, I've had it happen to me too, and I know it isn't really feasible to hard carry a 4v1 asymmetrical game. Hopefully your chases are rewarded so you can get into more interactive, exciting…
Everyone who has a different survivor experience than @Murgleïs = low MMR btw lmfao
No Survivor wants to throttle their own gameplay to avoid getting camped & tunneled, that's why second chance perks are getting changed because they were basically quality assurance. It's more fun to not get camped & tunneled than it is to run fun builds and die for it, in my opinion. At least there's more build freedom…
He was being satirical saying that actually looping and outplaying the killer gets you facecamped, losing the most MMR in the lobby. Are you trolling? Also, facecamping is overall stronger than tunneling and is rampant at high MMR. It's the most effective strat across all levels, with tunneling falling shortly behind.
Nah, he's right. It has never been about being careless or too altruistic. The best looper on the team can easily be the first to die, if not the only one to die, for a number of reasons. MMR being influenced solely by escapes sends the people who hide and bust gens to high MMR, while actually skilled loopers get into baby…
I can tell you that arguing with him gets nowhere, save your time.
Why don't we keep emblem grades the same for pips, but increase caps to 10,000? Can't tell you how much BP I would earn if Boldness wasn't capped at 8,000. Benefits both roles too.
I think I'm done with the back and forth. I just want to understand where you're coming from and find a stance we can move from where we both agree, but you're more interested in attacking and shilling than actually trying to discuss. Have a great rest of the Anniversary!
Okay, is Nurse the best killer in the game? Has she been the best killer for years?
How is killrate compared to skill ceiling, as well as pickrate, meaningless? You can't say in game data is useless because BHVR doesn't want to look bad then discount what they give. You're trying to do the same thing when you said they don't make balance changes then you called Spirit and Deathslinger changes horrendous.…
So true. Still not the most fun to face but at least I feel like I'm getting outplayed now.
I said that Nurse has the lowest kill rate at all ranks but is the best killer by far. That's problematic to game balance, any other game with a ranked system and balance changes would've tweaked this character. I've also said the only reason they haven't changed her is because she has the 5th highest pick rate as of the…
I challenge you to make an argument based off of any form of tangible evidence, not your four years of experience.
"Horrendous changes" <---> "That's not an opinion"
Okay, let's circle back to the main point of my discussion post then, since we seem to agree. Is a meta dominated by two killers, mainly Nurse, not stale? Since we only see 2 killers at high MMR?
Everything you say in this thread is your opinion backed up by nothing but your own conjecture. It's like you only complain about the plights of a killer main about problems other people deal with just fine.
That's your opinion. Balance changes all the same. Can't say they don't make changes then disparage the ones they do. Quite hypocritical.
The McClean patch. When they listened to the community and tweaked Spirit and penalized Gunslinger for ADS spam. Who's next? Hm....
She has been the best killer since her release, she is the best killer right now, and for the foreseeable future, she will always be the best killer. I'm not sure what else to tell you, you can remain willfully ignorant but that's on you, not me or this discussion.
Every once in a while you'll hear a global audio queue that sounds like a chime. That means the totem's location has changed. Not sure if there's a finite amount per game, but if you hear the audio queue, it's out there.
Most of the data is saying she is not fine. Lowest kill rate and far and away highest effectiveness compared to any other killer is a game balance issue. As of the last Kill & Pick Rate statistics, she had the lowest kill rate at all levels. That much hasn't changed post-MMR. She is still the best killer in the game at…
I can't tell you how many killers either queue into the game with the main strat to facecamp, or decide to throw the game away and facecamp before a single gen has popped. Very relative statement that killer's hands are forced.
I like your thought process here but gen slowdown and second chance nerfs / basekit implementations doesn't begin to address facecamping's effectiveness. It's a fundamental issue of the game that indirect buffs won't change for Camaraderie/Kinship.
Many games do indeed have high skill ceiling characters that have high returns in performance if you master the character. Nurse is a poor example though. Lowest kill rate but most effective by far is variance that presents a problem to game balance. The only thing saving Nurse right now is that her pick rate is pretty…
With BHVR not buffing Camaraderie/Kinship in the Perk Overhaul, I'd really, really hope they have some plans in the future. You can't tell me basement Bubba, facecamping at 5 gens, etc. is healthy. The answer to facecamping MUST account for EGC, however.
If your argument against Nurse being the best killer in the game and having the lowest kill rate is that myself and other survivors are just bad at the game and that Nurse takes a lot of practice because she is mechanically demanding, think about it this way. The best Blight, who's widely regarded as the second best killer…
I said she has the lowest kill rate but is the best killer. None of these two points are debatable. Please read my comments before quoting me, I'm begging you.