I’ve had survivors message me when I was afk as killer asking if I was doing alright; which actually led to a decent conversation considering I was depressed at the time and needed someone to talk to. Strange match that was. It’s nice when you get the non toxic survs. Gave me some faith in the community.
Not sure if this is a known bug, but I also had this after using a splinter to play as the Pig.
I got a splinter out of opening an Ultra Rare box just now...that was disappointing. Waste of blood points too since I own the DLC.
That’s what I thought, had heard some misleading info in the past. Appreciate it!
This post is a rollercoaster of emotions.
I do agree that the bloodweb is ingenious, I unfortunately just don’t have the luxury of time when I play, so it takes me a while to level up to max.
I might just buy clown to sing this whenever I do KYF or play normally, I appreciate you. 😂
You can be like me, and never prestige cus I’m lazy when it comes to that 😅
Said this in a few other threads, but I’ll say it again. It gives me Banana Split vibes, and that’s a good thing.
Petition for a random Q&A about Peanits?
Aw shucks. Just tryin’ to spread some goodwill around the community.
In this case, they missed skill checks, ran into objects, threw down pallets a few seconds before I even reached them, and didn’t quite grasp the concept of being on the hook. First one attempted then didn’t struggle. Feng panicked at any noise or missed check.
At the same time, some people learn in different ways. If I can show someone a thing or two that’ll help them later on, without souring their experience too much, I’m gonna try.
Decided to meme as survivor a bit last night, took 10-15 minutes to find and load into a match. Rank 7 survivor. Went against rank 17-18 killers. Other survivors were rank 7-9. I rest my case. Edit: Killers got stomped. Few instances where I was camped and tunneled by a leatherface.
Bold of you to assume us killer mains don’t want to play because of just Ruin. I don’t use Ruin, so that doesn’t affect me. It’s the toxic attitude of entitled survivors and broken gameplay that deters me.
It might just be me, but I’m likely to turn down the volume when going against Doc. I’ve tried listening to his new music, and it just gives me a headache. It’s nonsensical, not even in the Doc way.
Some of these are explainable, and some seem like some bad lag. Either way, your game is cursed or somethin’. ^^’
So all perks are that all you have to say?
R.I.P. NOED time challenge
Good to know, thanks for the clarification.
I mentioned on a different post that it reminded me of The Banana Splits. Anyone else kinda see it?
That brings up a question I had, do the Legion add ons actually stack? It doesn’t say in their description if they do and I’m VERY curious. I appreciate the advice from y’all btw, I’ll definitely look at raging_ryuga’s stuff and see what I can take from it.
Honestly, as much as I personally enjoy Legion, it does feel like they’re lacking some oomph with their power. Add ons would be my biggest pet peeve. Did you have any ideas in mind? A few ideas I had for effects were: -FF not having a speed increase, but survivor auras are revealed to you for 2-3 seconds after they mend…
Funnily enough, I got the adept achievement first try due to a SWF group having poor coordination and trying to bodyblock. Mad Grit won every time.
The Clown’s leaked cosmetic reminded me of this. Perhaps the artist was inspired by it?
I’m not subject to pallet stuns all that often, (partially cus survivors have been a bit potato lately), what would you recommend if I didn’t run Enduring?
For me, slugging is almost necessary, since DS is commonly used nowadays. Survivors like to think they’re invincible because they have it; and waltz in front of me, trying to protect their uninjured comrades. I glance at my watch or phone to check the time, and come back when DS is no longer active. Does it suck? Yes.
Have you submitted a ticket for a bug report? Adrenaline shouldn’t save you from the hook at any point. Especially mid sacrifice. Another question: Did you encounter them later that match? And were they still kickin’?
Matchmaking wait times? Discrepancies between rank pairings? Miscellaneous?
I would LOVE a change to his add ons, Mew’s Guts and Deer Lung are his only decent ones imo. Perhaps some tweaking with how he has the stealth ability of a T-Rex would help too.
Given that solo queue times for survivor are usually, 5-10 minutes, I too would like to see some statistics.
Only issues I’ve had is playing as survivor, killer will swing into inanimate objects and hit me. A little aggravating, not gonna lie. Seems to persist for a few games then goes away for a good while.
If I see a perk, I generally gun for it or make a note that I’ve seen it, should I choose a very rare or higher item, since passing up on a perk in the bloodweb usually results in it not appearing for 6 or more levels. I’ve been meaning to do a Small Game build for a while and had the toughest luck finding it. Same goes…
If Small Game was more accessible, I could see this working out a bit. However on the 3 survivors I have at max level (PS4) I didn’t see Small Game until I refreshed the bloodweb at least 10 times past the level cap. Its extremely difficult to find for me and haven’t seen it pop up on any of my other survivors.
You make some good points and I have to agree... Devs keep saying that new Ruin is a strong late game, however it is common for Hex Totems to cleansed at the beginning... 70% of my Killer matches, (Purple Rank Killer main here), using Devour Hope start with the totem being across the map where the survivors start. It…