The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • Any discussion on removing the stealth maps that are no longer part of the current meta? The maps screw survivors because of the large volume of killer addons and perks that give visibility. Why is this still in rotation?
  • Game has been killer meta for a while now, but I also know survivors had meta for a long time. Killers have too many visibility perks countering survivor stealth, exacerbated on small/medium maps or by mobility killers. Maps are probably one of the most imbalanced things in the game to date. There are too many "stealth"…
  • It doesn't sound like you comprehend what the word "entitlement" actually means. "You were always supposed to be able to hear survivors breathing..." There is no argument to that in my comment (reading comprehension). The breathing sounds are carrying too far nor are they tied to movement/activity of the survivor. They've…
  • Yeah, Behaviour better fix this breathing bullshit or I'm out. Killers walking 2-3 meters past me in a bush, dead stop, turn and find me based on "breathing". As killer, I've played games and am finding survivors 4-5 meters out based on breathing alone. Here's the thing- the breathing is just as bad if you have been…
  • For killers sitting just outside of heartbeat or proxy camping or facecamping, this is a beneficial measure. Your argument otherwise would suggest that borrowed time be removed from the game entirely- but it has it's purpose as an anti-camp measure and as a result, faster unhook speed would synergize well with that.
  • Borrowed time is how you save camped survivors and the one on hook while exit gates are open
  • The difficulty in proving wallhacking is that you need footage from 2-3 survivors in the same game, to show the killer beelining from person to person. There should be a trigger that after X volume of reports on account over Y duration of time (minimum 2 weeks or 1 month) there is footage recorded Z times and reviewed by…
  • My counterpoint to that would be vault speeds... we all know how much of a difference a fraction of a second makes there. Functionally, I think faster unhook speed makes most sense on borrowed time, given it is an anti-camp measure- but unfortunately WGLF has nothing at all benefiting gameplay.
  • Here's the thing- I actually work in the industry. Dedicated servers will provide better latency for all players averaged out- people will ping 50-75 across the board, during the game (not fakenews lobby latency), rather than the killer pinging zero and survivors at the mercy of thei killer's personal connection and rig…
  • Camping is only "intended" until they figure out how to creatively address it. Until then, sure, it's "intended".
  • Dedicated servers will fix what has otherwies been 3 years of killer lag advantage. All these replays where killers are stabbing survivors through pallets, snatching from hatches, nurse blink hits, etc- on survivor side that killer wasn't close enough to do that. With the power of zero ping killer vs survivors actual ping…
  • For real. Slowvaulting, especially against killer host/latency advantage, is absurd. I can't wait for dedicated servers- half this game's problems are due to lag- like all those pallet hits killers get because they're carrying a .25-.5 latency advantage over you
  • Interesting- that's sounds pretty right to me as well. It would be cool if they kept the statistics public somewhere, but at least they kinda share them. I'd like to know how "off" the numbers are on the high/low ones vs the average though. Knowing the top few by killer/survivor is one thing... but if there are maps where…
  • EG, average survived vs average number killed per game by map
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