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  • It's also arguable that Nurse and potentially Myers has good slugging potential. Nurse for her high mobility and no collision with walls. And maybe Myers because of his instadown, but he's still the survivors ######### on good setups because at the end of the day, he is just an M1 killer There are other killers that can…
  • No, they don't. I still don't get why people still do Ruin and Thrilling. It's why perks such as Cheryls perk to block a gen exist.
  • I disagree with the Wraith change because being fully invisible also makes it stupid for the Wraith player I don't know how to feel about that legion change because I wanted an increase to his base duration Hag has enough traps, and you're wasting too much time setting up that many traps since she is 110 I'd like to see a…
  • I'd say the addons needing change are Tuning Guide, Thompsons Mix, and Primer Bulb. I said this previously in another post that these 3 addons makes his engravings addons Too easy to use, and if they're used together, commonly Tuning Guide and Thompsons Mix, makes it very unfun because along with the instant charge time,…
  • While I agree this version of DS is not great, it's a band-aid fix to tunneling. It's surprising how often killers will tunnel without an obsession. Though tunneling is considered completely unfun, it can sometimes be the right play if you want to make it a 3v1 late into the game. Being hit by a 59 second DS is always the…
  • In my opinion, you can trade out noed or ruin for another perk, maybe a chase perk to help end chases much faster. I'm not saying Noed is bad or good, but I was never a fan of those perks playing as killer myself. Ruin encourages the survivors to stay on gens instead of doing small things like totems, chests, or even just…
  • @LetsPlayTogether I also main billy, and it can be easy to slug at 5 gens as Any killer really. Though the conditions sometimes are: Are the Survivors grouped together? Are the Survivors playing altruistically? Did the survivors play tiles wrong that allow you to down them and go for another survivors? Did the survivor get…
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