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  • Back when I started in 2018, there were tunnelers back then too, but it was not as prominent as it is today. Then again, survivors were A LOT stronger at the time. Old DS that could be activated before first hook, and no deactivation upon doing objectives. Old Dead Hard, old BT, and so many other crazy strong survivor…
  • No, like I said in my latest comment, I played some matches with a friend earlier today, and it was like the polar opposite from yesterday. I guess it is all about the luck of the draw (or luck of the matchmaking) in this case.
  • Yesterday was indeed bad, but the matches I had today was the polar opposite. No one tunneled at all. So I guess it is also a "luck of the draw" when it comes to who you are opposing. Had some excellent chases, escaped some matches, and got sacrificed in others in order to give the team a chance at escaping. Granted, I…
  • I was actually not annoyed with not winning, but being stuck on tome challenges due to being tunneled out before having the chance to do them. I don't really care whether I win or lose. The point is that tunneling as a strategy is too easy, without any real form of counterplay. You can only get this far versus a double…
  • I think Bubba should be slowed down considerably when using his chainsaw power to camp/tunnel. This is the ONLY way to properly get rid of this playstyle. - Especially considering how he is able to completely bypass the anti-camp feature, since he catches up to the survivor way too easily after getting the initial hit
  • Missed opportunity: It should have been Stranger Things Vecna
  • Well, in my case, I was genuinely being tunneled by a Blight with double speed add-ons. He didn't care at all about the other survivors. He just wanted me out asap. I got mad, DC'd in his face. That was after facing Huntresses in 4 prior games - Yes, I absolutely hate Huntress, and with a good reason. When I said 9/10…
  • I versed a Myers as well. No tombstone, but two of my teammates kept feeding him stalk all the time, so every time he found me, he was at 99%. The worst part is, he was not a good player either, just lucky that my teammates kept feeding him. That was really annoying to go against. In all of my survivor games, besides one…
  • So, after those horrible survivor games, I played a few rounds of killer. - No slowdown/meta perk builds. 1st match: A bit rusty since it has been a while. Got absolutely smoked, but the survivors were cool, and not toxic or anything. Granted, one of them told me that playing against me was a good relaxing session, from…
  • 100% thumbs up from me! The dark appearance on the old maps is so much better. No idea why BHVR made Coldwind daytime anyways.
  • Granted, when talking about SWF, the biggest issue is the 4-man groups. Eliminating 4-man SWF, or adding another mode that is balanced around them would pretty much be the only real solution to the SWF-balance nightmare. 2 or 3-man SWF's still have to deal with random teammates, that is probably why their win-rate isn't…
  • I wholeheartedly agree here. The matches I play killer, I play it fair and enjoyable (like trying to go for 8 hooks), instead of sweating my ass off for the 4K, and the survivors generally enjoy going against me. Now, I do on occasions see survivors that DC, but it might have been due to a misplay on their end, and not due…
  • I think the general consensus being that the last patch brought with it so many bugs, that it is severely impacting player experience in the game. I for one will not return until the damn rubberbanding stops occurring. It is not fun playing in the current state of the game. Also, there is seemingly a connection to the…
  • Unbreakable being meta again then. Or No Mither will be useful
  • He is 105% by default in T1. But you can increase it to 120% with PWYF. So, yes, he is s l o w.
  • A shape-shifting killer could be a really cool concept.
  • I think the opposite should be reverted to be honest. Make it completely hide grunts of pain, but disable it when exhausted. That will put it in a MUCH better state compared to its current version
  • Damn, this is so true. I have been running into so many bully SWF's when playing killer, it's borderline ridiculous. Truth be told, it was never this bad with the old matchmaking system. Granted, I have played a lot of killer throughout the years, and I can with certainty say that the problem got exponentially worse after…
  • The main issue with Nurse is that she does not have to abide to the game's rules at all, being able to phase through anything (essentially a form of no-clipping). This is why she is near impossible to properly balance, without making her too weak or too strong. In other words: There is no balanced middleground for Nurse…
  • Controversial takes: The meta today is incredibly stale, and favors killers over survivors to a very strong degree. SBMM was a mistake. Ranks were way better. - Granted queue times was longer, but the matches you got had much better quality. Old movement was infinitely better than the "realistic" movement we have today.…
  • Personally, I have been running a healer build lately. Botany + Strength in Shadows (for faster self-healing), Calm Spirit + Bite the Bullet (for stealthier healing) - Or swapping Calm Spirit with We'll Make it
  • Okay, this sounds absolutely hilarious. Turn into a bush at will
  • I honestly agree here. While seeing red skillchecks pretty much every game got stale fast, I still liked this version of Ruin better. Like you stated, it was a really good tool to practice great skillchecks, and it was a nice tool for killers to slow the game down a tad. As a wise Monto once said. "We got Hex: Ruin … … ……
  • As someone who started playing in 2018, I feel you bro. The old movement (albeit clunky and weird looking) felt a lot better compared to the current one we have nowadays. I don't know, but it certainly felt like you were running faster.
  • A Mr.X cosmetic (legendary) would have worked well for Nemesis, minus his power though.
  • @Rulebreaker A well sorted selection, and many good counter-points to be made there. We wouldn't call it to lenient, but that may be down to word choice. The algorithm doesn't properly match, discounting things like lobby dodge and people purposefully throwing, people due to "skill" being defined by kills and escapes as…
  • I mentioned this in my post as well. I do think there should be some rewards for reaching high prestige levels. A twist on the legacy cosmetics was something I suggested too, and something that could be great as a reward for being a dedicated player.
  • A good point indeed. Now some counter-arguments to be made (I like how this is going). We still genuinely don't get how or why SBMM is causing people to play like actual lives are at stake…like its there to try and make sure you don't get thrown into a match over your head or with newbies… but we digress. The problem with…
  • A very good point. Smaller maps are great for M1 killers, but highly abusable by high mobility killers, or ranged killers, since pressuring the survivors gets exponentially easier the smaller the map gets. Hence why so many killers has favored small maps like Dead Dawg Saloon, due to it being easy to pressure, even as a…
  • I don't play too much killer to have everyone nailed down to the smallest detail, but for the ones I enjoy playing myself, these are my favorite add-on combos: Nurse: Spasmodic Breath (Green) + Matchbox (Iridescent). Walking/Bamboozle Nurse is a fun take on a strong killer. And survivors are often oblivious to the fact…
  • Matchmaking incentives are pretty much only for survivors these days. I guess that might be his reason.
  • 5-second DS buff feels more like a "band-aid" patch, rather than a proper way to combat the tunneling issue. Since DS was nerfed for a good reason, due to many survivors using it offensively, rather than in self-defense. Not that I ever run DS anyways. I'm not the person playing in a toxic way, on either side.
  • I am really curious to hear what other people have to say about this, so don't be shy, and leave some comments.
  • I have a feeling the new random perks mode will be a long awaited breath of fresh air.
  • So, I do mainly play survivor myself, but for the most part, I run a healer build, without exhaustion or meta-perks (yes, yes. I am a support player in other games). Not nearly as annoying as those who run Background Player, with beamers and flashbangs. Aside from that, I rarely get these kind of "annoying" survivors on my…
  • Personally, I would love it if he got killswitched, permanently. Realistically speaking, I think his main event should be harder to get, especially considering how easy he can down people, most notably on maps without high walls, where as a survivor, you have almost ZERO counterplay to him. A friend of mine who rarely…
  • Well, a good and detailed breakdown comment I might say. JRM is a highly experienced player with over 8000 hours of playtime, who happens to do Youtube content, often alongside other "titans" such as Hens, SupaAlf and Ayrun. "Wasting the killer's time" This is the block we have the most concern about. What defines proxy…
  • I went more into detail about how the classic ranking system could be implemented. It is a long read, but I think it would work WAY better than the current system. You can read my post here:
  • Overall, I liked the new store page. Granted, some kinks could be sorted out, like others have mentioned, but it was by far a step in the right direction.
  • I've had this issue as well. It seems like a server-side issue to me. System specs below. CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Memory: 32 GB Game drive: Samsung SSD 860 Evo 1TB Internet connection: 1000/1000 Mbps - Hard-wired. Game was playing smooth and fine before Patch 7.7.0 No doubt there is a…
  • Of course, there has to be someone abusing it. Though on indoor maps, it is really fun to play this build
  • On the topic of fun, I find Scratched Mirror Myers being one of the most fun killer builds to both play and verse. I genuinely wish that BHVR went back to the more scary roots of DBD, and brought some genuine tension back into the game. Jumpscares are incredibly fun.
  • I wouldn't call a harmless re-skin of the player's model a cheat, since it is just a cosmetic (and funny looking) mod. Fixing gens as a tiny killer would actually look really funny. But other mods, that actually gives the player an advantage over others should definitely be frowned upon.
  • I was playing with some friends of mine who had been playing for about a year back then. I got the game around the halloween event in 2018, not long after the release of Spirit. I don't remember the first killer i faced all that well, but I am pretty sure it was either Trapper or Hag. The map was Coldwind Farm, I think it…
  • WOOOHOOO! Randomizer mode is something I have been asking for, for a long time. No meta, just random and possibly way more fun than regular play
  • I have not been actively playing since last summer. Patch 6.7.0 was the true downfall of survivor. I know where you are coming from with your statement, and as someone who play survivor around 70% of the time spent in the game, I know the struggle (pun not intended). And like you said, the old "coziness" got taken out…
  • I think there could be a way to balance SWF (especially 4-man). Since a full team of Survivors, with no randoms would likely be on voice with eachother, two options would be good here: A: Have a voice-chat feature, so that randoms can communicate with eachother. This is a great QoL for SoloQ and duo SWF's. If you take a…
  • IMO, Adrenaline was fine the way it was, and not every survivor ran it. - Sometimes survivors could really use that second chance. Sloppy was being very over-used, but they could have toned down the hemorrhage status effect, instead of messing with the perk itself.
  • For me it is Plague, Blight, Legion, Trickster and Huntress. I don't really mind the Nurse, since she does offer counterplay, especially on maps with LOS-blockers. But oh man, going against Plague or Legion is just painful and really boring, since you have little to no true counterplay to their powers. Either play the…
  • Dang, you hit the nail on the head here. Like you said, the game was never "unplayable" even with the more overpowered loops and survivor items. I too have fond memories of winning games as killer, even back when I started playing the game, back in 2018. Granted, some killers had pretty OP add-ons as well, such as Silent…