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  • Good luck with your dumb idea
  • Ok so she died in her sleep right? correct me if im wrong but dont woman sometimes like to sleep naked? So she died like that then at least be grateful that she has stuff covering her parts. EDIT: its seems that most female streamers are ok with how the spirit looks P.S nobody cares what feminist have to say
  • Camping for me its only done by toxic killers who cant play normally I only had a problem with looping once but i never faced it often. some killers just camp to be ######### and survivor are toxic for no reason so unless both sides are satisfied this game will always be toxic
    in Camping Comment by Touken August 2018
  • @RSB look at his first comment
  • ok then there you go idc what u call him except for something he is not, So he is not a ######### nor a molester
  • @Giche Show me the proof that shows that he is a ######### and not just a pedo because ive seen does videos and i see nothing about him ######### someone
  • @Giche Im defending him from being called something that hasn't been proven for example what if i call you a ######### do i have proof NO and plus even if he goes away toxicity will always be there
  • @fakelover I can understand why people call him a pervert and stuff but can you give me proof that he molested or raped somebody if no shut up
  • You cant though? Trust me if it were possible i would of done it already
  • Dude if you want to change it then try to
  • The only way they can nerf supposedly "gen rush" is by lowering the progress you get from skillchecks or increase the time it takes abit and survivor decide to do it because what else are they going to do while one of them is getting chased just stand still no they are going to their objective which is to do gens
  • To me its is a clutch perk because if the killer was bad and could only hit a survivor once then they get a chance to get a survivor, so yea its a clutch perk
  • Oh its the same dude who has nothing to say except for the same thing if ur not going to discuss stuff then leave 
  • Explain to me how is it an exploit?
  • So taking a,hit to save your teamate is a mechanical bug huh its seem normal to me teamates trying to help a teamate whats wrong with that?
  • Like you said your new you've got get used to it and be more strategic im a rank 9 huntress ive been playing the game for along time and when i get faced against expert survivors then if cant get them then its my fault for not being good
    in camping Comment by Touken August 2018
  • Im a rank 9 prestige two huntress and im kinda good at jucking the killer i never teabag unless the killer is camping and i myself never camp nor tunnel so i do play killer alot. The thing is people keep saying be stealthy welp what about the perks that you need during chases or to help your teamates, I use borrowed time…
    in camping Comment by Touken August 2018
  • Then he need a buff but not to be immune to DS killers complain about DS because they dont want to chase a survivor again because they cry too much as a rank 9 killer DS is never a problem and i bet in rank 1 it will still be the same and killers keep chasing survivors cause there dumb if you cant get them ignore them and…
  • unhook safely when the survivor is getting camped or the killer comes back and goes for you theres no way to be safe unless the killer is chading someone else
  • if tunneling isnt a thing then what do you call getting chased when u get unhooked?
  • So your supposed to get camped almost every game making the game boring and just accept it? ######### that 
  • Yea just like a survivors when they get camped and tunneld
  • Hiding huh stealth has been gone since the leatherface update and yea not all survivors are good at jucking just how some killers arent always good at killing so they camp so why do survivors loop to not get camp or tunneled oh what would you guys call chasing a survivor who just got unhooked?
  • @Chrona But what if you dont have space for that perk because I already have 4 perks that are necese@Chrona me I used Adrenaline, BT, DH,and self care
    in camping Comment by Touken August 2018
  • So how would you feel if every game or almost all the time you get camped how would you feel to keep de piping because you dont get enough points and dont say oh you just have to get good because you cant if you keep getting chased at the beggining and you cant be stealthy because that rarely works
    in camping Comment by Touken August 2018
  • I actually never had a problem with decisive strike tbh neither with sprint burst before the update
  • Hey @RBS you actually never gave me answers you just complained about ochido and how i was just a fanboi and that i needed experience
    in The Clown Comment by Touken August 2018
  • So playing the game is not called experience? playing both survivor and killer is mot experience ok mr.######### you can ######### off now
    in The Clown Comment by Touken August 2018
  • Rn im saving shards so im probably going to get him to try him out ill see his prospective and then ill tell you my response You see this discussion @RSB its very mature because he is giving me the answers that i wanted and not being a ######### like you
    in The Clown Comment by Touken August 2018
  • Oh wow im good at a game ik everything about it ik so much about the game that anything i say is right because ik everything about game thats basically you @RSB
    in The Clown Comment by Touken August 2018
  • When in tf did i say you were a pedo tf creep
    in The Clown Comment by Touken August 2018
  • dude whatever ima go play some games and not be an immature ######### like you who picks on little kids because he is so sad and has nothing else to do
    in The Clown Comment by Touken August 2018
  • first of all dude i dont have to ask forgiveness from an imature ######### and i do play play killer alot its just that im not good but ik what killers complain about and i have no problem with the stuff that they complain about
    in The Clown Comment by Touken August 2018
  • Still being inmature and like i said i play with my rank 1 friends i know how it feels to play against rank 1 killers and if you want proof i can tells you there gamer tags and just because i watched videos from a youtuber that im not subcribed to it makes me a fanboi and what are you an imaturebitch?
    in The Clown Comment by Touken August 2018
  • If your an adult then why are acting like a kid and not acting more mature, second of all i do play the game alot and im a rank 11 huntress main so i did play more than 10 games and call his audience whatever you want anybody would say your just a hater and yes im a rank 13 survivor but i play with my rank 1 friends…
    in The Clown Comment by Touken August 2018
  • Could you plz answer my questions? So have you faced a clown? Do you know how fast he can catch up to you? even without his atonics? I kinda know how to juke the clown a bit but it's only temporary.
    in The Clown Comment by Touken August 2018
  • First of all I like his videos but im not a toxic survivor and so he cant say pleb and duuud because he got a good juke on the killer? and still not anwsering my questions
    in The Clown Comment by Touken August 2018
  • First of all the killer can tunnel the survivor who got unhooked with borrowed time, kindred and bond only tell you where your teamates are. ps. i play alot of killer and when people get unhooked i always go for the person who unhooked the survivor and i never camp nor tunnel
  • Not true People practice and play alot as them especially me since i play the huntress alot in Console
  • Hey i play PS4 too and im a huntress main and all i got to say is that you have to practice not everybody can be good from the start
  • Bruh shut up dude your just jealous and plus how does he even get carried? I also dont know what you mean the about him being the cancer of the community and plus you aren't even answering my questions
    in The Clown Comment by Touken August 2018
  • So have you faced a clown? Do you know how fast he can catch up to you? even without his atonics? I kinda know how to juke the clown bits it's only temporary. ps. Ochido posted a video of him going against the clown and it showed how hard it was to survive the clown
    in The Clown Comment by Touken August 2018
  • It takes too long because you keep chasing even though you know they are jucking the heck out of you
    in camping Comment by Touken August 2018
  • Ye but that never usually works for me, the killer usually waits until you die in the hook and then leave
    in camping Comment by Touken August 2018
  • So what do we do when the killer just ignores the gen rush, i mean that always happens to me
    in camping Comment by Touken August 2018
  • Keywords friends not all of us play swf all the time
    in camping Comment by Touken August 2018
  • @Orion you keep talking about how the killer should always win a 1v1 but that's basically proving my point there is no way to counter camping
    in camping Comment by Touken August 2018
  • ok i get that but if the killer is supposed to always win a 1v1 then why do they camp when they can just go get another survivor in a 1v1
    in camping Comment by Touken August 2018
  • So ur saying that we have to stealthy welp even when i try that they still find me and how about MM and the pig they can sneak behind you when u dont notice
    in camping Comment by Touken August 2018
  • Killers have a terror radius there is no way to ambush unless your playing as MM or the pig. ps. i honestly dont know why killers wanted SB Nerfed i never had a problem with it
    in camping Comment by Touken August 2018
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