Ochido in PS4
Who else dosent mind Ochido in PS4? Like ik he is toxic and all but admit it the community itself is toxic, Ochido is just part of it, he was good in pc and everyone hated it just because he was toxic but if he wasnt people would be like oh he is very good, ps. some killers are saying he is trash is PS4 its not like you…
How are survivors supposed to counter camping?
Camping is part of the game huh?
So of camping is part of the game then why isn't looping part of the game? Let me guess it makes it so that you take a long time to catch them well then leave them go for the other survivors Some killers say that tunneling isn't a thing and that its just an excuse survivors use. So getting chased right after you got…
So i wanna know how is it possible to adapt as a new survivor if you keep getting camped? Also aren't the killers too op for noob survivors basically moving noob killer up and down between ranks because they arent good too? ps.Im not new im just a bad at the game, im more of a killer main (rank 13 huntress) so i know how…