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  • I dont use and slow down perks as leather face at rank 4, but i use discordance to find people who pair up. Although i am tempted to get pop eventually I dont think genrush is the right term for most people. All survivors can do is do gens when the killer isnt around. They have no secondary objective to do unless its from…
  • Thats what i thought when i play against it as a survivor, and if youre at a good loop its a good counter too. But as a killer i barely even notice it. Its Bp bonus is crazy, and killer already gets lots of Bp.
  • Sorry bro, egos in this game man. People forget this is a party game and try to ruin other peoples day
  • If thats the case, that must have been recent then, but the sound occlusion in this game is weird. Its interesting that it started now for terror radius's and lullabys. Thank you i thought it was my perk choice for sistressing
  • I havent had it happen to me as a survivor but do you know if they had distressing or was it just randomly?
  • They dont when they do that, it usually doesnt show up until i down them. It has to be the coding and the dedicated servers messing it up Or hacking which is possible, but the majority of the time its high ping and lag
  • Sometimes if people play on bad connection they teleport behind like 50m because the lag. I play killer a lot, and it seems to happen when the survivor has 200 to 300 ping. Ive had sevrral cross play people get stuck teleporting and i can hit and down them but they realy cant do much besides run in the same area
  • Ive been playing leather face since the rework, and ive found he is way better at chases now. And i dont use PWYF or Nemesis ( even if it is fun) but i find i can down survivors pretty easily now. I can fake chainsaw sprints and trap survivors easily when theyre at an unsafe loop. That being said, i think a lot of new…
  • I always wanted to play michael since i grew up watching holloween, but after i hit level 40 on him i got kinda fizzled out on him. So ive actually picked up bubba and demogorgan recently after the rework. Bubba is my go to now, i usually play huntress, so it feels weird not zoning survivors and more often than not ill…
  • Key in lobby, and i see all toolboxes
  • I just feel i at least need to get them to level 10 before i use them. Which one shoulf i play tomorrow? Plague or Wraith? I just want to see if i like their power. And yeah, i cant wait to see my surivor games tomorrow
  • Steve (Mettle of man, Borrowed Time, Babysitter, Dead Hard) I play lots of killers, Main one: Huntress (Thrill of hunt, Ruin, Discordance 1, Nurses calling)
  • I think it will, if not then we need a gauge to see who uses wired and wireless connections I play fighting games online more, but I usually play pig,huntress,oni and myers as a killer. But if i played on etheopian interenet instead of wired connection, i imagine i could hit a lot more hits than i should be able to as any…
  • On This thread yes, its just too funny. He came off as arrogant as hell lol I see he edited his post, so ill respond better Just to clarify she is balanced, and fair, but his real complaint is server to killer connection. Which btw is the sigle biggest issue in any game online, especially fighting games. Dbd needs to fix…
  • Lolol are you real, this is the most fun ive had on this forum Also is it true you DC as a survivor when the killer finds you?
  • Ill have you know im ranked 5,000,001 so technically im numerically higher than you. Plus this is not a competitive game And you have a problem with latency, stop playing on wifi. Ill 1v1 you on minecraft to assert dominance
  • Lol git gud Honestly shes fairly balanced, and i dont see why you drop pallets or vault windows if you know shes going to throw at you. If you are a ranked 18 in the world on a party game , you shouldnt have that big of a problem.
  • Definitley claudette and legion To be fair they have to be either P1 or below Anyone over that usually is dedicated to that role and will play it out for memes sake
  • its not that bad i play billy all the time, from what it looks like its literally there just to stop face campers, and people who dont use hus power for mobility. He still has instant downs, plus a buff to add ons.
  • did you see the buff to franklins and lightborn? Im using that every time i feel like im going to have a sweaty team
  • This is pretty pathetic tbh Its like a 12 year old got a reddit account
  • Try hard with dead hard and quick and quiet. Typcally when i play killer. Kates always have dead hard, and burrowed time
  • Like i said never trust killers lol On a fair note try to do it to p3 claudettes
  • I was joking for the most part, i was just musing at the idea at the shenanigans that would be on youtube. Im all for it honestly
  • Wasnt too long sgo actually, she stayed crouched the entire time and my team blocked me in the spot in front of the jigsaw box. It made me laugh hard
  • I did this once and the pig trapped me with my team and watched the trap go off. Never trust killers It did make me laugh pretty hard that they head bobbed for the whole time
  • just imagine the bugs, itd be awesome. You get hooked and a spinning basement hook and the physics slingshot you into the stratosphere never to be seen or healed again. Literally all game breaking itd be worth it though, theyd actually have to do bug fixes
  • Very true, i know heather is iconic, but part of me wishes it was james. And the lore is he drove into the lake, but instead of suicide, the entity takes him and torments him with pyramid head as a new hell.
    in "FNaF" Comment by Virusmain June 2020
  • Quentin is scary, i hope they patch his face with that graphics update.
    in "FNaF" Comment by Virusmain June 2020
  • Thats true, but as a counter point its helped keep the game fresh, i played dbd when it first came out but it was super grindy so i stopped. But then when my gf and i heard stranger things was coming into dbd, i hopped on and bought it to replay it. Now ive had a lot more fun than before, and yeah i love steve, but it made…
    in "FNaF" Comment by Virusmain June 2020
  • Bruh Didnt you post on that other post explaining how they wanted a FNAF chapter lol The only cringe person is you, youre the one that keeps making dumb posts about this talking crap about somebodys idea. And every post you made in the last thread was highly cringe. "Duh the killer isnt a slasher, and has no weapon, duh."…
    in "FNaF" Comment by Virusmain June 2020
  • Okay thats what i thought, i try to play fairly and altruistically but if i was killer i would have upset too because as a doctor he probably could have gotten me because the pallet was gone
  • If the lawsuit never happened and the devs didnt abandon F13, i would have gladly played way more. But it did, and the game suffered. According to game stats, F13 at peak some days has 1000 players on steam on the weekend Dbd on steam charts, can have 20000 plus playing in the past few months consistently, and cross play…
  • I know people ######### on the games a lot, i havent played any, but having a robot/zombie furry chase aftrr me sounds pretty fun ngl. I wouldnt mind having another video game franchise in dbd, might as well give everyone a killer they can love. After Pyramid head, im covinced they could make it interesting, although not…
  • Played the ptb for a while, and i gotta say that his ranged attack is good, but doesnt need a nerf. He's just about as threatening as legion to me as a survivor. He seems extremely balanced comoared to pther killers. I would say hes below oni.
  • I got bugged on hook multiple times one day from onis hooking me, and it sucked for the 15 minute dc penalty i just had to stop for a day
  • i had that once happen in a solo game. Nurse chased me for a bit, but then cornered a team mate who was cleansing ruin. Then shd just sat there, i tried but didnt work. Figured out from post game chat, he teabagged and blinded her after head on and a pallet stun and pointed before she found me. It seems to happen to…
  • i would ignore post game chat, but this community can be really toxic. But for all the toxic people, i find a lot of good survivores and especially more killers that are nice. Im new to this game, and i like the killrrs who help me and give me advice, and although its few and far between, it helps that there are positve…
  • If my monitor is 2560 x 1440, and i full screen it to that resolution, is thay fine?