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  • bro this is the problem. ur not good with her that's on u. i hit insane shots and get 4k's at the highest level mmr u can. ur missing ur hatchet throws or not taking any when u need to. u have to play unpredictable.
  • lmao i've spammed the crap out of my left mouse button trying to throw a pallet and i have the best internet possible where i am and connected straight to my router i have amazing internet speed
  • bro what. how u gunna diss pig and freddy?? i mean sure the only thing that she has is her one addon that makes u injured for doing literally absolutely nothing besides not getting hit when u loop her but
  • they rely solely on non gamers. the second someone is good at something there's a huge problem. 90% of the time i used dh prenurf it was based solely on chance. i was always out in the open nd it was common perk to expect waiting it out took patience and knowledge of ur opponents playstyle and people lacked it. imagine if…
  • i usually hit them as vamp then bat speed back to them nd get a quick down. wolf form i use but i think it actually makes me worse. the 3rd person can be used for mind games in weaker pallets. but a good player doesnt need that. breaking pallets immediately when they're dropped is nice too but then the cooldown is so…
  • i think i'm with u on the break. i have the same issue. it will never be for competitive gamers. the entire game is a meme. it can be cute but people dont respect cute. they respect intelligence, patience, mindfulness, and care. i don't see any of that in dbd it's just do a gen loop a few mins then get tunneled out.
  • add 15 seconds to the time it takes to fully recover alone and allow to fully recover. tired of killers getting a lucky down and holding me hostage bc i looped them. you know.. like the purpose of the game is… and slugging for the 4k is bs they need a distinct way of winning so ppl cant be delusional. idk just my opinion
  • lmao they'd lose their entire survivor base maybe like 10% on gens and and 15 seconds on deadlock as basekit that would feel good
  • with 3 teammates there would be no reason to wait it's more of an incentive to heal nd if he waits it out then just pull the cloaked wraith method with a pallet. then they have to listen to gens fly waiting
  • bc ppl are easily driven by the wrong intentions. they only make them overpowered to get people to buy it then it's all about survivors again. look at freddy. i remember playing him for a week when i started playing havn't touched him since. when people spend money on something they dont need to consistently go back and…
  • they can literally just change the capacity of the individual characters exactly how gta does. noone has that problem with people going passive mode. and sometimes the killer specifically targets a person not just because their easier. with lowered capacity so u can see thru them but still know they are there it would work…
  • exactly he was a waste of money. i don't have what i paid for. feels like a scam. lmao they shouldnt change characters like this it's wasting our money and time. if anything says they don't care about their player base it's that. i get healthy changes but come on. ppl watched the killer b4 hand then bought him and now the…
  • i love the idea with the tunnels but they defs destroyed him for me. and with the zombies, nemisis is a little overwhelming tbh
  • they wouldnt be able to that's what i'm saying. they couldn't body block they couldnt do gens or cleanse or anything. just a heavy incentive to heal and by the time theyre done then it's still a pretty fair game one or two people on a gens and someone healing getting healed. gens still being done, time for a fun chase can…
  • dont be sorry lmao it's a game but i see it almost every game and typically i have to do the same bc i just get gen rushed. i feel like my idea is lowkey genius but idk it essentially takes that person out of the temporally besides healing. my problem tho is having low mmr on survivor even tho i'm extremely good and…
  • true it honestly is really frustrating to me to have it lock so forcefully. idk i wont ever touch him again lmao and they nurfed ultimate so it was a waste of money. i'm starting to realize they make it overpowered at first to get people to buy it then they make it more appealing to survivors. high mmr is like going to a…
  • honestly im not even mad to play against him i always hug turrets so i rarely even see his power. most the time with decent teammates we can pull off an easy dub. literally just hug turrets and have them in powerful positions
  • exactly! i was really excited for him now i just main huntress and use a bunch of gen blocking perks. she's the only one i can play and relax with. i wish the gen perks for both sides weren't so powerful tho. my gen build for survivor (deja vu, scavenger, built to last, and windows) gives the killer the most minimal time…
  • if nurse is unfair for fast pressure and ignoring pallets and windows.. what about huntress? i use to play cod with just a pistol and still took first. i only loose when i get gen rushed X10 and have a horrible map or if they just cheat
  • this is how they drag the game out. just do pointless stuff till they can get another dlc
  • and make it fair? why would they ever do that
  • dummy huntress eliminates the entire chase. i put up 92 ekia's against prestige masters in cod core mode and hc. i'm sorry but put me with huntress and it's game over. i have studied people all my life this game is seriously easy. i was destroying a good swf team. only reason they escaped is cuz i had no perks. my mistake…
  • lmao ur wrong. pyramid head, now dracula, huntress, nemisis, plague in situations, the unknown and the night destroys otr. u can't see the big picture. if they increase the anti camp range on hook then how exactly do i patrol gens when the survivors jus hide in bushes and lockers. and this game is quite literally the…
  • i'd rather see them work on what's wrong before adding more
  • i see it as killer sometimes and i dont even try to dodge it. they ruined it
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