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  • Things I enjoy playing as Survivor: Being chased! The best part of the game by far. 1v1ing the killer and trying to outsmart each other is so fun. I enjoy having a fair showdown with the killer. Cosmetics. It feels good putting an outfit together like a fashionista, and getting a compliment from teammates or the killer…
  • "Complaining about killers tunneling at 5 gens is just saying that you and your team failed to work on your objective." -- This is just a gaslight of the Survivor experience. If you were talking to someone less nuanced than I, they would tell you the same thing about Killers. "You can't be gen-rushed, you're just not good…
  • The game just needs to be balanced around spreading hooks and encouraging the fun (albeit challenging) part of the game, which is the chase. Toolboxes need to be nerfed or reworked into primarily sabotage. Gen perks on BOTH SIDES need to be removed completely from the game, other than something like Technician (haha).…
  • I don't understand where this hyperbole is coming from. Who is saying to wait for Survivors to do gens? Where are you getting this from? Your first sentence is just incorrect. That simply just does not happen. Have you played solo queue? Do you know how many times a skilled Survivor will be trapped playing with random…
  • That's an odd thing to say. You can definitely troll a Killer. Head On combo? Flashlights and sabos? T-bagging? Body-blocking doors with OTR? I think I'm missing a few more methods.
    in Tunneling Comment by buffcoyote May 2023
  • Let's say this would happen. I would TOTALLY buy Cordelia and Fiona Goode legendary skins on Mikaela since she's a witch, or Elodie as Marie Laveau.
  • I do think excessive slugging as in trolling should be stopped. Slugged Survivors should have the option to let themselves die if everyone else is either downed or hooked. Anything else I do not agree with. Slugging is fair. It's a fair way to build pressure or even end matches for Killers. Survivor mistakes should be…
  • The Survivor in me loves this idea, but the Killer in me does not. Having essentially perma-invincibility is just grounds for trolling. I can't agree with this.
    in Tunneling Comment by buffcoyote May 2023
  • 100 seconds? Are you serious? That's 3 minutes and 10 more seconds. That's boring. And then on top of that, you want to nerf toolboxes/BNPs. I agree. I can get with that. But not the 100s. No way.
    in Tunneling Comment by buffcoyote May 2023
  • It may be your NVIDIA settings. Open NVIDIA control panel, click on Manage 3D Settings. Next to Global Settings, click Program Settings next to it. Find "deadbydaylight.exe" in the drop-down. Now in the box below, find Max Frame Rate. Change it to the maximum frame rate of your PC or 120fps, it doesn't really matter. Next,…
  • How do you take the possibility of gen-rushing away from Survivors? I am genuinely curious about this. I don't know if they even can without outright pulling Gens as a game mechanic out completely. They've given killers incentives before. We seem to have this same conversation every thread. Incentives do not work if the…
  • I don't think that would solve the issue. I think buffing lower-tier killers to be faster/improve their powers would change that. Made For This is really not the threat it's being made out to be.
  • Camping and tunneling singlehandedly drove A LOT of players away from the game. Especially casual players who were trying to play it and have fun for the first time. I have about 5 friends I've tried to get into this game, and they deleted it after a few awful matches where they were tunneled and camped. They called it…
    in Tunneling Comment by buffcoyote May 2023
  • Personally, I would opt to use none of these for either role. They're just not good in my opinion. I feel like Forged in Fog and Tools of Torment were transitional chapters to begin introducing sweeping changes and reworks to DBD's gameplay. It seems like they were just put out there to prevent the game from getting stale,…
  • I agree and it's starting to get embarrassing. Some players are so bored they are creating drama by hyping up certain perks that 95% of casual players will not even be aware of, nor care about using. I think they do this to hype themselves and others up for the chapter.
  • How good are you at playing Survivor? Because there is no way you are asking for a dash ability when we literally have SB, Lithe, Smash Hit and even DH still. We just nerfed DH. I suggest you watch great loopers on YouTube because there is seriously no way anyone would think this would be a good idea.
  • I'm curious about a lot of you saying camping isn't as common. In my experience, camping happens in 3 out of 5 games whether it is proxy-camping or just straight up camping. Face-camping is rare, but the other two methods are extremely common. Tunneling happens in almost every single game. It's gotten to the point where I…
  • It’s not that deep. Calm down. You’re taking this way too personal.
  • This is setting you up for failure. Camping is about to get heavily nerfed. It will be even harder to use this tactic to win, unless it's at endgame. Do not camp and tunnel for pressure. The more wins you secure, the more your ranking will go up and you will lose against even more sweatier opponents. Play normally, take Ls…
  • You literally just said why though. It is because of the declining player base numbers. The matchmaking system will just throw you in with whoever is queueing because it doesn't want you waiting forever for a match.
  • This is just marvelous. I hope everyone gets a chance to read this. It is what Killers need to know. Camping and tunneling cripples you. It does not make you better at this game. If you want to be seen as a legend, you're going to have to struggle against more intelligent, knowledgeable survivors. This is not COD where you…
  • Deja Vu has not and will never be meta, it is still a situational information perk. If a Killer is 3-genning and somebody is running Deja Vu? Great. You still have to do those gens. The survivors will still have to strategize and coordinate as a team, which is extremely hard with solo queue teammates. They are lowering the…
  • They are valid in specific scenarios. At endgame, I'm not bothered by those tactics. I get a Killer trying to secure kills if they can. However... If you are camping/tunneling at 3-5 gens, it is wholly unnecessary. You still have a bunch of time left to apply map pressure, make wise decisions concerning which generators to…
  • Killers complained about Dead Hard. Dead Hard was nerfed several times, with the final nerf here completely rendering it a fraction of its original power. It was fair. Dead Hard's fall from grace helped killer mains a lot, and yet it still did not help to stop camping and tunneling. Big L for Survivors. Gen time was bumped…
  • It is related. I gave you a real life example of how a Killer player’s ego affected the outcome of a match. He played how he wanted, he was playing to win. He was using a toxic playstyle too. And then raged when it didn’t work. Therefore, just slapping “play how you want” does not make for a healthier game experience. It…
  • Except they do care. They really, really do. It blows my mind how one can play this game for years, even a few months consistently and say this. Everyone who plays DBD knows camping, tunneling, and 3-genning to a lesser extent have been controversial HOT topics, and both sides are fully aware that they are unhealthy and…
  • No, they’re not. *They are “entitled” to follow whatever the devs/game decides is fair to play.* I just had a Ghostface ragequit because he failed to properly camp on me on the hook at endgame, and we all got out. He got mad because he was not good at chase, got a down and decided to take the stress of failure out on me by…
  • You sound so bitter about it. That’s too bad that it’s being nerfed then. Roadmap says anti-camping. I don’t know what to tell you. It’s trolling.
  • I agree, but I also disagree if that even makes sense. It depends upon how lucky the survivor is, how skilled they are at looping/mindgaming, and if teammates are taking turns with hits/working on Gens. It also depends on the type of killer and the amount of good pallets available to use. I’ve come back from being tunneled…
  • I think their next thing should be to figure out ways to buff lower-tier killers instead of nerfing this mechanic before we even see its effects.
  • Deathslinger anyone? Nurse? Blight? Victor? Demo?
  • I have been saying this for years, and it is like a fever dream now that BHVR is actually implementing some kind of solution to camping. It is NOT a strategy. It is trolling. It might as well be considered an exploit, like infinite looping was. You are FORCING the match to grant you a high chance of an inorganic 3-4K…
  • Genrushing does not exist. I don’t care how much you want it to. If you can’t generate and control map pressure, then that’s a skill issue. Do Gen times still need work? Yes. But you can only get “genrushed” if you tunnel, or stand still and do nothing. Camping defeats the entire purpose of the game. Chase, down and hook.…
  • Why would you use this post to bring up an entirely unrelated issue? I understand that some killers have better mobility such as Spirit, but that is not the premise here. You could camp with a Trapper or a Doctor and still be just as deadly. Explain to me how camping is a legitimate strategy at 5 gens. Go.
  • That's not camping. Recently placing somebody on the hook and stopping them from being taken off within seconds is not camping, that's playing the game. Camping is intentionally refusing to leave one survivor on the hook for an extended period of time. Also, that wasn't a bubble to be burst. It's quite obvious that…
  • Where did you learn that? How can looping not be an intended feature in a game of cat-and-mouse? Looping is a part of chasing, we do it in real life in a game of tag. I think you mean infinite looping. If it was an intended feature, then it would have been announced to be officially a part of the game. However, with the…
  • What. Does. That. Have. To. Do. With. Addressing. Camping It's about balancing the game to ensure the quality of a game remains consistent and enjoyable to play for everyone to some degree. That is why the gaming industry exists, right? No one wants to play a boring game.
  • So, then your version of camping falls within the reasonable range I already clarified above. That's good. If you continue to play like this, then you are contributing to a healthier game.
  • They are designed to counter camping. Counter camping...counter camping...counter camping. So I have your consent then, OrangeBear, that camping is not an intended feature and is abusive? It is very appropriate to call it an exploit if more than two perks have to be designed to work around it. It's the same with…
  • Doing the objective in the game is not toxic. That is what survivors are supposed to do; it is the crux of their escape plan. I'm not sure what you are requesting here. Are you demanding that survivors not escape by doing Gens, stand by and let you kill them instead? On the other hand, there are no specific add-ons,…
  • One of the better killers, like I said? Lmao.
  • I don't post for usefulness. I post for me. But I very much agree with what you've said.
  • Did you read my post? I said toxic play warrants toxic play.
  • "Situationally best" would imply that you are losing, which is why I mentioned certain situations that would be efficient to camp. As I said in my post, if you need to camp then you need to improve as a killer. A 4-man SWF that knows what they are doing renders camping utterly useless. It hurts you more than it helps.
  • Welcome to the DBD forums! Plenty of these lurkers are extremely snobbish, rude and cynical. I guess their lives suck or something, but they are always looking for something to argue about. In your case, they've chosen the way you've typed your post. They'll choose something else to be annoyed about on your next post. The…
  • So you admit it then...that you didn't react nicely, but rather with attitude. That'll be all, your honor.
  • Talon, respectfully, my comments were not meant to be taken personally in any shape or form. I called them braindead because their actions in game are nonsensical, it was a harmless rant. I did not call out anyone specific, I am allowed to make these kinds of judgments based on how my teammates play. It's not like I…