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  • That's why game's win condition should be hook oriented. I have too much 7-8 hooks games, where i did absolutely fine and 100% won if tunnel someone out earlier, but i only have 0 or 1 kill instead. I'm bored from hardcore tunneling long time ago, but game tells me that i'm clearly the idiot because of that.
  • Hope it will help!
  • It's probably really hard to be good and consistent with her, if you don't know all maps layout. Firstly, really glad to read, that you try to use her power as real power and not only as trap on a pallets, so it's already good start. It's pretty much same logic to swarm and injure with birds, you place them in a way where…
  • I played as Blight with Tinkerer and 3 useless perks on this modifier. 4th tinkerer was on 2 minutes 35 seconds and 5th on 2 minutes 55 seconds. It's joke how easy this game for survivors when killer doesn't bring slowdown, so i don't blame them for hardcore tunneling or camping, it's literally the only way to win here, if…
  • Hi fellow Artist hater! Calling killer with 5th lowest kill rate "braindead" at very least illogical, but not like i care too much.
  • Still surprised how much community fell in love with Unknown because I didn't like him at all. Trying figure out what i'm missing with him for a while.
  • You obligated to run speed addons now if you want to have anti-loop. He less fun in chase, but not too much weaker than before, if you are good with bump logic. He is less fun to go against for me now as well, because in some loops he just need to play as m1 killer now without hugtech, and i loved to go against hugtechs.…
  • Probably in the same place. Pallets now are actually counter to him, but he has power way more often. I think he needs some tweaks (turning ability after scamper in dash and 130 degree flick) and he will be in a good spot.
  • Balancing THIS game around top level also isn't good imo. I mean, it's fair, but 90% will never reach this level and simple quit this game. Something slightly higher than average (and average level is also very low in this game) is fair ground i think.
  • I think it really depends on who he goes against. I don't think he as bad as Trapper or Freddy, but he is definately on weaker side. He is noob stomper as every stealth killer. But against really good survivor he almost has no power, since stealth do nothing against Discord, it's to easy to reveal him, it's not that hard…
  • Freddy has antiloop (yeah, weak, but not completely useless), some mobility and kind of stealth. Trapper has power, which requires to waste half of the match just to have it and it's still laughably easy to cancel it. Yes, basement Trapper is good, but do you really want to judge killer based on one very specific playstyle?
  • Completely agree, Trapper still a tier lower than any killer. This killer is so trash, that even Freddy looks like S tier compared to him.
  • You can't improve bad players with QoL sadly. I got second stage on hook in soloq even with kindred and killer on another side of the map several time. You can give rocket launcher to kill killer and they will explode themselves. That's why you should never balance around low level. I don't mind your suggestion, i'm just…
  • I mean, HUD already does this. You always see that survivor downed without being in chase and screaming. Sometimes you know where the killer and dude in dying state in completely different place, when he was up few seconds ago. There was not a single case that i didn't understand that player uses Plot Twist. It's just…
  • I got 3 matches in a row with No Mither teammates. Am i so lucky, or it has higher chance? Also i saw Troubleshooter way more than other perks. Probably most fun matchi had today was on Pig: Ruin, Plaything, Monitor and Overwhelming Presence. That rare case, when ruin did a great job.
  • Exactly: on average. Remove rng from it and it will become insanely broken perk for how much time it will save.
  • This perk is only balanced because of rng aspect, if you want to make it consistent, than its value should be nerfed in half.
  • I would say he is not terrible even close, but slightly overrated in terms of strength. His chase is strong, but very counterable, you will spend a lot of time on some maps like Eyrie against good survivor. If i remember correctly, some comp players put him in B tier (even with his current insane tunnel potential) and my…
  • I don't love it just because of soloq. One teammate without looping skill turns half of the map into huge deadzone just for one chase and will die in a god pallet anyway. And players like these never won't improve their skill just because of this perk. I recently saw such survivor with 3k hour in my killer match, running…
  • It's the same buff just in another way. Currently you barely make it to survivor after tp without Soma by time overclock ends. I don't personally care in what way it will be buffed, but i hope it will.
  • I suggested to make it work similiar to Wesker, based on hom many survivors are infected. 2% for 1 survivor, 3% for 2, 4% for 3 and 5% for 4. I think it will be fair middle ground. And nerf Soma to 3% after that.
  • Pretty sure they see. All these things were said by Fog Whisperers many times. By many Singu mains with some clarifications. I probably will right if i say that every second post here about Singu contains these suggestions too. So i don't believe they don't know about what community thinks and wants about Singu and Dredge.…
  • I think all these things has been said million times by a thousands of players and content creators. Same about Dredge. We just wait BHVR maybe start react on that. Both killers are amazing on a paper, but need a lot of QoL updates.
  • Nurse started to tunnel me at 3 gens. So 3 gens chase ended up on hook in the center on the map and i was so glad, that other teammates (i was in duo) were smart and it ended up 4 man out. I will never get tired of repeating: mediocre Nurses are the most fun to go against.
  • Maybe only on singu. As a survivors, who always run Botany, i don't remember other slugging killer which I didn't escape against, especially in swf. You will never win swf with slugging, unless they are too altruistic and make a lot of mistakes.
  • Sabo buff. This is a thing that should not receive even the slightest buffs in any form.
  • Don't worry, OP will create another post "Why are people surprised about killers basekit buffs? It was coming" with the same confidence probably in few months. Surely he understands pros and cons.
  • You don't even need to be at high mmr to suffer with him. When i was begginer player, i usually didn't know when to charge my chainsaw, can't use tokens properly, always miss timing for m2, bump literally into everything and was afraid of windows like fire. Now, when i'm at least not bad with Bubba, every good looper can…
    in Nerf Bubba Comment by fussy May 11
  • I did huge post with suggestions, almost no one gives a f. Anyway, devs are so slow, that i don't bother anymore, they will buff Unrelenting for 40% and we will eat it another year. Then they will remove 10 sec from Obsession. You can suggest as much as you want, but when even on a thing that pretty much all community…
  • I believe this perk should have 75%, like Singu in overclock, then cd will be understandable. Currently it barely gives you any value, especially in shack.
  • Especially keeping in mind that year ago they buffered it from the same value because "it was slightly underperforming", lol
  • I just accepted that playing killers at a high level would never feel fair and fun. There is no reason to balance game for minority, simply because it will hurt those who are in the majority. This is obviously unprofitable and illogical. Just enjoy survivors until queues will take 10-15 minutes again and BHVR will have to…
  • I really hate this hypocrisy on forum since yesterday. "Oh stacking 4 slowdown was so bad". Yeah, but SWF stacking 3-4 Styptics, syringes, adrens+resi, dh, otr+ds, toolboxes, BNP is completely fair. I don't bring 4 slowdown, but when playing against this, game literally shout at me that i'm idiot that i don't. How long…
  • They can make it as Low-Pro Chains, so you can turn a second after scamper and it will be in a very good spot imo
  • BHVR proved once again they don't understand what middle ground is. It's either too weak or stupidly strong. Perk wasn't even that bad in swf.
  • Surely you removed downsides from both Iri Blight's addons? Don't tell me that C33 now weaker than green Salt and still has downside lmao
  • It's as stupid as it is now, just in another way. Have an opportunity to save literally on every down is absurd. Just revert it on release state.
  • My first match on killer was against bully squad with 1-2k hours each. Nah, thanks. Sbmm is bad, but before wasn't better.
  • So yeah, we're back to what i said in first sentence.
  • Bruh. Changed this part, so you can understand it better.
  • Who even said I am going to pick him up? If I pick up a survivor with ds, I will no longer find the trace of the survivor I was originally running after to begin with. It is clear as 2+2 that I will slug him.
  • Are you sure you've ever played dbd at all? I'm catching up with a injured survivor and I'm about to reach him, then survivor comes running in and forces me to give a hit to him. Survivor I was chasing initially runs to a safe place, chase increases for AT LEAST another 30 seconds. In the worst case, one perk gained enough…
  • This could only be said by a person who completely does not understand how even one canceled hook can affect the game.
  • Sometimes yeah, you can say with confidence that this buddy took offering, sometimes it's just awful player which want to be carried by map / dh / styptic / adren, because he's terrible in chase. Otz's rule in action too. And at least 50% map offerings bring swf along with all most broken stuff, so i can't do anything…
  • Sad thing. I have to be sure that person trying to send me to Badham / Eyrie / Garden will get the most unpleasant match possible.
  • I love to run CoH and Botany together, but everything else on top of it will barely noticeable. It's better waste perk slots on something else tbh.