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  • Still having issues with this. I have another example. In a match against Dracula, he was running Weave Attunement, no Franklins (forgot to screenshot the rest of his build, Human Greed and thanatophobia were two others, I don't recall what the 4th was) My toolbox was dropped naturally with WA (dropped after its charge was…
  • Insane. As demonstrated by the video, a 2 person swf is ALL it takes to exploit this for <30s gen pops. Anyone who thinks a 2 person swf is "uncommon" to come by or easily countered by aura reading/teleporting is deluded. (ah yes teleporting…..tfw you're playing trapper and you crawl our of your cursed TV to get to the…
  • It's honestly… depressing. I've been dreading them ever going through with the finisher mori concept ever since the first PTB it flopped on. No other change in the game has ever gotten such nearly-unanimous, adamant pushback from the player base like this, not even some of the most major overhauls within the last few…
  • My sister and I encountered this bug in a match last night. I'll describe the scenario: I was playing Leon, brought a toolbox. Sister was Gargoyle Sable (cosmetic relevant for later video), brought a medkit. Teammates ended up being a swf of Bikini Sable, and Thalita, neither of whom brought any items. Killer was a…
  • The UI design choices of this game favoring teeny tiny text has been a gripe of mine for a long time 😐️ It's a huge accessibility issue to players with vision impairments/dyslexia/etc. 2v8 mode is the most egregious it's ever been for sure. I can barely see what's going on. I really wish, if nothing else, they would…
  • EXP bonus is the obvious choice to me, but I also think something like "10 iridescent shards bonus per survivor match", as someone said, is an even better idea. Would give players incentive to grind for cosmetics/characters they could potentially unlock. For a limited time event, I don't there's any harm in doing something…
  • I was just coming to the forum to report this exact thing lol, it's this one, right?
  • Ahahaha we exist! I never even realized we were an enigma the whole time until seeing how few people ask for an x axis invert in games like this! For so long, I thought it was the NORMAL way to play! I decided to boot up DBD in tutorial mode and sort of analyze what I think my brain is actually doing to process it. For…
  • I second this, especially with how basically ANY form of leaving the character select screen reverts the settings. It's extremely frustrating when say, I'm waiting in a queue and select a different character to bloodweb while I wait, and when I load into a lobby I want to switch to a different character, but all the…
  • timesplitters mention!!! (never played it myself but I'm familiar with it because I've done a few art commissions of a character from it ahaha) Honestly I have a hard time remembering .. I think there may have been some games in my childhood that had that setting by default? Stuff where the camera is third person because…
  • I looked through my video files and turns out I did in fact save a clip of the instance it happened in The Game. The clip is dated Jan 2, 2024. Just to back up what I said about it not being the first time I encountered the bug. 😜 In this case the bot was Jake Park, and I was playing as Ghostface.