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  • Ahhh the moments of slow vaulting over a window 3-5 times with a searching killer. The laughs, the crys. Now i'll grunt so load the killer is gunna think I'm stumble vaulting
  • My space bar thanks me
  • The new MMR should fix problems like this. SWF red ranks make even the best killers feel bad man.
  • Morty the Survivor, with a Jerry skin....WHO DOESN'T WANA HIT A JERRY Rick the killer with a portal gun, burbs after every M1
  • Times like these im happy to use my No Mither build.....doesn't come around as often as I'd hope tho.
  • Tbagging is a mind game. If there tbagging, there most likely trying to bait you into a loop. Being Toxic is a way of playing. As a killer...you just gotta be smarter =D
  • Exactly. I don’t think it’s being toxic. You’re legitimately trying to get the killer away to benefit your team. It’s the killers choice to take it as being toxic. Maybe you’re trying to bait him into a savage loop. The killer can fall for it and that choice lost him so much time. Killers need to not get frustrated and see…
  • i wish I knew to run towards a nurse when she is blinking rather than running to a window or pallet. I didn’t fight her a lot but when you find a good nurse...ouch
  • If the sur can pull it off it'll be great. Really hurts the kill esp when being stunned by a pallet waste enough time as it is. I can see a lot of surv jus trying to hard to get this perk off and dying by trying to hard. If i had a quarter for every time a sur has dropped a pallet when i just stood right out of range. I'd…
  • I player killer a lot in my streams and have ttv in my name as well. You just know when its a SWF team and I just alter my play style a little bit. I treat DBD like a mind game. I've returned to DBD after not play for a year or so and have made it up to rank 6 in a few days. SWF teams i feel tend to go for unhooks more…