F: The nurse Marry: the huntress kill: Claudette.
It doesn’t work for unrelenting.
Killers can’t have a small pp build because first they would need crutch perks of which killers have none.
You just got unlucky just leave the trial
You shouldn’t need to be told that cell won’t fit in a horror game.
So meg used to be a fast running black woman, jake used to be a redneck who was good with tools and Claudette used to be a nerdy white chick. kinda sounds like they race-swapped everyone to avoid stereotypes.
All of you saying Jason or spring trap won’t happen don’t seem to understand how behavior works. they don’t have standards both Jason and springtrap would bring them a mountain of money. If they can get them they will.
You can’t even do Tombstone tuft Anymore the games are to fast you gates will be open halfway though tier 2 every time.
Don’t feel bad, I do stand up comedy imagining stupid ######### is my literal job.
My next one was “all of the tears cried on November 4th 2016”.
Ok Karen killer main clearly it should be the combined Mary Sue abilities of Captain Marvel and Rey from StarWars.
Stupid killer main. It should obviously be a tactical nuke.
M1 tank outta do it.
It’s amazing that every chance made to the game will be abused by SWFs and BH won’t even acknowledge the problem.
Two days ago I got a hack with friends team running speed hacks, anti hook hacks, invisibility hacks and anti locker pickup hacks. they trolled me for 15 minutes then told me to kill myself.
They should look into hiring a writer an actual acclaimed wittier because that story was pointless.
What are you worried about? They don’t ban racists, sexists or even hackers. You will be fine let them report.
How do you know the current characters aren’t LGBT? Or do you just want LGBT to be the defining factor of a character? ”who’s that?” that’s meg she’s a rough an tumble, scrappy bad ass with a heart of gold. “who’s that?” Oh that Dwight, he’s a scaredy-cat who overcomes his fears to lead those he cares about to safety.…
I wish more people understood no one has a problem with LGBT characters people have a problem LgBt cHaRaCTeRs.
Netflix presents: The nurse in. “Sensual strangulations.”
Toxicity isn’t going to go anywhere people play this game to be toxic. SWFs players don’t play because they enjoy the game or even enjoy playing with their friends. They play to bully killers and flame them after. toxicity isn’t a byproduct it’s the selling point.