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  • "gen defence, which btw is SO last year" Except for the fact among the statistics published by the devs, gen regression perks are still among the top 10 perks picked. If they were so last year, they would have disappeared. I can give you an actual meta build that died. The machine gun build, unrelenting + STBFL. In their…
  • Totally agree. The old matchmaking was not perfect. Like, you had people deranking to bully newbies. Despite that, it was still more tolerable. The game difficulty was pretty varied. Sometimes I get stomped 5 games in a row and other times I get 5 easy games in a row. So, it was more palatable. However, playing the game…
  • Thanks for the reply. Just wanted to make sure. I guess some survivor players were trying to just pull a fast one on Facebook claiming it is bannable.
  • The devs themselves have admitted that it is not wise to balance the game based on data alone. There are so many factors as to why kill rates are above 50% for half the killers. You have to consider new players and players that don't master survivor that drag down the survival rate even if higher MMR players survive more.…
  • In a game that lasts on average 7 minutes? Yes. An additional 30 seconds or more does make a difference. It's a waste of time especially when it is only catering for 10% of the players that did escape after unhooking themselves.You are speaking from the point of low MMR where survivors don't last more than 10 seconds at…
  • Well, this is a different topic to what my post is about. However, the direction the developers are taking the game is towards competitive e sports. I agree this game is just a party game and should have remained that way. Regardless, the direction the company has decided to move towards is competitive play. That means…
  • 1) You can take a look at how many are agreeing on what I said vs how many are not. If you want to argue it was just me saying this and no one else. Then yes my experience is just as anecdotal as yours. However, with more people agreeing this combination needs fixing then I would say my anecdotal experience is more in line…
  • Tunnelling is a necessity because of the gen rush meta that never gets addressed. If you play fair and switch survivors, at any given time there will always be 3 survivors on gen. Whereas if you tunnel out 1 person at the start then there will only be 2 survivors on gens at any given time. That slows the game down.…
  • They have already addressed this issue when they introduced the mechanic. 90% of games end up with the last survivor in the match still dying after unhooking themselves. In other words 90% of the games were dragged on unnecessarily. Therefore, they introduced the mechanic to make matches end quicker. Now you may argue that…
  • " (really, get over Teabagging... If they are immature, be at least so mature and stand above it)" You seem to have confused being mature and not putting up with bad behaviour. Being mature means you don't do the same thing back to them. If someone does something bad to you, you don't go back and do that to them. That's…
  • Yea that lol. The days when survivors would just camp the gates.....unless you go there to give them the satisfaction of tea bagging. Now, at most they spam vault to annoy you a little but they have to get out eventually.
  • I wish killers would derank much more easily. I derank on survivor so much and it's so hard to pip. Whereas as killer...I don't get any kills and I still safety pip... The whole point of a killer is to kill....what's the point of rewarding me for not securing any kills?
  • She is definitely mid tier. Has no chase potential. Nothing to help end chases. More of an annoyance really. Like docs shock therapy inflictions. Exhaustion, blindness all that. They don't really affect you. Just make it more troublesome to do objectives. The attack itself is more like novelty. Fun for a while until you…
  • DC against freddy and Doc are the most hilarious games.... Like control your ego people.... Play the game and get better... As a killer player. I used to DC a lot from rage quits but now I don't really. I have kinda maxed out on my killers and BPs is often maxed out. So I just play a killer that I want to try and learn and…
  • If a team mate farms you? So the killer has to the pay the price for a dumb team mate? That makes sense.... If you want a multiple DS use....then gens need to take significantly longer. 3 minutes per gen at least, if not more. A 4 man team with multiple DS use...is just back to sqaure one.... DS and NOED aren't meant to be…
  • Hope it's not anything like the legion. They are pretty much solid after that. Incense burner. I don't think will have to do with his power. More like a hint at the lore of the killer. Like some ancient killer which they did mention in the stream. Guess we have to wait till next week for the reveal.
  • If you are camped....just hope your team does gens. 2 minutes is plenty of time if your team coordinates and decide to do gens while you buy time. The killer would only secure 1 kill. I mean if you are saying it's a team based game then what is the problem in you buying time for others to do gens? Isn't it selfish to say…
  • I don't get his power lol to be honest. So I can charge and get a hit on the survivor but after that I cannot hit them again with my ability or it does nothing. So I have to normal chase and hit them with a normal hit, if I want to down them? I don't quite understand how is that a good ability or I just don't know how to…
  • Then you just reply to them. Haha git gud beeeetch.
  • Yea the bleed out timer is wack. Like I get you want people to not be tunneled down and have a chance to play the game but that totally removes the killer's momentum. Especially with BT being of infinite use. Which essentially forces the killer to go after another survivor and in a game with usually 1 to 2 gens done before…
  • Survivor tier list? LOL! Aren't they all the same, they have no special abilities specific to each. Just which character you choose to get all the perks on lol. If you mean by base perks. Then sure but doesn't matter does it? ;) They are all the same in the end.
  • Toxic players? I don't know about toxic killers. I only tunnel down survivors that BM. Other wise I play a normal game. I already maxed out everything. So it's more of just having fun at this point but if I ever do tunnel to ruin a game for someone, it's for people that BM in game.
  • I was going to list the changes for you. Yea more like you don't have any to list. Go. Cling onto a disillusioned rant from January. The devs should see exactly who they are pandering to and how much they actually get from it. Probably they should be listening to people who are spending more time playing their game than…
  • So as a killer I must burn an entire perk slot to counter an in built game mechanic that is looping to help survivors survive? Sounds pretty balanced really. An entire perk slow to counter a game mechanic. How about just fix the game mechanic I.e the map design. Instead of forcing a meta perk? That you will have eventually…
  • The average rate is 2? So that means 2 people survive and 2 die.. How are you quoting a statistic that supports what I said? A plethora of nerfs to survivor? Care to list them down? Cuz the biggest one was removing the vaccum of pallets which is something both sides loved. "Survivors make mistakes. Survivors are overly…
  • Tunneling takes no skill? Yea just like looping. Going in circles for 4 times and dropping a pallet and moving to next loop spot is braindead too but survivors defend it with their lives because what other way do you have to survive? Similarly tunneling down the one you already hooked is a guaranteed kill...it's braindead…
  • Uh buddy that's what a balanced game looks like. If you are not camping a balanced out game gives 2 kills on average. Getting 3 or 4 kills often involves survivors doing mistakes on their part. The control of the game winning or losing is predominantly in the survivor's hands. Since all killers are susceptible to loops…
  • Then what about legit players that do go to patrol and hunt others? In a realistic game. You get about 2 kills and the second kill is usually the last unlucky player when gates are open. So with BT basically being infinite use and infinite timer. I am going to get punished for also playing a normal game. Given it's a meta…
  • Well people just tested it out and guess I am wrong on this. Rancor does work. You can see the silouhette. So bitter and rancor are fine. BBQ is affected and any aura see through is affected like myers see through wall is affected.
  • So you are telling the red pop up silouhette of survivors is not an aura? Then what is it? it's red I can see it. If you want the difference between and alert and an Aura. An alert is you vaulting or jumping into a locker fast. That loud sound is an alert and you don't see any body silhouette of the survivor. Like spies on…
  • Lol without even playing the game you are complaining that's fresh isn't it lol. Breakdown is useless? A hook breaking down for 3 minutes each time the killer decides not to camp and let them play the game? That perk is useless really? Uh not ######### I will camp you if letting you go minus points from me and gives me a…
  • And that lighing up is an Aura. Ok put it simple Aura is basically survivors lighting up or glowing in any shape or form. What is not an Aura is if you are actually looking at them or if it's a sound alert. Like quick and quiet stopping locker and vault sounds. So yea rancor is definitely getting affected by the perk.…
  • Um. What? I don't get it. How will the killer have less reason to camp now? Isn't it more reason? If I don't see anyone with BBQ then I do not know where the others are and it's a waste of my time to go patrol about than to just camp and wait for them to come to me. Like how things were before BBQ. With BBQ I don't camp…
  • @Master member Well, yea...if no one glows when BBQ goes off the entire team has it lol. BBQ basically being useless for 3 hooks. @Racoon member Yea like kinda sucks that for me to protect my hooks. I either have to burn one perk slow for hangman or camp the ######### out of that person so I still have hooks left to use.
  • Well Aura is basically any perk that makes the survivor glow. So yea Rancor will be affected too. A hook breaking after a survivor gets rescued from it for 3 minutes? How is that not strong lol. Yea I agree people need to test it but some things you can tell it's broken from the description alone. The other perks are…
  • The meta survivor perks are gonna stay. Even when BT got it's "nerf" it just got stronger since it's a never ending second chance for the hooked survivor. Even with the Aura nerf to BBQ, it still manageable but holy cow...breakdown? Hooks getting broke each time I hook someone? Assuming I don't camp the ######### out of…
  • With BBQ being the meta as it is. That is basically 3 hooks or 3 gens if you want to include rancor and bitter murmur. At least with BBQ ok , I still get BPs out of it. With Rancor and bitter. Their main purpose is to locate the survivors. So it's a huge nerf to them. Especially bitter. It's just 3 gens going off and the…
  • The killer perks are not that great to be honest. But the survivor perks. Holy fking #########.. Breakdown? So they made an instant sabotage that punishes the killer for letting survivors escape? #########? So am I forced to bring along hangman's trick just to counter that? ######### on earth? Then distortion? So basically…
  • I don't think he will different personalities to switch to. If it is the case. Then there will definitely be that one meta personality that everyone will go to use and that will get nerfed and then he becomes useless. I have feeling he will be similar to myers. As in his personalities are different tiers with stronger…
  • That is not chill? Lol. ok.
  • What? Doctor is at D? Really? I dominate games with the doctor. He is my main. He isn't the best for sure but in terms of easiest to use and still getting the job done. He is definitely in the middle. Wraith in C is just stupid...even with his buff....he is just slightly better than freddy..... Trapper and cannibal in B?…
  • Because it's a hex perk and if the guy is camping one guy as bait. You can easily cleanse the hex away... You couldn't do that with the original version of NOED and you had to ditch the guy getting camped or you are guaranteed dead. Surprising you said every limp dick loser who can't play easily....then what is DS? Loop…
  • The reason all levels have a one shot...is because it's a hex perk...and with how ######### hex totem spawns are....the free hit given is justified. Also it forces survivors not to drag the game. You open the gate, you get out. In so many games I see survivors hogging at the gate waiting for me to drop by for them to…