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  • funny thing is, i lost almost all of my games yesterday as survivor, and more than two people per match didn't make it out. Some of the killers were prrtty damn good, some of them really bad considering most of them were red/purple, but to be honest i haven't touched dbd for about two weeks and before that i wasn't playing…
  • kicking starts regressing tapping sets it to "neutral" sitting on it makes it progress Saying it's unfair that tapping leads to "neutral"state is, i'd say, the same thing as saying: killers just kicking it once and not staying by it to regress it like survivors have to, to progress, is unfair. Well overall this is quite…
    in Gen tapping Comment by kiku August 2020
  • ikr, it should be just a one tap, it doesn't even make sense to hold the lever lmao
  • Honestly this game was fine before the endgame collapse, if it wasn't for the people who'd wait at the exit gate till the killer showed up. And sometimes it ######### the "unhooking mission" too, when they have to tap the 99d exit gate. And considering you can just start the endgame collapse yourself i think it's fair.
  • I mean... if you're not interested in improving your skill, you should be fine with just playing this game as you are now - try and catch one survivor, stand in front of him, repeat. But since you had to get it off of your chest i'm guessing you're not completely fine with it, and even tho you say you do have fun knowing…
  • Yup, on the other side you have campers and tunnelers. This game would get like ten times better if the toxic people just left. Sadly, it'd also be dead.
  • And yet killers get so many bp and survivors usually under 20k :/ disagree
  • Exactly! I use these every time i don't run a fun/meme build... so basically never, but absolutely agree.
  • So i guess most people are gonna disagree, but I think Camaraderie isn't an Oof perk. But that's probably just because I play mostly solo, and usually get left on a hook and when one person finally realises no one's coming for me, then before he could unhook me I'm dead. And I use kindred. Like seriously, i like this perk…
  • it might be cuz of Otz's stream when he went against swf with one ooo in the team, there was this loong discussion about this perk being toxic, so some people probably run it on purpose to be toxic, now that it was mentioned at stream.