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  • Exactly. They're making it unplayable. I've had survivors teleporting, I've had hits failing to even register. Like I click but the killer doesn't swing his weapon. I've lost matches because of these servers. Honestly they have to remove those servers and properly fix them before implementing them into the game, because…
  • These servers are complete trash. For the love of God if you really have to test them, put them on the PTB. These servers have ruined the Halloween event and are ruining every single match I've played ever since they went live. I can't take this anymore. Please disable them quickly. The sooner the better.
  • I know right? The lag is really annoying and it just ruins the game for everyone. I have been forcefully disconnected too from matches and depipped because of it. I have taken 10 whole seconds just to finish the damn hooking animation. This is so insane it's not even funny. Devs, you better take action. I am tired of this.…
  • in one of their recent streams the devs said they are aware of the issues but will keep the servers live anyway, because who cares about the players right? if they really wanna test the dedicated servers then they should do it on the PTB. seriously this is a worldwide problem and these devs just dont listen.
  • I'm just saying that head on seems to be more of a David perk than a Jane one. Because it makes more sense for a tall muscular guy can ram and stun the killer instead of a thicc latina.
  • I love this idea for the legion. However for deep wound I think it would be a drag to have to rework an entire status effect. Instead I think the deep wound should last like 20 or so seconds and should still drain even during a chase, but not as fast. And to counter spamming, hitting the survivor twice with FF will cause…
  • Oh that's great news. I hope they make legion better. Finally some good news for a change. I missed the fast running and the stab stab repeat stuff. I wouldn't mind a balanced version of that. His power right now is like the spirit in terms of recharge time. Hopefully they'll fix that.
  • Well you can twist and turn it all you want, but the reworks all in all were double edged swords. They should at the very least compensate those who were left unsatisfied. And frankly I doubt a little water will make me appreciate the trash legion has become.
  • You're absolutely right. It sucks that they had to rework the characters and change what made them feel special. I bought legion because I liked the way he played, the way he feels. I know they mention in their agreements stuff about changing the characters and all that, but that is still a low blow nonetheless. In my…
  • Well goddamn. So then that's the end of it for legion and Freddy huh. They could have at least done a better job at reworking legion instead of completely changing what made him special. As for Freddy, looks like my pull in dream days are over. I'll say this though, this right here is not a pretty good job so far :(
  • Patching and changing is one thing, completely reworking is another. And if that's the case, then I want a refund. They at least owe me that much.
  • Here comes the Trapper, you better watch out for his traps! On a serious note, I believe they should at least give the licensed killers unique music.
  • Sounds cool, like maybe it can have a different animation than the Mori, and would result in like a temporary debuff or something. On a side note I think it would be funny if the DBD survivors went against a deathgarden hunter. I can imagine them teabagging and flashlighting the ######### out of him.
  • Predator fits more in call of duty or Mortal Kombat if you ask me. He's too OP for regular human survivors.
  • That's kinda why I'm posting on the wishlist subforum.
  • Oh, and if we can also get legacy cosmetics for the newer killers and survivors too, that would be perfect.
  • this should totally happen. or if we can get richard trager instead of chris walker since he has a weapon and would fit in better.
  • But reboot Myers was around 6'8, whereas the killers are over 7 feet. And I'mpretty sure the Myers in the game is based on Halloween 1, I mean look at Laurie's clothes. Unless maybe the devs decided to put a sort of original version of Myers. Still, this doesn't explain the massive size of a lot of the killers.
  • And shouldn't bill be able to handle more punishment? The stuff he got hit with in left 4 dead makes dead by daylight look like nothing.
  • Yeah but I'm talking lore wise. I mean it's completely out of character for bill to run seeing as he died running TOWARDS a giant mutated zombie in left 4 dead. I just feel like there is something missing. If pallets falling on the killers heads hurt them, then a swift kick to the balls or a clean shot on the jaw should be…
  • Wait so on stream they said survivors cant fight back but this doesn't explain Jane Romero's perk where she literally charges on the killer and stuns them. This means that all the survivors should be able to lay the smackdown on the killer. I still can't wrap my head around the idea that a highschool kid wearing a mask is…
  • Save The Best For Last: You become obsessed with one Survivor. Successful and unsuccessful attack cool downs are reduced by 30/40/50%. Attacking your obsession will remove your cool down bonus for 300 seconds and when your obsession dies, you will permanently lose the bonus cool downs. This looks perfect, but if the 300…
  • What would fix this perk is if they make it that if you hook someone or hit the obsession you lose a token or 2. This would make it better than the way it is now. It's really inconvenient to have this perk right now since even if you miss the attack you lose a token which just sucks, making it practically useless.
  • Fair enough
  • If they are so young how are they able to lift grown ass men with one arm? Is it because the entity boosts their strength or are they power lifters?
  • He didn't moan when she stabbed his eye, he was making those weird moaning sounds before she even stabbed him. It was sort of like he was frustrated he couldn't reach her or something. If you watch the scene it shows he didn't moan to her stabbing his eye or his chest with that knife. Hell even when the doctor shows up and…
  • What bugs me about The Shape is one thing: Why does he groan when he gets hit? Never once in the entire Halloween series has Michael Myers ever groaned in pain. He always took the hits like a champ. Gunshots, stabs, getting run over, falling off balconies. Anything you threw at him he tanked like a beast. But somehow in…
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