Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • BHVR is trying to kill this game slowly….from both sides
  • Balance for whom and where???? Those changes shifted the kill rate significantly imo to Killer favor. And aint no way a game made where a Killer can phase across a map and knock you down is balance ever claimed to be considered top priority. It’s a 4v1 game so there is no balance, the scales tip slowly as the game…
  • All of those changes def impacted survivor tactics to Survive. They affected the ability to be more aggressive during matches and attempt to bait Killer away from the one survivor they are tunneling. They impacted chase, distance gained/earned, times spent in chase, etc. The nerfs to DS and OTR can carry Killer to an easy…
  • Im not going back and forth on what changes you think are fair. The point is all of those changes have impacted how Survivors are able to play the game and ultimately impact escape chances. There is nothing worse then playing a game a certain way then having to change how you’d handle a situation because the…
  • And they have also done this to Survivors: Changed iri syringe to 16 second heal and no longer instant. Nerfed toolboxes so that you only get 2-3 hooks to sabo each match. Sabo hooks take less time to respawn so less pressure on Killer from sabo hooks. Nerf second chance perks DS & DH. Nerf DS and OTR so they don’t work in…
  • Not all the pallets are good pallets tho. Some are useless so there is that…but Gideon’s rework made it much nicer to play as a survivor
  • How many pallets are you talking about? A good chase you can burn thru 2-3 pallets depending on how well you loop and mind game. Id say Windows only because my resource is somewhat infinite where as a pallet is limited resource and it’s just a matter of time before none are left on the map.
  • But you have to be cursed to get back up as it currently as it stands. And you only have the Endurance effect for 8 seconds max. That isn’t even enough time to get out of a Dead Zone for most M2 killer or M1 with high mobility. I don’t see it as being OP not do I think survivors are just going to stack a bunch of “get…
  • Devs have been getting rid of survivor strategies for years! Now the tables are turning and it’s a problem…smh
  • I have no issue with Killers losing a “tactic” to Kill. Honestly survivors have had their “tactics” nerfed to the ground for the last 2-3 years to survive. Toolboxes are basically useless unless you bring a BNP. And you better be great at hitting them small skill checks or you basically wasted your part. Sabotaged hooks…
  • Yall acting like Sabo builds are popular, falling under a pallet is super common, etc. All of these things are very situational and will take the Killer getting the right hit in the right place with the right group of survivors. This just gives survivors a desperately needed tool in their survivor kit. Most Killer mains…
  • I don’t see near enough Toolboxes being taken into matches for hook sabotaging. That’s like an ancient practice (unless amongst a well coordinated SWF team). Now on the chance you are being body blocked to hook or survivors are taking aggro on preventing hooks I’d say again situational (probably mostly against SWFs) and as…
  • I don’t like any changes that force a survivor or Killer to do only one thing and not have the autonomy to play only one way. That is what I’m getting from the anti-slug and auto Mori changes. DBD is only as fun as the options you have to kill as Killer and survive as survivor. Game needs less play interference if you ask…
  • I guess my answer is don’t slug and the basekit unbreakable would be doing exactly what it intended to do. There’s no reason to keep multiple survivor on the ground to bleed out when you can easily just place them on hook. Now if survivors are taking aggro maybe the recover timer should move slower. That way you can’t be…
  • Soul Guard is very situational and you would need to bring a Hex totem. Again situational perks which once pallets are used up become less and less meaningful.
  • How does any killer know if a single survivor has been hiding the whole game? You can’t be everywhere at once. The survive could be really good at safe unhooks, splitting time between gens and hiding, and running several perks or bringing items to keep them far away from the Killer. If you are stealth mode the whole match…
  • Killers will never be scary for me. I don’t scared in DBD. Too many hours played , plus killers play relatively the same way each match (camp/tunnel, slugging, etc), there is little to no suspense or terror in matches because as a survivor this game is designed for my failure. Terror makes me jumpy…the closest thing I get…
  • As a baby killer I too am faced with these SWFs that are challenging. I wait for an opportunity and try to capitalize off their mistakes of being so bold and brash. I once went against two identical Steve’s running the flash light perk Residual Effect. They’d bait me in a chase gl down by a locker and the other would…
  • Wow this feature is new to me as I play on console. I was wondering what was going on w my matches because I have cross play enabled. It’s really unfair that PC players have some features surrounding the game that console will never be able to have.
  • • Plagues vomit lasts way too long on gens. • Sudako shouldn’t be able to spam her birds way across the map to the furthest gens. Needs a range limit •Bubba should have been reworked. As it stands his chainsaw is too OP when face camping. Chainsaw should stop after hitting a survivors or object in the environment. •Billy…
  • How did y’all avoid chain hunt and him teleporting to you while doing it? I know it’s possible but for a whole hour? Gosh
  • You were being proxy camped so it’s not really the survivors fault for not rescuing you. BUT they should have been on gens!!!!
  • I can already hear the toxicity coming thru the speaker….people would be yelling at the Claudette self-caring in the corner… but comma are a usual feature in most multiplayer games so I’m ok with it.
  • I def had more fun w old hatch key and mori. And secondly bringing back old hatch/key doesn’t necessarily require to bring back old mori. Devs can do one without the other. As it stands a 3v1 with 5-4 gens left to complete means killer has already won. This game needs more balance mid-game in determining outcome of the…
  • I have played this game for 4 years. This game is a shell from what it used to be. Not in an absolute bad way. I understand some things needed to change (BNP and pre-sabo hooks, map reworks) but I feel like survivor tools to actually survive have been whittled down to bare bones. It’s difficult to take defense as a…
  • I have played as Huntress and considering that filter isn’t readily available across all platforms I’d consider it an exploit.
  • So you want to cheat? Just practice and follow scratch marks.
  • I can’t see any Killer complaining about Haddonfield as it sits right now. Especially coming from the layout of Old Haddonfield.
  • I’ve seen Bond used to run Killer to a survivor on a progressing gen to try and get Killer out of the chase. Let’s not act like Bond is always used to help the objective. Sometimes it’s used to help that one survivor. If you want to escape you play the game as a team: Safe unhooks Healing w/o missing skill checks Do gens…
  • So essentially you want to make the Boon less problematic based on where it’s placed on the map. Even tho where it’s placed can continually change as long as there is a dull totem. This will essentially drive down the pressure for the Killer to look for said totem and keep their focus on chases, hooking, and gen pressure.…
  • You are on to something here. If hook stages took longer then this would give more time for a safe rescue and prevent Killers from hard camping a hook.
  • Honestly I could care less about MMR. I see it as an imaginary system that doesn’t really have much impact on matchmaking. Matchmaking is a mess in of itself and you can never guess the behavior of your teammates or killer in game. The Killer that camped and tunneled last game could farm and be friendly the next. The…
  • I’d say in this scenario doing 4 gens really fast won’t happen in the current game setting especially with the buff to regression perks AND if it did happen that 4 team SWF obviously outplayed the Killer to get 4 gens done in a short amount of time and more than likely would get a the last gen done so Hatch wouldn’t really…
  • Old hatch never spawned with 4 survivors in the game unless ALL gens were done. If it spawned with 2 gens left at least 1 survivor was dead already. You’d at least get a kill. And I don’t like it when a survivor is dead with only 1 gen being done because 1 survivor spent the time looking for a totem and setting boon and…
  • I understand the concept of a 3 gen and it’s a strategy that Killers can use to help them win. It doesn’t always work but can work when used effectively. A 3v1 early in a game w 5 gens to be done has historically favored the killer with no counter. The Killer makes that choice to tip the balance in their favor for a 3v1. A…
  • Old hatch and key would implement a new option for survivors stuck in a 3v1 gameplay other then just doing gens. It would give some incentive to continue to play reasonably to get enough gens done to at least get hatch to spawn and give the killer another point of pressure. Once the game gets down to 3v1 it stalls on the…
  • You mention one scenario. You already have survivors urban around the map not doing gens and hiding in lockers. A key isn’t going to change that aspect of toxicity. I’m just providing one option for games that are 3v1 from the first 3 min of game play maybe less if the person kills themselves or DC’s. Survivors stuck in a…
  • Last time I checked with old hatch and key you had to complete 3 gens in order for hatch to spawn w 2 survivors alive or do all or 2 gens with 1 survivor left alive. Doing gens is apart of the survivors objective and you had to earn the hatch to spawn by doing gens and participating in the game. Again my beef isn’t with…
  • And just because the Key Holder got tunneled out doesn’t mean the key left. Many of times survivors could poach a key and use it to escape at 2-3 gens remaining on map. Killers are going to face camp and tunnel period that’s a game mechanic. However it shouldn’t be without a threat of others escaping due to luck and…
  • With the way the current setup survivors are not guaranteed 2 or 3 hooks which makes Moris a mute issue for me. Face camping means you literally don’t get off your first hook ever. Moris do not need to be buffed because killers have had many perks and movement buff. Along with plenty of survivor perks being nerfed.
  • Yes good and healthy when D strike and Dead Hard were actually worth carrying. Back when pallets and missed hits gave the survivor back some time. Now both of those perks aren’t worth bringing anymore and the survivors don’t have nearly the same amount of time in chase even with good looping and mind gaming. I say the game…
  • They can’t balance the game around individual killers or their add one (hello nurse). Bringing back the old hatch and key would be a punishment for face camping at gen 5. As the game stands killers have stated repeatedly their game gets easier when they wheedle down the survivors to 3 v1. Survivors need more than “just do…
  • Make Your Choice BBQ & Chili Pop Pain Resonance (even without it) were all good incentives to leave hook and apply gen pressure and get downs. Camping has always been a part of the game and will always be. I’m just saying old hatch and key made killers have consequences that were tangible for doing it at 5 gens bc they…
  • Aaahhh yes the good old days (sarcasm). I get the sentiment of only getting 1K. Hear me out tho….now with having to do all 5 gens killers are now guaranteed at least a 2K if they are face camping at the very start of the match. I doesn’t even matter about the face camping I’m just saying what’s good for the goose should be…
  • It’s not even frustrating I just want other escape routes for whomever remains in the trial. If you want to face camp fine but don’t be mad when everyone slides out the match via hatch. Killers and survivors all have consequences to their actions. I think the devs taking away the hatch spawn and nerfing keys took away…
  • And this is exactly what killers do when you camp on first hook w 5 gens needing to be done. At least with 2 or 1 gen left the killer was able to hook and kill 1 to 3 survivors and actually got to play a game. Getting face camped before you touch a gen is literally not even getting a chance to play the match. Key and…
  • Why even have brown anything available? I wish I could cash in my unused offerings and items/add-one. And just getting half BP back would give me an easy 2mil blood points.
  • I keep an ongoing list of sandbagging survivors in my phone. I just type in the name and if anything pops up I leave the lobby. It’s sad but I’ve been burned too many times. I’d like to see something put in place to at least make those who sandbag unmatchable if all teammates agree they threw the game for the killer.…
  • As the game progresses the areas to which survivors will be gets smaller and your chances increase on finding survivors. Its not that hard
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