I dont get why people think BHVR is gonna ever put a IRL serial killer and profit from it. Thats kinda insensitive.
What if legacy returns as a reward for rank? For example each rank reset you get points, the higher the rank, the most points you get until you have enough points to buy a legacy cosmetic piece. For that ranks have to be reworked to be meaningful.
Feedback: Her model is accurately far better from Quentin and Laurie. The only changes I'd suggest are make her eyes alittle small and less open and make her jacket's pockets stuffed. The folks that are saying she is Quentin equivalent version are just overreacting. I am impressed they hit close to her original look, if…
I believe it was stated Konami lost the source code of SH3 plus its asets. I do think they could've made her eyes alittle small and make her jacket's pokets stick out more.
I'd rather give more BP to survivors.
I think he is fine where he is.
Its not really an offering that guarantees free wiggle escape. It's power comes with the killer and hook distance, giving someone enough time to sabotage, or when you are picked up and the hooks near you are already used and theres no available hook near you. Petrified Oak benefits from big maps the most.
I don't really get the reason of that decision as well. Maybe to make the addons get lost equally like killers addons? But playing survivor already gives far less BP than playing killer.
Maybe make him burp or something to create a gas surrounding him, and maybe cut down his bottle preparation to not take a century or give him normal walk speed while preparing them.
They definitely need to look at his TR also I am also back pedaling on the suggested hook break stun, I suggested it a small 1.5 sec stun but not the same way he gets stunned if a survivor breaks the hook, Its just that the interaction with his hook unbreak and noed making it kinda OP, but its just noed and can be taken…
The tactics you've come up with to get an survivor or catch them in an error. Also the vast options of perk builds that doesn't boil up to only using 8 perks
Count my statement as blanket as you want. You gave me advice, I gave you realistic view of the advices you gave me. Then you escorted to be toxic 'youre just a yellow rank' then you cried wolf i was toxic to you when i called you out. Maybe you should play as survivor more.
Oh boy, not gonna even bother with this one. Have a great day.
Love it when people escort to "you're just a yellow rank", usually they admit defeat when their mouth gets shut. Also Im not gonna sit here and argue with someone who's probably trolling or entirely delusional. ☺️
He definelty needs a very suble tuning but not at the point like when they made Oni trash.
Its just an idication to know whenever or not he is chasing someone, same way you can hear an survivor scream while being in chase with Doc.
You just listed a ways to counter and lets look at the scenarios you've listed from a realistic perspective! Freddy puts you in dream state if he hits you and its gg if he trapped a loop, can't be awaken while in chase. Iron Will is the only perk that counters Spirit but if shes smart enough she will not give you a chance…
Why is bodyblocking a hooked survivor considered 'bullying'? Thats one of the ways to defend an hooked survivor. Also it wound't really matter if you hear an overmap scream and you are far away from and slingshot survivor.
I had moments when the killer accused me of being in SWF. When some killer's games doesn't go well for them, they always boil down to 'I got outplayed by SWF' when thats not always the case. Players that are soloq and are overly alturisting and look over their teammates exist as well.
Love it when people discard my opinin as 'one sided' when they don't agree with it, easiest way to counter argument nowadays I guess. I played enough games with him without M&A and had survivors complain about not being able to read where I was comming from. Why do you think an simple survivor scream that can be heard…
Nurse, Freddy and Spirit are indeed very easy to be looped and mindgamed /s
6 of them can be looped and mindgamed while the others aren't offering that much of an counterplay.
Not a bait, don't bother spamming 'bait' on discussions you disagree with if you don't want to contribute in the discussion.
My break hook stun is to prevent the one shot from noed he can do. Also his tr needs to be bigger or fixed because it keeps cutting off and you can't really indicate if hes near you or not, its messed up.
Nurses calling is definetly a really good perk to run on him just like how infectius fright is good on oni.
The delusion makes me crack up lol. Freddy definetly needs to be looked at.
Personaly, if they slightly shrunk the hitboxes, it would kinda fix the issues. I think the size of the hitboxes are also contributing factor of getting questionable hit.
He's not really a mobile killer so his stun power is kinda compensating it. It's just that some of his addon combos makes it almost impossible to pre-vault or drop a pallete. He's not overpowered.
Don't think such a buff will dramatically overbuff survivors who run it and they wont become invincible.
I want her spaghetti hair physics back. Its so much fun looking at it.
Again, I don't think it will be unbalanced and you wouldn't be totally aura immune if its done right.
And thats why it should be rechargable, there are so many aura reading perks, yet it wastes tokens on perks that aren't that benefitial of you knowing they exist like Deerstalker or Territorial Imperative
For an information perk that barely lasts to tell you what the killer is running, it sure is not that useful.
I don't see problem with that. Sitting on a locker to counter BBQ contributing nothing to the team is a time waste and not every survivor is hiding from it anyway. It will be great counter to nurse's calling too. Also most of the time its not a great idea to camp near the killer's tr just so you can recharge tokens.
DS and BT wouldn't be mandatory if the game's design didn't allowed camping and tunneling.
you can see how much the hitbox is quite expanding beyond poor Dwight's back.
Just pressure gens and other survivors while you are slugging.
I agree it should have a cooldown if they allow BT to counter stealth killers.
Insidious should not counter Kindred with already how limited communication it is between soloq players. Why should it be like that?
Yeah tell that to soloq players who also probably should look for totems as well to avoid noed while someone is getting stealthcamped.
Technically is there aim assist when you try to attack someone as a killer? Why does your aim move towards the survivor when you hit M1?
Its okay, I suggested the basement because I think they could use alittle more presence for killers.
Good for you, feel free :D
I was talking about killers -_-
Then why does it make sense for them to be hanged on hooks?
Why shouldn't they? Just hang them on the walls or the hooks. Agreed, some cosmetics that are long even hides them.
Also I forgot to add something, charms are barely noticeable on survivors, it would be cool if they were made more noticeable and be shown on survivors like a badge.
I think the ruin nerf is to make the game more appealing to new players, and to make space for something the devs are preparing for killers.