It is a killer perk. Having a effect that cant really been use in game is the design.
If my memory is not wrong. I remember that they said the game have it's own sever now, it is not a P2P connection anymore, so if anyone have a bad ping it will only effect themself (in your case ,it should only effect killer). So maybe? you just really get hit ,really don't land the stun or maybe you have a bad ping either?
no. killer are not allowed have good perk.
His ability is giving you an extra health bar and a shorter range than lunge atk until tier3 and you are still complain? WOW.
Easy. killer:exploit survivor:tech
trapper. It just feel so random and don't know how to get better next time.
MMR change had changed lot of time, so i don't really sure about it. But if my memory wasn't wrong, MMR will pick the highest one in the swf to do the MMR work, maybe you and your friends have a large skill gap?
WOW what's next? killer should required a perk for lunge atk?
Why no? it is a survivor buff!!
So…. it showed that a trapper can get average 3 kill by average caught lower than 2 time by trap? IDK……seems like it is not about trapper but the skill gap between this killer and those who faced him.
They just need a better MMR for this. They can't really make survivor mode to be so easy that a new survivor can have 50%win rate with 1000hr killer, otherwise killer would be too hard to play with the same level playe……r….? wait…… isn't it just what happen right now?
Yeah i agree, and it is same for killer to feel annoying either, because game is almost = end when a survivor kill itself in early game.
i mean…. let's change the view. If you are a survivor. Would you feel mad if killer dc with hopelessness when you guys complete 4 gens with killer only got 1-2 hooks? Would you feel mad if killer dc with hopelessness when you guys break the hex in first 10 secs of the match? Would you feel mad if killer dc with…
Have any videos to show us? I am really curious what it looks like.
Because killer don't have tech only bug.
surge only hit 8%/gens. Even if it hit 3gens (24%) it is still weaker than other meta gen perk in that moment. And most of the time it only hit 1 gen sometime 2. And because the survivor usually will want to loop the killer away from the working gen so teammate can do the gen ⇒ your surge won't hit the target gen you want.…
I don't know where the "Surge is a really good perk" come from. But before the day, the day when killer still have the choice to choose perk. Surge was a garbage perk that no one want to use. But after patch after patch, not sure the fourth or fifth patch that nerfing killer's perk. killer literally have no perk to use…
but what make me don't understand is that isn't true. Data just show you that offend killer will cause player drop again and again. But BE doesn't care at all. Every time when player grow enough they will start to nerf killer and only when player base drop to a unhealth number they will then force to buff some killer. WHY?
remind me the time that even surge could become meta. Pathetic.
Don't judge too quick. Most of the people may have not even play against her before , left some time for them to learn how to play against first.
Make him totally invisible until survivors totally In dreaming.
Killer try hard at the start, because it's the roughest stage of the game for Killer. Killer spare the last one because Killer is already satisfied, and sometimes want to share the happy moments.
Nope IIf You really like her play style. Bing bong boy will be a better choice in most of the way.
Then idk Try playing killer ?
"is that in order for survivors to win, all 4 of the survivors need to be trying to win. " What?
Why does it not exist? Because there are no killer rule book? Then why should killer need to be called tunnel if they want to focus on one object before doing another one? They just the same. The only difference is killer would be blamed if they try to do it in a efficiency way.
He knew very well. And according to the patch note ,he is very right.
Make his basic movements speed faster during the overdrive might could help the problem.
Just like killer have 4 survivors. You have 7 Gens which is even more than 4. You might say "why should I Leave the unfinished gen I am working on to do the other? It doesn't make any sense " Yeah exactly, why should I leave?
50-60 sec is not good? Do you know that even if survivor only run forward it would still takes the killer 40sec to catch up a 24m(gain by injured speed boost) distance? How poor should the survivors play to make the 50-60 sec chase is "not good" for killer ?
No. killer tunnel because it is meta,as same as why you as a survivors would want to tunnel gen. oh sorry I forget you don't, you only do gen after your teammate died.
And I guess that is the reason you're in a rank that tunnel is a problem.
You mean the build in BT? Or the build in self unhook?
Not surprised at all Before the nerf she is already a weak killer. She is now a MM who can't get to teir 3
But it just truth ,if you go to see the patch note date and the player count. Every time a killer buff, killer rework ,new killer, new events update the number go up. And every time a killer nerf update the number went down,remember last year we had 3 big update nerfing killer back to back and the player number reached the…
TBF If you look at the player base carefully. Everytime a killer buff news is released,the player count will go higher and everytime a killer nerf news is released, the number will go down. If they really care about the player count, they should keep buffing killer. But we can see the road map went to a totally different…
Less than 20% of players think killer is more interesting than survivor. Due to this,I think it is survivor side.
What?no. Gen defense build will only lead you to 3 gens situations = lose.
Who care, let's ner... i mean change 3 gen, stbfl, UW next year.
Probably would just stay like this. Too many killer perks are garbage, don't really see why this one would be changed.
In my experience, killer 's BP usually = avg of 4 survivor's BP. Unless it is something like a 4 kills or 4 escape game.
You know what? You are actually right. And that is how amazing that something like twin chapter and Xenomorph chapter could still happen. How could you ######### up both of them at the same time?
It matter because it made killer can't lose any gen anymore => if killer leave one gen more than 44 secs (time required to complete a gen by 2 player) killer could lose => killer can't really chasing => no risk to do gen => easy win.
But whatever . who care about that when we can just ask for nerf
If then, killer has to give up 4 gens to set up. Which mean 4 gens no hook. So survivor could easily do the last gen if they spread. Because killer can't really chasing in that moment, just spread,do the gen , leave when killer comes ,back when killer leave. If there is one can't really do anything,it is killer.
You mean 3 gens? Survivor no need to learn that. All they need is asking BE nerf it. Just like everything else.
Of course, it should not even went out from ptb like it was. All of my friends including me decide not return the game before MFT getting changed. It is way tooo Op that even old MOM can't compair with it.
I think perk should having a cost system. Like a perk cost 1~5 point, people can bring more than 4 perk if the total cost is not more than 12. So perk will be more easier to be balanced. Or if it is too difficult to coding, just make it that people can still only bring 4 perks. But match making system depends on the total…
So in this case, the only one who will feel the lagging is the vpn killer not the other players.
Uhhh maybe you are the one who had the bad ping? If my memory isn't wrong,all player are connected to official server. So if you feeling the delay,it would be only because of yourself.